I don't get it

I don't get it

Wanna know how I know you're a newfag at life?

>le epic he's a robot but nobody realizes animu
It's shit, don't bother trying to understand it

Hm hm hmhm hmhmhmhm hmhmhmhm hmmmmm

No no no, it was "Hm hm hmm hmhm hmmm hmhmhmhmhm"

my reply
coming out

Who's a robot?

just because Kamiyama is socially awkward that doesn't mean you should call him a robot.

>Kamiyama got a part time job helping out a dominos team set up a giant set dominos chain to beat a world record
>After a few days he became increasingly agitated and wondered what the hell he was doing, what was the point in all this?
>So he secretly tracked down the domino just before the world record and superglued to the ground, standing up
Is Kamiyama actually a really bad dude?

Even though it was an entertaining series, it literally didn't make me laugh once