You know what happen next
Little Witch Academia
This is Chariot, recently she lost the shiny rod and dropped out of the entertainment industry, say something nice to her.
Akko is a fucking slut
She's FAT
The ghost possesing Diana is forced out because Diana is stronger than it in will power?
Where's the "cum inside Sucy" poster ?
Yes and?
Teenage Croix is cute
She's also a really jealous bitch
A weapon to surpass metal gear
Step aside fuckers, >opinions coming through
>God tier
Broom race
They saved Sucy's brain
Samhain arc
Diana arc
Constanze episode
>Good tier
First two episodes
Andoryuu intro
That one with woodfucker
Holy Grail/Andrew's school
Strike/Croix intro
Giant tree
>Meh tier
Night Fall
Chariot vs Croix
Chariot did nothing wrong
>Shit tier
>Implying the Dark Rod won't gain sentience from all the negative emotions and then just absorb whoever has the most negative energy in the room (Ursula) to use as its wielder
Sasuga Croix.
Green text that shit
>God tier
Fish episode
Broom race
Fountain of Polaris
Ursula Bayonetta episode
Plot twist episode
>Good tier
Jew dragon
Amanda episode
Constanze episode
Diana telenovela
Chariot flashback
Samhain fest (part 2)
Elf strike
Love bee
Introduction to characters (epi 1 and 2)
>Mediocre tier
Annabelle shitty books
Samhain fest (part 1)
>Shit tier
Lolsoradum Sucy xD mind
Pirate's green shit
For me that absolute best episode out of the entire series was the Broom Race one.
It was just so exciting, adventurous, and fun. Literally everything I WAS expecting out of LWA before it began airing.
Where's the tree climbing episode?
Fuck your opinions and fuck you.
It was obviously meant to be an attention grabber, that's why it's so early.
But at the same time it's partly the reason the show continues to feel unsatisfactory. Maybe they should have had it a little later, like episode 6 or so
Revenge tickle fight?
this some top tier shit
Samhain, Amanda, and Conz's episodes, as well as the second half of the pollen episode had similar levels of excitement and action, I feel.
This is a common refrain and I honestly don't understand why; the show has basically been all things to all people for at least three episodes a piece for its entire run. Are you disappointed it doesn't have more of what you specifically want?
>Akko! This is ludicrous! What do you think you're doin-nnnhm! S-sto-AH!
>Doki Doki no waku waku
They only had similar levels of excitement for short bursts, not a big chunk like the broom episode, the episode was a big animation effort with a lot of freelancers working on it
I'm gonna start this Sunday but I see this a lot, why Akko is considered a slut?
Episode 3 only truly exciting parts were the last 7 minutes. All the training scenes, the visit to the shop, and the first part of the race were just okay. Constanze's episode had at least equally good animation and hype from the moment they took the Ship out of the dock until the end.
Watch her skirt from ep1 to ep3
She goes yaying all the other girls.
>I'll make sure to pump some yay into you this way
Lewd posters are the worst posters in these generals. Literally cannot prove me wrong.
He's fucking dead
Goodnight guys.
Good night user! Why is Hannah moving around so much?
>ywn sleep with this user
Why did she pee in her panties?
>bump a spam thread
Fuck off
What is it with evil scientists and cubes?
Because they're squares.
anyone else have those other 2chan edits?
Spicy meme
Sorry user, but the objectively correct ranking of episodes is:
>Best tier
Fish episode
Sucy's brain
Broom race
Constanze's Airship
Night Fall
ANDORYU introduction
>Good tier
The dialectical materialist history of the bourgeoisie of Luna Nova
First episode
Second episode
Diana 1&2
Samhain 1&2
Party at Andoryu's house
Holy Grail
Croix rapes Akko and Chariot fights Croix
>Meh tier
Chariot did NOTHING wrong
Pollen tree
Moss and Finland
Woodfucker intro
>There Is Only Suffering Now tier
Mr. Skelly Jelly's Wild Emporium
This show took a pretty catastrophic drop in quality starting with episode 9 and never fully recovered, although when I break it down by episode, it has had a lot of good moments even in the later episodes. The plot twist in USO DA was brilliant on paper, but I don't think it was executed as well as it could have been, mainly because of the show's poor pacing. The twist should have been revealed around episode 19 or 20, so there would have been 1 or 2 episodes for Akko to fully recover, and then a good 3 or 4 episodes to have an epic final battle with Croix, instead of having everything important crammed into the last two episodes like we're getting now.
>tfw you will never see the nine main girls ride Constanze's airship into battle against Croix's robot army... or maybe we will?
Get a believing heart, faggot
>jew dragon
>good tier
discarded immediately upon seeing this
So does this show actually have any yuri or is it just bait?
I want to pick it up and I need to know if I should mentally prepare myself.
i don't understand why people had trouble seeing this about diana in episode 13, it's clear she was a bottled up character
There's literally 0 yuri. Not even implied. There's one episode where two of the girls have a tender moment, that's it.
>0 Yuri
You have to watch Episode 8 & 10 again
Its an obvious Yuribait
Slightly implied yuribait episode other than that obvious ones is ep 20.
Nothing to worry about then.
>Sucy comes in and steals Akko
Thats what happens next
I hope you guys enjoy anime jail, because I'm reporting you to the authorities for watching and shipping little school girls.
cute boy
>Lotte walks in
I only like the teachers though
Why do yurifags watch this show when the creator outright said it's not yuri and yurifags are the niggers of anime?
Truly patrician taste
>Hannah walks in
why are you such a fucking pussy over shit like that
Lotte is the cuter boy.
I'm not a Yurifag but have Akko as waifu
>puts yuri into show
There isn't any romance at all in this show except for one joke episode.
Anyone expecting any different is delusional.
Sasuga Trigger
How do you kill her smug?
tell her that hybrids are out of style
Ask her out on a date.
when the dark rod cucks Croix for Chariot
Give magic stick to best friend instead of her.
I think it cucks Croix for Satan
Hug her
I love how most Croix's memes are based on Gundam's.
LWA is not really a good PR for women, they fuck up everything they touch.
Give the Shiny Rod to her "best" friend.
Keep calling it "Shiny Rod".
You got it the wrong way around.
whoa comfy
Satan is a tree
Shes such an cute little autist.
A what?
This reminds me a bit of that Inou Battle chick ranting to her chuuni friend about things.
Fucking google it
Power Ranger?
Premium Reward?
Puta Ramera?
i heard that scene angered so many nerds on this information superhighway webspace
Press Release?
Poopy Rectum?
poon 'recker
So what you're telling me is that you're to lazy to google it
>some nips starting to realize that there aren't a lot of LWA doujins
Please let them make some....
No its not
do nips even like this show
It took them this long to realize that?
Parasitic Randomness?
Paradise Romance?
It's clearly Porco Roso
*teleports behind Akko and gets her back*
Psssh.... nothing personnel, Diane....