What the fuck am I reading?

What the fuck am I reading?

What's wrong with you Europe? Raping lolis and shit.

This shit is bonkers.

Well, I guess it's more rape.

Forced tragedy and loli rape to bait readers.
Spoiler: they lose the war by the end of the tale.

>Spoiler: they lose the war by the end of the tale.

So more of this? Poor bohemia.

Definitely. But at this point it would be faster to read doujins. Better dl them fast before japan bans them for the olympics.

>raping lolis
HERESY. lolis are for tender loving only.

>What's wrong with you Europe?
Aren't lolis haram?

whats the title name in Eng? my body is ready

otome sensou

Why do you think their population is getting older? They deserve it for drawing this degenerate shit

After some pages you get bored if you already used to this kind of thing.

Worth reading.

>being used to loli rape

After 10 years over these board you get used to everything, aniki.

Really? Is that how it goes in the raws

You need help user
You shouldn't feel like this

Good question, how far are the raws anyways?

There's a really under-explored era of history beneath the guise of softcore porn, gore, violence tragedy, and drama.

I actually hope you will be the same someday. It feel kids are too sensitive to shit they should really not be bothered with and it's a distraction from them making a real impact in the world. A new generation of jaded cynics could really make a difference, I really believe that.

I'm just another thirty something year old user of these boards. There is no hope for tomorrow for someone like, so, I enjoy my life reading mangas and keeping myself under control and not doing anything that can make the cops shot me to death.

They are they most hypocrites ever, this is why is so easy manipulate them.

Why does the author do this to lolis?

holy FUCK this is redpilled

For real? I will read anything history related and good. I don't care how much rape, blood, gore, melodrama, etc. I have to fight through to get to it. I. Love. History.

There's no point in reading a historical drama if the only part you enjoy is the history. You can get the same effect by reading a textbook and pausing to jack off to loli rape porn every time the author mentions a sacked village.

You don't?