This is a full blown Constitutional Crisis, Sup Forums.

Revolt when?

Other urls found in this thread:


>linking reddit

Get out

Didn't you faggots have a civil war over this shit? Fuck off kid.


November 4th 2017?

What are you afraid of the UNDENIABLE PROOF that Trump colluded with Russia?


His comment has 6x gold, and he has over 50 sources of PROOF of his collusion.

When are we gonna impeach this cheeto already?

Here's what any actual leftist revolt will look like:


It was her turn

Wouldn't the constitution give the executive full power in trade affairs with foreign powers?

But it doesn’t qualify as a constitutional crisis when the executive declined to enforce immigration law under Mr Soetoro or declines to enforce marijuana law at all ever?

Goddamn people are stupid

>Full Stop

They all really like to say that for some reason

They literally just voted to release the fucking memo you retard.

You dont think we know about Fusion GPS? You dont think its all about to get exposed?

Did OP get a high school degree?

When do we find out?

Full stop and problematic are my queues to stop reading their posts and musings.

Stop flogging this shit, Shekelblue.

It's been debunked repeatedly.

Trump is doing what the law requires, including the submission of classified materials to Congress which explain how Trump is addressing the law's requirements.

OP is basically fake news, in short.

OP is also a shill, obviously.

Wouldn't it be unconstitutional to not allow the president his veto powers?

wtf i hate russia now

Imagine being a liberal and a democrat and considering yourself to be one of the enlightened, peaceful progressive people, and then being this buttmad that the leader of one of the most militarily active countries wants to have better relations with another one of the most militarily active countries instead of just staring daggers across the pacific for the next hundred years

Like I really hope Trump did collude with the Russians, let's get everyone working on the same page, let's all be fucking friends, no?

They always seem to pick up new words or phrases and then they all use them at the same time. The one I remember the best is "vitriol", for a while you were seeing that shit everywhere.

>the executive refusing to enforce the law. This is a full blown constitutional crisis
this has been the case for at least a hundred years. also I wonder what sanctuary cities are

>"It's a constitutional crisis if Trump doesn't enforce the will of congress, maaaan"
>Takes a hit of his federally illegal marijuana

how cum it's not a constitutional crisis when liberals refuse to enforce the immigration laws?

Yes actually even leftists rags sided with Trump here. The legislation has many unconstitutional parts, scotus would knock it down




Made me chuckle/10

so Obama not enforcing marijuana laws was also a constitutional crisis?
They didn't seem to have a problem with that



>6 gold

I like reddits scheme of charging people to make posts seem more important than they are.

first we need to impeach drumpf,
then we need to install Hillary as potus,
then we need to impeach her,
then we nominate Bernie to be potus,
then we get free shit

soon, comrade!

i bet this moron lives in a state where weed is "legal" without any sense of irony whatsover

Luckily Obama already set a precedent, by refusing to enforce federal drug/immigration law, that faithfully executing the law isn't required anymore.

The US is a dying democracy. It's a loose coalition of individuals who look out for themselves; it's not built to last. No one follows the Constitution anymore or gives a shit. This Republic will die within 50 years.

Because they're pseudo intellectuals in a massive echo chamber. They repeat what they read to seem intelligent.
A list of phrases they love overusing
>doesn't make them mutually exclusive
>Non binary
>full stop
>bad bot
>I can't stop sucking dicks
>Bernie still has a chance

don't forget "unconscionable"

Russia did nothing wrong.

Obama didn't enforce marijuana law. Constitutional crisis. Republicans agreed to respect states' rights.

Sessions decides to allow US attorneys to enforce marijuana laws at their discretion. Constitutional crisis averted. Democrats demand impeachment.

Obama appropriated funds without the consent of Congress. Constitutional crisis. Republicans sued in open court, won, allowed Obama to continue to take funds until a replacement could be agreed on.

Trump complies with court order ending illegal appropriations. Constitutional crisis averted. Democrats demand impeachment.

Obama deported more illegal aliens than any other President before him. No constitutional crisis. Republicans approve.

Trump deports an average number of illegal aliens. No constitutional crisis. Democrats demand impeachment.

Nixon spies on opposition party during election. Constitutional crisis. Democrats and Republicans agree to impeach.

Obama spies on opposition party during election. Constitutional crisis. Democrats demand impeachment of victim.

>50 sources of PROOF of his collusion
I looked through almost all of those earlier today.
Most aren't verified.
But the most important thing is that none of those things are illegal.

It's the same story for over a year.
Investigating something that isn't illegal.

Was it unconstitutional when Obama refused to enforce immigration law when he implemented DACA? It's only unconstitutional when Republicans do it.

Congress can overturn a veto with 2/3rds vote

I hope you guys are actually bringing this out there to counter their shit narratives and not just posting it here.

Nice exhaustive list of fucking nothingburgers. It’s literally a collective of hopeful MSM gossip that has either been refuted, retracted, or plainly ignored.
>Reddit Gold x666
Shariablue is really running out of money and ideas, huh?

Not to mention everyone (as far as we have been told) from Trump admin/campaign has been 100% compliant with any and all investigations
>yielding fucking nothing

>Congress can overturn a veto with 2/3rds vote
Sure, yeah. I agree. That would be the constitutional way to go about it.

However, from the OP
>specifically passed to be veto-proof
doesn't that go against the constitution?

Those faggots uses this all the time

I am not social at all. I have on friend I visit once a week. He and I have redpilled his whole family, which was not hard. They all voted Trump.

My family is severely bluepilled. I gave up on my mother after she said she was fine with Democrats breaking the law if that's what it took to put a vagina in the White House. I work to sow doubt in the narrative with the rest of them. My dad thinks Trump is the number one Russian gangster in the US, but has gone from constantly accusing me of being fake news to admitting I am much better informed than him on practically everything in the news. My sisters won't talk about politics at all, but one of them is a closet progressive. One brother is an NRA instructor, safely redpilled. Another brother flirted with being a Never Trumper, but I seem to have mocked him out of it. The last brother was going full blown commie for a while, but at least now he laughs at MSNBC's Russia coverage.

There is no war more bitter than the culture war.

Why the fuck would I ever go on reddit?

Like how everybody in this tread, including myself, has pointed out, presidents selectively enforce laws as they please. gives an excellent rundown of examples in recent memory. Redditfags have a memory about as long as a Rick and Morty episode and don't remember when their boy Obama did it. Or choose to ignore it.

That is pointless. These niggers are so stuck in their own bubble the truth actually hurts them. Did you learn nothing from the meme wars user

fuck off retard

No, any bill that originally passed with two thirds in both houses is automatically veto-proof. The President can still veto it, but it passes anyway,

If a bill didn't originally have two-thirds support, then it has to get voted on again if the President vetoes.

>executive refusing to enforce laws
I'm not sure, but isn't that the case of sanctuary cities?


I got $27 on this.

[citation needed]

Basically yes, but it is more complicated because it involves state vs Federal jurisdictions. It also depends on a state by state or city by city basis, because each "sanctuary" is flouting the laws in different ways. Some sanctuaries are not violating Federal law per se.

>50 sources of PROOF of his collusion
Washington Post editorials are not "proof"

I'm pretty much like you, but reversed politically.

It will be interesting to see who "wins".

With sanctuary cities there's another layer in that it's state and local governments refusing to obey federal laws. We had a war that established that the federal government has supremacy over the states'. I'm not sure on the legal nature of how they are justifying it though, if it is just saying "our cops won't enforce immigration laws" I don't think it's illegal. A lot of states have amendments saying state LEs won't enforce federal firearms laws or something of that nature. I'm not a lawyer but I am all for clarifying the constitution through force of arms though.

What a drama queen. Wahhh, muh president won't enforce the law, it's a constitutional crisis!!11!

Fuck off, literally every president has selectively enforced the law.

I would have to actually care that he colluded with Russia more than I care about a demon like Hillary in charge. I don't.

Post rebuttals and get down-voted? I couldn’t handle the shame. Going against the crowd would tarnish the good account I’ve built up over the years. It is better to post what everyone likes so I can get those sweet, sweet up-votes.

>50 sources
>50 people familiar with his son's barber's thinking from 2013

For me it's not about winning or losing. I want no part in the culture war. I don't even like to win multiplayer games. For me it is about the truth. The truth is a pretty nebulous concept when you approach it critically. I think it comes down to people comparing their expectations and measurements and calling any kind of correlation truth.

But the truth will set you free, nonetheless. It always does, whether we like it or not.

this dude debunks this whole thing (and you can see it's a big nothing burguer because no one i bothering to talk about it).


Social media my man. It's not so bitter.

>Why the fuck would I ever go on reddit?
To do something useful. You don't have to point out to Sup Forums that liberals are cognitively dissonant retards, everyone here already knows. Point it out to the people that are getting subjected to their retardation and who end up following it.

You don't want to hurt them? I do.
>Did you learn nothing from the meme wars user
We didn't get a president elected by sitting here talking to ourselves.

Deconstruct the crowd from within. They don't recognize it as "counter" narrative when it's their own narrative.

>having no idea what the fuck a pocket veto is
>acting like Obongo, or any of the 44 prior presidents never did this
sage this faggot OP.

They're keeping the investigation going in hopes of interrogating Trump and having him slip up on some legalese with which they can then hold against him to charge him of a crime based on perjury or some other stupid shit. The are extremely fucking desperate and this memo has them even more shook.

I bring these arguments to peoples faces in real life. Seriously. I am so fucking sick of this nigger-tier double standard bullshit.

>constitutional crisis
Quick Donald, call the Stuarts. It's time for the Restoration.

Trump gets a bip on the nose.... Sessions shows up for your weed and illegal voting block.

>They always seem to pick up new words or phrases and then they all use them at the same time.

I remember "hubris" got popular for a few days.

But it was discovered long ago that these journalists "collude" together in order to shape the news.


Keep in mind wiki does damage control for these people.

>To do something useful.
I hate reddit. I hate reddit "culture." I hate how redditfags talk. I hate redditfags. I hate interacting with that scum. Redpilling a bunch of numales in their echo chamber would be a Sisyphean task anyway.

fpbp plebbitors on suicide watch

you have to go back (to reddit)

Don't leave a single libshit talking point intact.
No quarter, user.

It's not about redpilling them it's about negating their propaganda. The people that say shit like this with such measured conviction are already willful traitors, you should never be trying to save them.

If you can't deal with the numales then at least pass off the counternarratives to teh_donald so they can spread it.
That's what their job was back in the day before the libfags managed to shill us into abandoning them and the boomers took over.
>bill clinton is rapist xD xD

Thanks user. That's a better rundown than the politico article. Explained a lot for me.

Full stop
>britbong understands how US govt works

President has veto power - period.

Remember Trump's "dark" inauguration speech? Not sure how many journalists watched/listen/read it before they published that.

Fuck reddit

Are sanctuary cities a full blown constitutional crisis?

Yeah? Pretty sure that pizzagatefags had 200+ sources. All I ever heard of happening to them is getting banned from plebbit though.
Just having a bunch of sources don't mean shit to their credibility or relevancy.

Was just a coincidence user!

I ain't gonna hang out with you on your shitty site, get over it.

Take a high school civics class ya dingus. Congress can override a presidential veto. The president can choose what to enforce though.

>constitutional crisis
>congress has the ability to effectively veto the president regarding foreign policy

lol...... ................................

Some of them. California has started a constitutional crisis for sure. It reminds me of the constitutional crisis that happened under Jackson. They're threatening businesses with prosecution if they cooperate with ICE.


The law also says sanctuary cities are illegal. Onigger refused to do anything about that.

To feel the Bern!

Oh no he's doing what daddy Obama did for 8 years!

I can't stand reddit and the armchair political activists that post there. The website has absolutely shit formatting and a god awful design. Who ever came up with the idea that "incorrect" opinions should be hidden should be hanged.

One of the things I always appreciated about the imageboard format is that the most controversial posts receive the most replies, and therefore the most attention.

>I'm going to stay here in this echo chamber and complain about how shitty those other echo chambers are!
At least put your good shit in redpill memes. Or can you also not bear the emotional stress of spending five minutes in MS paint?

No one else here is using your shit site snoonigger.

You bring up a good point. I think America is pretty far past what should be considered a constitutional crisis.

A dangerously unqualified, ignorant, racist, misogynistic, adulterous, serial philanderer was allowed to become president despite losing the popular vote of an election in which a hostile foreign power actively tampered; an act of aggression so brazen that it possibly signals the beginning of a new cold war.

That should have been seen as a constitutional crisis.

The new president publicly berates and attacks his own people and institutions while praising the leader of the hostile power that helped game an election in his favor.

That should have been seen as a constitutional crisis.

The president nominates a cabinet that are not only unqualified, but seemingly antagonistic towards the core values of the departments they're supposed to run.

That should have been seen as a constitutional crisis.

The President fires the person in charge of the investigation of his potential wrongdoing.

That should have been a constitutional crisis.

The president has again and again undermined the core values that the country that provided him every opportunity in his life stands for. He has perverted the American dream and the very idea of "American exceptionalism" into a celebration of vitriol, ignorance, racism, blind tribalist anger, and above all greed and callousness.

Stop asking when it's going to be a constitutional crisis.

It's already happening.


Funny how so much of Sup Forums is against participating in the culture war lately.
How did that happen?


No shit?

Not only that. Thanks to the fact its turned into a fucking hugbox and drowning out the average person. It's losing good users that were informative and losing its userbase. It's basically becoming the new Neogaf.

I can predict in three years maybe even 2. Reddit will fall off the face of the Earth.

50+ sources! holy shit trump really did collude with russia to win the election

Reddit cuck slide thread


>over 50 sources of PROOF
OVER 9000

These niggers do nothing except defend a bunch of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and now they pretend to care about selectively enforcing laws?

Russia is an ally.

Why don't they want me, man?