Figured Out where an illegal immigrant lives just from reading his reddit

What Should I do with his information anons? Blackmail? He's just a sweet public high school student

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jew him good

Please go back and stay there.


Dont post his info here, too many CIAniggers lurking.
Pay his house a visit and take as many pictures as you can; his parents, siblings dogs etc.
It's what I did to some Bangladeshi illegals. I reported them in the end anyway.

report to ICE immediately

Don't live in the same city

report him right fucking now and go to sleep like a baby.

there is only one thing to do

Many sanctuary cities have organizations that aid and abet illegal immigrants. By having rapid response teams that alert illegals and act on tips of impending ICE raids, they encourage and promote criminal activity.

This operation is intended to disrupt if not outright stop their ability to spread their subversion. This will be done through wasting their resources. This also has the potential to shut them down entirely if they overstep and commit a crime themselves such as obstruction of justice.
>False raid reports will make these organizations waste time, manpower, and money chasing nothing.
>There is no way for any of these organizations to know the veracity of the tips.
>Creates a panic in the illegal communities.
>The loss of feeling safe might be enough to send the illegal immigrants packing on their own.

In addition to this, the news could be gold. The leftists who are beyond reasoning with will see it as white supremacy in action, racism, blah blah blah who cares, but anyone on the fence will see the stuff like posting security (as if they can or will do anything about it) as absurd. Robbing them of yet another subversive tool is the best way to put them down.

Add to the hotline list in pic related if you have new numbers to add.

Proof of concept: >

Screenshot all that you can, forward the info to patriots who live near his address, have them gather photographic evidence of EVERYTHING he does. What time he leaves for school, what route he takes, what school he attends, where he goes grocery shopping, where his parents work, what their most used routes commuting are, what his hobbies are etc etc, EVERYTHING

then report and give all the compiled information to ICE

Report them to CBP not ICE. ICE only acts on tips of illegals with criminal records. CBP actively raids homes of known illegals without criminal records.

Use your knowledge of your area for target selection. Report places where illegals are likely to gather such as hispanic churches, certain schools, suspect businesses, advocacy group meetings, protests, etc. Even better if you know for a fact that there are illegals there. Make it believable as in "I heard a classmate say his dad was reporting my undocumented classmates" or that "an associate who is a cop mentioned knowledge of a impending ICE raid on February whatever". The less time they have to act, the more likely they are to rush in and make mistakes. Whatever story you want to back it with, just make it reasonably believable.

Save any correspondence or record if able to catch them in any potential illegal activity. Feel free to report the organizations themselves to law enforcement if you come up with any evidence. God speed anons.

Deport...could be a drug runner

Do it pussy.

Try to blackmail or not?

No get that degenerate out of our country

I say no straight to ICE

Blackmail him into sucking you off and letting you fuck him.

Stop listening to these faggots. Contact CBP not ICE. Unless he has a criminal record ICE won't do shit. CBP will make sure he is actually arrested. Find the closest office to you and contact that particular office.

Report his ass. Kek wills it.


>going to reddit

>>going to reddit

>not literally ruining the lives of redditors

Call ICE immediately. Remember user: any money you could get from the parasite would undoubtedly be the American taxpayer's money. Second hand gibs is still gibs and you're too good for that despite being a faggot.

So call ICE. Remember user, they have to go back.

Report to ICE then show proof pussy

>I found a criminal, what should I do?
>lower myself to his level and become a criminal myself by blackmailing him?
Just fucking report him and watch hime get sent back

Show it to us here or DM me on twitter. my user is niceperson88

Leak his info on reddit

ICE him and don't say a damn thing after.
Then once he gets deported, bust a nut as a victorious celebration.

It's okay to deport illegals.

See if he is a good hard working student willing to contribute and live like an American. If he is one of those wild loud annoying pieces of shit who cries for gibs, call ICE

monitor him when he is back in mexico lol