Race realism vs Iq realism

Here's something I've been pondering about for a while:

a) Whites won't go extinct. The reason being that there will ALWAYS be (this goes for any race) a low income niche that will have strong in-group preferences. Homo-race bondings are strongly related to poverty and undereducation (which expains black nationalism in america and white nationalism in the empoverished nazi germany), actually poverty is related with a more r-type lifestyle (which means more offsprings at the cost of low quality of life) so I personally think that if (((multiculturalism))) goes very wrong it will actually spring backwards for us, so don't think there's much to worry about.

b) We've got iq/race realism on our side, but I don't think we've made good use of it so far, in fact I fear this could backfire, now lemme tell you why.
Whites do have an AVERAGE iq higher than blacks (and so on for other races), but that doesn't mean a black person (on an individual level) can't have an iq as much higher as a white person. So shouldn't we sperg about iq realism regardless of racemixing or not? (given that it's highly unplausable that whites will go extinct)
How I think sperging about race realism (instead of iq realism) could backfire? Because democrats clearly support black nationalists and republicans 'clearly' support white nationalists and I fear that the first that will abandon his ship and jump on the iq realism (again instead of race realism which I don't think will EVER take off and that it becomes highly hypocritical on an individual level) will have on its hand a fundamental fact, support by both communities AND highly educated supporters.

So fundamental question, given your status quo (income, iq, economic/mental/physical stability) would you betray your race for a traditional intelligent and beautiful black/brown or hispanic woman? or would you aim at a white woman regardless (given that you may lose the qualities that the other had)? (picture is a random chick and Stacey Dash rep.)

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>Whites won't go extinct.

unless it gets so low that the People Of Color wipe them out

Could you read the entire post instead of making snarky and stupid remarks about the first thing that offended you?

Why not both?
IQ is very important but so is homogeneity.
Importing highly skilled whites is the way to go.


What’s the photo?


i like her butt

I've explained why, because it gets hypocritical on an individual level and for that it could be used as a political weapon.
What is better a low iq white chick or a high iq black chick? Well, race realism tells you the former, but iq realism tells you the latter.
Applying both would still tell you the former which would end up looking stupid since she's the low iq one which is against the intent of redpill realism to begin with.

>Because democrats clearly support black nationalists and republicans 'clearly' support white nationalists
Se vivi in Italia che cavolo te ne frega di chi supporta chi nella politica americana?
Pensa a non diventare una minoranza etnica nel tuo stesso paese, e lascia che gli americani si mescolino con chi gli pare

>whites won't go extinct

No, it'll be worse. We'll be minorities in our own homes, just like the native Americans we'll be a broken and humiliated minority forced to live in small communities with no future.

I literally wrote it at the end of the post mutt, she's Stacey Dash a black very conservative republican.

The problem is that you are acting as if they are mutually exclusive. They are not.
Both iq and diversity matter.

Stacey Dash is pure sex

And she's a conservative too. How can one woman be so perfect?

a) Talk in english I don't want it to become a bro thread.
b) You're retarded, every left leaning pole sperges about minorities and every right leaning pole sperges about whites, it doesn't matter the country. Also I wasn't talking about white extiction in general but the hypocrisy of mixing iq realism and white nationalism.

There is a fun phenomenon called "regression to the mean". What this means is that even a low IQ white pairing will on average produce average white children, and high IQ white pairings will on average produce average white children. Each will have some slight bias towards their particular extreme, but it will be muted by the realities of mixture of genetics. So, even if you, a white man have an IQ of 140, and you marry a negress with an IQ of 140 (which would probably be 1 in a million or less, lol), you will ultimate regress to the mean of half black children, meaning your children will average around IQ90, while if you had had a child with a white women with an IQ of 80, your children would still average around 100-105.

>iq realism
Says nothing about the offspring


Have fun with your 92.5 iq mulatto babies.

You're an idiot, pastanigger

I understand your point, iq is pretty much the only indicator of intelligence and it's very much related to genetics, HOWEVER it's so variable even among niggers that I don't think it's worth doubling down on ourselves for fear of disappearing (which is due to a huge amoutn of other factors other than racemixing) and potentially lose this argument.

>Couldn't even cherry pick an attractive black chick

I think that says it all user

This is a very valid point, I had no idea about this, I'll look more into it.

You are implying that a blanket ideology should cover both America and Europe. You play the game of multiculti idiots this way.
What counts as "redpilled" here is not the same as what is redpilled in America. We also have different problems and objectives, thus different strategies.
No identitarian in Europe should use the IQ argument, since as you said it's a double edged sword. We should instead use left wing rethoric about native rights and anti imperialism, and use it to promote our own interests instead, which Americans can't do

Oh absolutely I understand that, but that's just politics trash talk: "what is the next move that will gather more followers to my side".
I'm more interested in objective truth rather than collectivism.

hispanic's not a race

Nevermind my autism, what kind of classification is then?

You can't separate IQ realism from race realism. Intelligent people unfortunately do not birth consistently intelligent children.

Objective truth does not exist when discussing these kind of topics. We are not talking about mathematics.
Also to go back to the original topic, IQ tends to regress to the mean over generations, which means that mixed descendants of a high IQ black person and an average white one will tend to be less intelligent than the descendants of two average white ones

The final redpill is understanding the white race will never survive. Stop the immigration and multiculturalism -> immigrants massacre native white populations. Continue and the whites get bred out. It is time to support the next, and only other race that can take up the mantle of bearer of civilisation. Offer our women to the yellow man so the genes can be mixed in and stored for generations.

That's what I want to aim at thought, so if one way is falsifiably incorrect I won't choose that and look for another one.
As for the other topic, I understand a regression, but why would that follow black or white genes independantly of the individuals? Are there any studies to prove a higher regression with mix breeds than with pure breeds?

gas yourself mohammed

It doesn't matter that mixing raises the average of the resulting offspring vs the lower parent, we cannot allow the numerous lower averages to drop the higher averages (>90) to below the requisite level to maintain civilization.

I don't think races should be necessarily preserved as they are and instead focusing on creating a competitive and meritocratic environment in which they have the possibility to mix and create even better performing breeds.
I don't know about the whole giving up on immigration, that's retarded.

>Are there any studies to prove a higher regression with mix breeds than with pure breeds?
No, that is the point. Regression is to the mean of the ethnic group in question, no matter which one. So if the IQ of a white person and his descendants will tend to normalize around 100 in many generations, the IQ of a mulatto will tend to normalize in between mean white IQ (100 if we talk about white Americans) and the IQ of the African ethnic group in question (double digit IQ in most cases), and it will be something in between the two mean IQs, no matter the IQ of the ancestors (even if they were outliers originally)

The largest halfbreed population we have is Hispanics. They're 60% Spanish 40% Amerindian. Their average IQ is 90.

Hispanics didn't exactly escape their amerindian genes, and their Spanish ancestors would have produced more intelligent offspring by breeding with other Spanish.

I'm not necessarily talking about high iq white with low iq black, what about viceversa? Wouldn't that be accepted?
Also I think advocating for high iq partners, as the situation is right now (gangsta attitudes, all kinds of addictions, single motherhood,...), won't produce the desired interest in the people as much as advocating for a more competitive and meritocratic society which will push them to do it on their own. Meh just my retarded opinion.

regression to the mean makes this a bit more complicated

Our IQ is high enough to produce first world societies, so the argument for diversity to increase our IQ isn't really necessary. You could easily have incentives for educated people to have more children if you want to do this, like tax cuts. Incentive birthrates of high IQ in your country as a way to keep all the social cohesion benefits that come along with homogeneity without having to import foreign geniuses that will destroy it.

What is cherry picking? OP

Wouldn't the regression aim towards the mean between the parents just like explained?
So wouldn't that favor low iq whites breeding with high iq blacks?
Also my argument is aimed at the single individuals looking at iq realism, ofc you're gonna have better results on AVERAGE simply sperging about pure white breeding, but that sounds too much identity politics rather than clarification on the subject idk

The genetic mean of mulattos is 92.5. The genetic mean of whites is 100. Two 80 iq whites will regress to a higher mean than an 80 iq white and a 100 iq black.

> muh IQ
Crime stats are note important.

I'm all for social exclusion and absolutely against this marxist whishy washy "criminals have feelings too" and not only about criminal offenses.

Why though, that's what I'm trying to understand. Is it solely because of white genes? What white genes though anglo, nordic, slav (lol), italians?
Are there any study to prove that?

I used to date all different colors and creeds i bought into diversity = quality.....as i shoped around a found a girl ...smart... independant ...7.6...... white euro mix simular to me...all it takes is shopping around....we are both happy and white......ethno nationalism

>a) whites won't go extinct
Do you know anything about recessive/dominant genes? No, so stfu
>b)whites do have an average IQ higher-why not racemixing?
Are you stupid? If on average we have higher IQ, the probability of inherence of those genomes will be lowered if mixed with something inferior

If you mix all the paints on the pallet together you lose all the diversity

My great great grandparent was italian and by the time i was born i was damn near 100% white.
think white genes survive

>Why though
>The phenomenon is better understood if we assume that the inherited trait (e.g., height) is controlled by a large number of recessive genes. Exceptionally tall individuals must be homozygous for increased height mutations on a large proportion of these loci. But the loci which carry these mutations are not necessarily shared between two tall individuals, and if these individuals mate, their offspring will be on average homozygous for "tall" mutations on fewer loci than either of their parents.

>Is it solely because of white genes?

>What white genes though anglo, nordic, slav (lol), italians?
Populations that average triple digit IQs.

>Are there any study to prove that?
To prove that iq regresses to the mean? By default, since IQ is a poly-genetic trait, it will regress to the mean. Google has a (((problem))) it comes to IQ studies, but I can toss you a height regression study; from this you can infer that traits dependent on genetics will regress to the mean.

When you racemix with someone, your offspring has a higher chance of betraying the white race supporting anti-white shit.


Anyway, OP. Have you ever heard about returning to average?

Two words totally fuck up your cute little opinions.

>Regression to the mean.



Get bent

Whites will be wiped when we get low enough.
Poverty is a shitty metric when you consider there’s no such thing as objective poverty.
Regression to the mean makes IQ Nationalism irrelevant, or rather it would make IQ Nationalism basically white Nationalism.
>le High IQ Asian
Doesn’t account for the ten retards which come with every outstanding chink.

more like >le normal iq asian
I don't think their population sways much from 110-120-130

The Amish aren't going anywhere.
