why does japan have such a boner for america?
why do they refrence america and english so much over other places like the russia, the UK, etc?
is it about money or is it just a weird dominatrix fetish we gave them by nuking them twice
why does japan have such a boner for america?
why do they refrence america and english so much over other places like the russia, the UK, etc?
is it about money or is it just a weird dominatrix fetish we gave them by nuking them twice
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The whole world has a huge boner for America. It's the most culturally influential nation in the world.
>why is a country with a huge movie industry, huge impact on animation and comic, huge videogame industry, huge music industry, and huge cultural impact on the world referenced so much
Jeez OP I have no idea why.
And that country also helped shape modern Japan with WW2 and subsequent occupation. Such a mystery.
i would just imagine i wouldn't be so friendly with a country that nuked me twice
Name some good tv shows or movies that came from Russia.
>And that country also helped shape modern Japan with WW2
I'll never forgive america for forcing censorship on japanese porn.
That was an unforgivable sin that can never be reversed.
They brought porn censorship to Japan
Oh ho...
Censorship laws are older than ww2.
Most countries did bad things to other countries, you have to move on.
>you have to move on
The irony.
She's right, you know.
how is that ironic
America is the single greatest nation to ever exist in human history. The japanese recognise this and show us the respect we rightfully deserve unlike other ungrateful nations.
Beautiful. Even God waves the ol' star-spangled banner.
The irony.
You're kind of dumb, aren't you?
The irony.
The irony.
The irony.
Is there any website similar to Sup Forums where there aren't any retarded faggots who constantly make stupid threads like this one? It feels like they've all gone to shit, even the slow ones that get 10 posts a week.
NEVER FORGET 9/11!!!!!!!! NEVER FORGET PEARL HARBOR!!!!!! - tons of people in 'Murica
Not even touhou is immune
>completely controlled by jews
>sjws controll academia
>highest obesity rate
>highest percentage of people incarcerated because prisons make money off of the number of prisoners they have
>almost everyone's in debt and lots of it too
>obnoxious and violent shitskins everywhere
>so free you can't even drink in public without covering your booze in a bag or something
>no culture to speak of
>no history
>the greatest nation
wew lad
So it's type 2 Eagleland trope (the boorish). Got it.
>this country was able to come out on top out of all the nations
>Japan with WW2
Buddy, America basically kick started japan.
>Censorship laws are older than ww2.
yeah, they shouldn't have blue balled my main man Perry.
God was an American
>America military shows up
>It doesn't just completely wreck everything
nationalistic bullshit
>Sup Forums bait thread
The mods are dead.
I am not american though, so where is the irony? or you think Americans are the only ones who do it=
Bet your a leaf.
and the home of the brave!
How do you guys feel about Amerilolis?
All asians love america. Maybe not the people themselves, but they love their culture. Even if they won't admit it in public.
It's not only America they have a boner for German too.
>No culture
What would a people with no culture look like? Would they just lay around catatonic all day without moving or interacting with each other?
Marines raped so many Jap girls that now they can't get Uncle Sam out of their head
>He doesn't know the difference between Sup Forums and Sup Forums
So I noticed
Japan has been a US colony since the war.
>burgers believe this
>clearly making fun of Americans
>"why do they love us so much?"
99% of reddit posts are about "my quirky gf made me a Naruto shirt xD pls upvote :^)"
Go to /r/anime and find one
There are loads of Russian and UK characters though. Per capita Finland probably gets the most representation weirdly.
>Implying Americans have culture
>chinafags btfo
They wouldn't be secret clubs if everybody knew about them.
>>America ... culture....?
>no culture
What is cinema?
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