Precure thread
Precure thread
What is Precure and why should I care about it?
Any Yayoifriends here? i still love her.
Fuck off.
I like her and her obsession with heros of justice!
I am obsessed with her
>generic gangbang, slufification and cum flying everywhere
No thanks.
Thousands of squiggly lines doesn't make it good or detailed.
Joyride is like the Shadbase of Japanese artists, and not in a good way.
But... but I like Joyride.
And these monkey faces are supposed to be attractive?
*Zaku faces
y a y o i
>tfw no Piss gf
Fuck off.
I want to impregnate Yayoi!
Bit of advice, you shouldn't
Get out while you can
This is a older Yayoi?
>komachi drowning in komachis.jpg
If she is an otaku cumbucket, yes.
>Hana piss scene
Literal cure Piss!
What was his endgame?
No. They're part of the artist's appeal.
Fuck off
She is not my waifu but I think that her henshin sequence is adorable.
Has there ever been season where the yellow was as neglected as this?
Even Bukki had more screentime.
I preferred Cure March over Cure Peace.
I already did that mate
Her screen time seems average to me
Watch Doki
I honestly don't mind if the supportive cast gets comparatively less screen time when it means that there is more time to focus on the important things like a coherent storyline, an overarching theme, conflict with the bad guys and a strong pink Cure which holds everything together.
Kira not an example of that right
It's a fucking mess but I still have hope.
>a strong pink Cure which holds everything together
God, please. Not again.
To clarify by 'strong' character I don't mean figuratively speaking. More in a sense of a likable person with relating motives who grows through hardships, always following her heart and does the right thing together with her tomodachis. Take Tsubomi as an example who's weak as fuck but I won't dismiss her as a weak character.
Fuck off.
Anyone remember that Yayoi doujin that starts out as super-sweet vanilla but ends with Candy attacking and killing Yayoi for giving up her purity?
It was by the same artist as a bunch of other really twisted ones.
Mktn is literally perfect. What a dumb baby.