Which series do you prefer as the continuation of Z
Which series do you prefer as the continuation of Z
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There was a time i thought GT was kind of bad. Now i think it's a fucking masterpiece. Guess why.
>continuation of Z
Super is garbage
Because you've learned to enjoy garbage shows?
Because now i can compare it to something that is even worse by several levels.
GT at least had a few good concepts
it was supposed to end after GT since it was a future timeline, but instead of getting a good dragon quest anime for the 21st century we got this
>vegeta gets older
>goku gets younger then gets older again
>we got yawara but more bratty
>trunks and a bunch of side characters actually get more relevant screentime
>krillin grows hair and gets married to 18 AND they have a kid together
>there is some kind of secret non canon gay romance between trunks and gotenks
>better music
I mean villain-wise. Baby and the evil dragons were pretty interesting
As stupid as Super can get, at least it's actually using characters other than Saiyans. Hit, Zamasu, and Black were also pretty entertaining characters.
If GT actually did anything with its cast other than make them constantly job, I'd probably give it a leg up over Super. Its villains had good concepts behind them, but lackluster execution.
weird cause i didnt think they thought the villians out that much later in the series, at the beginning i thought it was neat how the minor guys sort of played a certain role and even the super 17 part was neat but everything else was just predictable at best
I could never finish GT. Super has it's highs and lows. I love the filler but hate the arcs.
I would have preferred if Black was actually Goku.
If he didn't hit his head as a baby and was doing what he was supposed to do
idk, but i think we can all agree ssj4 >>>> ssg > ssb >>>>>> ssbkk
You mean an AU version of Kakarot? How would that have worked, though?
I'm not denying it's a neat idea, but I don't see how or why he'd come to Trunks' universe. It'd also kind of been done before with Turles.
Toyotaro just rehashed Black and Zamasu from Xicor and West Kai from Dragon Ball AF.
Dragon Ball Super is a copy + paste of the most autistic fanfiction known to man.
Also, Goku already had a generic evil doppelganger (Turles).
I'm not sure if it would make sense. It is just something that would be very interesting if it was incorporated into the series.
Yup, Red Goku and Super Cyan are the epitome of creative bankcruptcy.
And Golden Frieza the dumbest transformation in shonen anime.
And Ginyu, sort of. Cell was basically evil Goku in personality as well. I think there was one other evil Goku, too, but it's not standing out in my mind immediately.
Regular Final Form Frieza with a golden aura would've been just fine, I think. Making him golden just looks weird.
I kinda like the Super Cyan aura, but I will admit it's not the most creative design.
GT was boring and stupid. Not saying Super is the epitome of quality, but anyone saying GT is better hasn't watched it in decades.
Beerus and Whis were the only good thing that came out of Super.
That title sounds like a fetish video.
The Shadow Dragons had so much potential to be interesting. Why did they waste them all?
Super by far
I wish Super would focus on Goten and Trunks
>doing anything with Buu Arc characters
We should be glad both of them are still conscious.
At least age them
Toriyama was probably too busy designing Zamasu and everyone in the Universe Survival Arc to come up with new appearances for them.
Maybe after the tournament.
this is partially true
they need to sell merchandise. that is the dragonball franchise's only goal. everyone will get a final change of clothes at the end so their japanese sheckels will skyrocket
I liked it better when it just ended. There was no need for any of this.
Super manages to keep me entertained weekly, some episodes are bad, but at least it has charm and the plot is way more interesting. Plus there's a lot of fanservice.
GT managed to disappoint me when I was 12, it was almost an impossible task to let me down with anything Dragon Ball related and GT managed. It's just pure garbage.
fucking this. why are they still babies? pan has already aged like 6 months and trunks/goten still 5 year olds
your taste turned to shit
I'd prefer Super, but with GTs art style. Super is just too much QUALITY for my taste and I'm always on the brink of exiting it while watching.
Don't Saiyans grow slowly and have a growth spurt?
Goku looked like a kid until the age 15-18.
Super hands down
I absolutely despise anything related to GT, it was too much of a disappointment that I'll never grow out of. Even if Super is not a masterpiece, it's still leaps above GT.
Super is probably better than GT but SSJ4 is way cooler than SSJ God mode.
Having rewatched GT very recently, Super.
It has proper world building, the villains aren't boring as shit (the only exception is baby, to some extent) and Goku isn't beyond retarded (in Super, he doesn't act too out of character compared to his Z-self, if you watched with japanese at least.) like for example, saying that Super 17 is absorbing his energy attacks, and then hitting him with his strongest attack afterwards and then saying to Super 17 that he now understood what Super 17 was up to.
I just find myself more invested with the story of Super.
Neither, they're both honestly terrible.
>Doesn't act retarded
Oh come the fuck on, goku in Super is 10 times more retarded.
And the Super 17 fight was practically a fluke, he tried to overload S17, like he did Yakone back in the Buu saga. Even the evil doctor thougt the plan would work, but S17 barely held together, so he had the tables turned on him. Plus he and 18 beat s17 with strategy, which is really rare for DBZ-onwards.
Gt could have been a masterpiece if they did it as a next generations thing.
>Instead of Goku being turned to a kid, they make the first arc about Goten, Trunks, Pan, and Uub in space
>Goten acted like the new Goku character, Trunks like Bulma/Vegeta, Uub as the disciplined Krillin character, Pan as Pan
>the black star dragonballs are used to wish back the androids instead but we don't know it at the time, setting up for the android saga
>Goku is off training for some future catastrophe (the shadow dragons) on new Namek because they predicted a catastrophe for earth
>Goku doesn't come back until it's time to have another fight with Vegeta, baby Vegeta
>Goku takes Vegeta back to new Namek to heal and learn the new form (SS4) he had to unlock to beat Baby Vegeta
>super androids introduced instead of just 17, granted power by the blackstar balls and the other doctor instead of some asspull 17 clone fusion
>all the new-gen fighters team up
>Trunks and Gohan have to beat the final super android (a tribute to future Trunks timeline)
>Majin Uub (after absorbing Buu) kills super 17 instead of Goku, because androids can't absorb magic ki.
>shadow dragons finally come, new-gen z fighters have to fight them
>everything seems hopeless when they reach Omega
>Goku and Vegeta finally return at the end to fight Omega, making it far more hype that it's now the old generation vs. the ultimate evil
>the ending is the same from there, SSj4 Gogeta, same spirit bomb ending, etc
>Goku realizes it's the new generations time to shine as he initially planned, serving the ending of Dragon Ball
Haven't bothered to watch Super, but from the multiple fight scene's I've seen, GT without a doubt.
Either put some effort into your shit or don't do it at all, even their character models look lazy.