Seikaisuru Kado

His smile is gone for good

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Aliens want this hot bod!

>cucked by not only Shindo but all the Shindo clones

How appropriate that you respond to a cuck with a cuck

>Shindo gives birth to Tsukai's child

I don't know if you typoed that or if it was on purpose, but I'm laughing.

Dude did they fuck? Why did she take his shirt?

Are the Valvrave space vampire aliens a lesser form of those anisotropic beings? They can consume information, can jump between beings, have cool BS powers and can transform other organic species into their own kind.

I assumed she took his shirt because her clothes disappeared when her mahou shoujo powers wore off.
I don't think they fucked, judging by their reactions when they woke up.

>she can restore matter from nothing
>can't make a shirt

Someone should replace zaShunina with Tsukai in that image. You know which one.

You know, as shitty as this series became, I feel that if we get to see zaShunina outright cry, that will redeem it for me just a little.


>lol magic

I was hoping it would use last week's twist to launch off into something good but this show really turned to shit this episode.

What a schadenfreude

What the fuck happened to this show? It was really interesting up until last 2 episode

>Spend the entire series building a bond of trust between two characters.
>Both characters develop interestingly and realistically
>Throw all that out the window and make one of them "evil" all of a sudden, dispensing with the subtlety and ruining the bond so the other can get with a girl he has zero chemistry with and spent all of one day, where he basically just linefaced the whole time.
I wouldn't even have been mad if Tsukai had any more development beyond "tsundere" and "muh natural evolution," or if the relationship had more than one episode of buildup, if you could even call it that..

Dude. You've seen her terrible taste in shirts, and that's just what humanity makes. Do you REALLY want Tsukai to create a super kawaii hyperdimensioal cute-E shirt?

Then it became total amazing sauce

>Shindo gave him his smile and took it away
Burn it all, zaShunina

She turned back into human modo, which means she is not using anisotropic powers anymore. Which means she can't make clothes. She should have made some before powering down. That baka.

It lasted for 9 episodes. That's a lot more than most anime manage.

>for 9
You mean for 7?

No, the buildup in 8 and 9 could have easily been used to get some friction into the continuing negotiations. It was going way too smooth for zaShunina after all.

He was dumping his toys on humanity at his own pace, basically asking japan and the media guys how to circumvent any resistance. That having some conservative backlash is only natural. Just executing with a literal deus ex machina is a bit too much.

I'm sure that if he asked who would be interested in ascending he would get plenty of volunteers from the blatantly suicidal to his fans.

Problem is, he wants Shindo.

The people saying it was a bad episode are literally 80 QI retards.

You could handle that as follows:
>Humans complain about pace
>Humans debate among themselves and with him
>reach the conclusion that they simply form separate groups according to individual decisions
>some humans stay baseline humans
>some humans want admin access to the universe and fuck off into the galaxy
>some humans are ok with becoming anisotropics
>zaShunina bets on shindo choosing the latter
>maybe he bets wrong
>NOW you can have a moment where shindo asks a piercing question why his own answer is so important to him
>zaShunina suddenly needs to introspect a lot more than he was prepared to
That's where my ideas end. But it feels a little more realistic to what could happen if you offered humans godmode.

>QI retards

>80 QI
Oh the irony.
It warms my heart to see that after these ep only the best part of the nonexistent fanbase remains.

Does anyone have a backup copy of earth where this episode doesn't exist yet?

>give the humanity gifts of anisotropic
>they cuck you, break your cube and try to kill you

it makes sense if you think of this as some subtle yaoi anime but then they wanted a girl self insert later and it ruined fucking everything


>self insert doesn't try and fuck zaShunina


We're supposed to learn how zaShunina felt in the previous episode from this.

None of that was done by humans. It was done by an anisotropic who heavily overdosed on humans.

fujos BTFO

He's 13DPD

Guys, guys.. What if everyone becomes a Shindo at the end?

Shindo supports her on that
Though judging by the preview he's going to try to negotiate with zaShunina first

The fujo tears are delicious

>I am
>I am Shindo Kojiro
Might happen.

So now everyone hates the show?

You fags are more tsundere than Tsukai

Yeah, this is what gave me the idea. Dumb, but would be funny.

This post was damn accurate.

>show becomes shit
>next episodes make it border on retardation
No thankyou.

The show is trying to portray Tsukai as sympathetic and relatable, but she's literally wrong in her reasoning. What about all NEETs or criminals, does she find them respectable too?

I'd rather it be retarded fun then shit at this point.

Anons would lick her feet in any other show. But with kado the expectation was intedimensional public policy negotiations 101, not divine humanity-fangirl doing henshin.

>live as best they can in the time they are given
Gonna let my parents die too.

It is difficult to convey philosophical worldviews in a few sentences shouted at each other during a battle.

That intro was fucking great.

I'm not a pseudo-intellectual. I just like some regular sci-fi once in a while, without mechas or alien squidgirls. Same for regular fantasy without isekai or JRPG mechanics.

Is that a crime? Did I really deserve to get BTFO like this?

I think it is more a value of free choice than pushing cheats on the entire universe to upturn everything in an instant. His goal is literally to turn reality inside out. If you can't be a NEET or criminal how can you tell the difference between good/evil/neutral if there is no real possibility of choice are you nothing but a robot following a strict set of instructions.

Also imagine how screwed the world would become the moment there is a single control the flow of time and space accident. The first two gifts were relatively harmless compared to the whole alter space and time aspect. He is basically presenting a false choice you either die in a hellscape that remains of reality or try your luck at ascending to 40D space which has a good chance of total mindfuck.

>by force
This isn't unocle negotiations at all

Sometimes the best negotiation results come from careful application of force.

Unocle was just a lie user.
Don't believe his lies.

>yfw the morning after 40-dimensional sex

"The world is not beautiful. Therefore it is."
- Anime Girl

What fujo tears? I see more people complaining about bad writing.

Anybody else want to negotiate?

I was trying not to laugh when Shindo got a chunk of square sliced off his body but it reminded of the scene from Kung Pow

>tfw you feel guilty for savescumming

Those are fujo tears in disguise.

>wtf I'll just replace him with a clone
>be 40D being famous for materialising an enormous cube on Earth
>glorious 30D sword forged 1000 times
>psshaw nothing personnel Shindo
>blah blah naturalism blah blah good
>firing my lazer
>fucking shields
>wtf I don't want to hurt Shindo anymore despite pulling a fucking sword on him earlier
>wtf I hate clones right now
>lose real Shindo
>learn the true meaning of cuckery

This is going to be some serious bullshit if it turns out WHACKY girl found a way to harm a literal god.

>I like to eat shit
I mean it's your choice, man. Sure, go for it.

I bet you enjoyed re:zero fag

zaShunina has an outside opinion, even among the anisotropic.

When savescumming involves literally violating the no-cloning theorem (perfect copying) your really messing things up.

The autism scientist said she needed 3 days to rip kado open, it has been foretold.

Yeah every single fujo is in the homothread crying.

She said it take a few days I'm sure she would love to see what a god or god cube actually tastes like.

Whatever you say fujoshitter


Knives was right

That is only relevant if you're operating within the universe's physical limitations. He's clearly breaking it.

>this is what you get when science fiction runs on literal magic
I know I have low standards but holy shit.

Who the fuck cares?

Why are you even going to the fujoshit thread? Just to have material to shitpost about?

In these threads most people are complaining about the show's bad writing, but people with hateboners for the fujoshits seem to excuse the show going downhill just because it caused some salt.

>universe's physical limitations
Whatever is plot convenient I guess.

There are fujos in this thread.

He's literally coming from something that is a higher-dimensional superset of the universe.

The intro was the only good thing about the irredeemable shit that was the rest of the episode.

Yes and that is why he is messing things up by violating everything that makes up normal reality. Some violations could literally end reality like the time and space controller imagine if you set the mass value of a cup of water so high it turned into a supermassive black hole.

I wonder if the anons that call anons that criticize the writing fujos are waifufags.

[X] Reload latest quicksave


Which is why user said it's appropriate.

I'll give you the previous threads, but this one barely has any fujoposting. Meanwhile every other post seems to be a variation of "DELICIOUS FUJO TEARS". It's literally shitposting but you're apparently fine with it for some reason.

Where is this homothread?

Save corrupted. All of the autosaves. Its happened to me.

>I know I have low standards

It's not like you need quantum-fidelity to copy a human. We're not storing our memories or genome in a coherent state that would risk to become decohered by the copying. Hence the part of the video about "OK Cloning".

Good enough.

>tfw only watched episode 0 and 1 and then skipped to 9
10/10 anime



Because IBO is irredeemably shit everything looks better by default.