Parallel Paradise Chapter 12

Looks like the Acher got cockblocked and they reveal who are the Kall.

Other urls found in this thread:パラレルパラダイス-12話ネタバレ画バレ&13話最新/


Keep them coming user.




>Looks like the Acher got cockblocked
>and they reveal who are the Kall.



oh, thought last chap was 11? is it a weekly manga?



The lowest form of writing, well done lynn.

it's everything i could have hoped for!

Okamoto Lynn been Okamoto Lynn

post more faggot

Who's that one or not be kept saying that the woman's extreme lost was coping mechanism on a biological level? I think they fucking called it.

she doesn't seen happy

Literally can't beat the cock

My assumption would be that it keeps them from going completely mind broken but I'm not going to argue somebody else's Theory I'm just aware that it exists

we probably gonna understand the situation by chapter 30

Well, that's unsurprising but disappointing.


Okamoto Lynn been Okamoto Lynn
user did you expect me to believe you didn't see it coming. how old are you?

is chapter 11 even translated yet?

Yes, though no one wants to move the text into the manga scans. Go read cp 11 archives and find the pastebin


It was already estabilished since chapter 2 that the Kall rape woman and kill them after.

Are they spitroasting her?

How are you getting raws so early?

they were posted 2 days agoパラレルパラダイス-12話ネタバレ画バレ&13話最新/

Fuck it, I'll do the typesetting since no one else will. Don't expect much though.

Manalight is working on it. Just wait.

Ah, alright then.

>no break this time.
Thank God.


Looking more and more like it.

And these are almost undoubtedly minions of the Mega Jealous goddess.

>Who's that one or not be kept saying that the woman's extreme lost was coping mechanism on a biological level? I think they fucking called it.

Is that supposed to be English? Can someone translate

I'm the one that brought up those theories. Basically in the previous chapters when the girls get turned on they basically freeze up and become extremely receptive to put it lightly. They also have a strange odor that varies between girls but I'm still not sure what that's about.

Most people just thought it was related to there being no males in 3k years, but I believe these symptoms are a coping mechanism so they don't go insane during the rapefest some of them receive. Children are born so there must be somewhere these things are chained up and let loose on women for procreation reasons. That must be a hellish environment.

Seems like it. She turned every men into Kall.

The main character (girl) is so far the best looking girl in the series

What kinds of lewd yuri antics does 99% of the populace do all the time?

Nice theory user

But does getting raped by a Kall give a girl a deflowered collar?

Or does having a deflowered collar mean the Kall leave you alone?

The Kall will leave you alone except when you're with the one who deflowered you.

Went ahead and typesetted chapter 11 anyway. Recommend not reading this and wait for the good scans.

I might typeset chapter 12 when the pastebin comes out unless the translator doesn't want me to.

Hey user, its the work that counts and it counts.

>Women are a goddamn pain
lel. Anyway thanks user

So wait.

If they only die if they never mate, then aren't these guys saving their lives?

The guy is always the best girl in the series.


>then aren't these guys saving their lives?
Apparently the Kall kill the woman after raping them. That's what we've been told at least.

This, but given that statistically someone is bound to escape after being raped and yet there are no adult women around, I wouldn't count on Kall rape counting.

>someone is bound to escape after being raped
With the way the girls act when they get a dick I wouldn't be so sure of that. These girls are not having a natural hormonal reaction, they tense up and can barely function when they get turned on. Passing out is very common when the girl climaxes, and that would make it pretty easy to kill someone.

>tfw have to have a harem to save the world, but only want to fuck your waifu.

Yeah Lumi's reaction in ch11 that Youta has to dick other girls was not good. She looked pissed as hell but held it in.

I just hope the Kall don't get a hold of her, but it'll probably happen. If not to her then other named charas for sure.

Damn cockblockers

Oh my, it looks like someone got...
...a Booty Kall !

It seems unlikely that a manga would have its main heroine raped, as I doubt the audience would want such heavily-soiled used goods

Doesn't the author have a suffer-boner though?

Not like this.

anime when

I can't recall any of his main heroines getting raped. Nono got close with that guy blackmailing her and making her walk on all fours naked on a leash, but it still didn't happen.

Do the Kall cum inside?


yeah, but if the heroine gets raped, people wouldn't be into her anymore

That depends on the series though.

Bottom panel looks like they wear some kind of helmets?

Muscle helmets. With right training, even YOU can achieve such perfect muscle definition.

>I can't recall any of his main heroines getting raped.
Mayu from Elfen Lied.

Or mind controlling, mutating magic helmets.
But hey, at least you become /fit/ wet dream!


You just should wait. Manalight already finished preview. Full chapter probably in few hours.

>gets a cute pupper and a cyborg boyfriend who can probably will a dick into existence if he wants to or get scientists to grow another one as a consolation
It worked out in the end.

And this is just some unnamed girl, not some of the heroines. So it doesn't matter anyway.

>just some unnamed girl
She had a spear, and as it is known:
Fist (leg, elbow, etc)>Spear>the rest
It was a shoddy-looking spear, but a spear nonetheless, RIP.

Well, as the MC noted, there are no condoms in their world, so there's no option except to cum inside.

The main heroine getting raped drives me berserk. It puts me into a deep blue depression.

well, can you think of any series where the heroine's popularity wasn't significantly decreased by getting raped?

When I said main heroine I meant main heroine. user was talking about Lumi after all.



nice, thank you.


damn, that's a good example

>I am so triggered XD!
Go back to tumblr

Lumi no!

*plot twist* Kall are not interested in non-virgin girls.

The Spear girl from quintet is blonde.

>the choker is their kryptonite

Blush-DC. any book where she was not a virgin


Or any series that deals with more mature grittier themes. Berserk, Blush-DC, Black Lagoon. Usually, when the characters themselves are adults especially.

So, they're Japanese/Muslims/Sup Forumsnons?

for some reason, those mouths make me think they make high-pitch squealing noises

This might just happen.

Korean Raws when?

Not yet.

That chapter was a emotional rollercoaster for Lumi:

> be happy because I finally got boned by the dude I like
> he only fucked me for superficial reasons
> but then he tells me he did it because he really likes me and wants to do it again
> and then he tells me he's going to fuck alot of other girls

Thanks for the chapter!

>he only fucked me for superficial reasons
having a much longer lifespan is superficial?