Boruto Thread

Where the only type of ants allowed are aunts.

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There's already a thread. mods delete this one please.

Your thread is gay and for faggots. You don't even know how to make a proper OP.

Since the other thread is horrible I'll just move here.

Anyway I can't wait for the assailant to be unmasked in ep 13. I do believe its Sumire but there are still doubts in the back of my mind about if it really is her.

Her screentime compared to the other new characters is astounding and her backstory fits in with the Root ideology but if it is her it would mean she purposely put herself in danger which is strange.

Thank Christ there's someone else who's sane. We'll continue discussing Boruto here then.

Anyway, it's definitely here, as in she's the one wearing the mask. But I don't think she's the one in complete control, ya know?

Presumably she's not as injured as she appears, so it could be a ruse to throw people off of her trail.

Obviously. If she did have Hashirama Cells implanted somewhere in her body they'd come with an accelerated healing factor, meaning she's just faking being injured.

>it can't possibly be Obito! what, did he somehow get rescued by ancient Madara and then upgraded into a Kage level badass who could fight Minato evenly?
>oh, that's exactly what happened

She definitely has an adult ally or mentor of some sort, as even Obito did.

Does she want the boruto seed?

>but if it is her it would mean she purposely put herself in danger which is strange.
Not really. Think of things from her perspective. She knows Boruto knows about the ghost, and can somehow even see it. He's foiled her attacks multiple times already, and her chances of being found out grow by the day. She needs an alibi. Since the seal was nearly complete, she decided to injure herself so nobody would suspect her and complete the mission.

Also, it's a good way to show her dedication to the cause, however, not to the extent that she'd let Namida or Wasabi die. Maybe because she thinks it'd be more suspicious if they did, or maybe because deep down she genuinely cares for them.