ITT: Anime girls you look EXACTLY like

ITT: Anime girls you look EXACTLY like

I'd like to be pic related

Fun Fact: I'm already getting close since I just had my long hair dyed pink.


pic unrelated

Pic related: it's me, right now.




1:1 copy.

Except the outfit.

This is pretty much me, without the tits.

it's uncanny


Literally me.

Literally me.

>want to be a cute girl (not a shitty copy like some people do nowadays)
>perfect transformation (clone + consciousness transfer tier) probably won't be possible ever
>robot girl body is a pretty good alternative
>even that probably won't be ready before I die
>have to live my life in ways so I can keep these desires, but also in ways that don't end with early death
I swear I'm just setting up myself for disappointment.

Just survive long enough for the perfection of cryonic freezing, and you'll be gold!

apocrypha was a mistake


The problem is that even if robot bodies were available tomorrow I wouldn't do it right now.
This current world is fucking shady and ugly. I'm not willing to give up control over my body (including for cryonics, btw) until the best business model is collecting and selling data about people.
I don't want to wake up into a fucked up situation and can't run anymore because I wasn't around when shit went down.

It's felix all over again

I look EXACTLY like Sharo, pic related is me.

Whats the fucking point of these threads?.



>no fun allowed

VR has potential

Marry me

I'm the loli.

No it doesn't.
Head mounted display type VR will never take off and full dive is really far off.

more like desu

This is literally me. Don't be jealous.



This is literally me when I go shopping for clothes to fit my definitely not loli figure.

This is literally me. I wish I was joking but I'm being truthful. I wont post pics because I don't want silly boys hitting on me.


I'd suck your blood

fuck off mika

This is literally a drawing of me.

Someone get the bug spray



Marry me

Me on the right. Please dont hit on me!

This is my butt
it is 100% me
because I am an arse

literally me

That's one excellent butt, fellow cute anime girl.

Imagine how fucking hung he'd have to be to produce a bulge like that.

Himegoto traps all balls no shaft

All of them.

Prez assistant is one of the most underrated girl

post pics you fags

I love Meiya!
I love you, user!

Literally me

I would literally do you.

Literally me

Do you accept semen samples as well?


But that's me, user.
Where'd you get my modelling pics?

I even have the exact same hairstyle.

Liar, here's a picture of me and my friends.

Litteraly me every day

Same outfit and everything.

I want to be Akemi Homura, a 1:1 ratio from looks to personality to accent. However, I do not want to go through the plot of PMMM, I want to live the normal everyday life I do now.

Will you be my mommy?

I agree

Sure. Now clean your room and take out the trash or else no tv tonight!

This is literally me

These threads are so pathetic. I love them.

You're the one who's pathetic to be honest.
Btw this is me.

No, I really like how hard some anons grasp at the thought of being a cute anime girl, they now it's an impossible dream but they still want to be one.

me tbqh

Literally me.

Fucking slut.

Literally me.

Me on the right.

Me on the left.

without the ears and tail, and with brown hair

>and with brown hair
So, shit?

This is literally me in irl life.

Is brunette hair a bad thing?

Yes, it's the color of shit.

Lots of girls and fags here

so is blonde hair bad because it has the same color as piss?

>color of piss
Yeah, nah, also black hair is best anyway.


Same here only with slightly longer brown hair.

>tfw I thought that the lowest yellow line was her massive penis from the thumbnail
Damn shame.

post heterochromia

We're not exact lookalikes but we're really close

have the same smell and everything

You have nice hips, user. Cute tummy, too!

Only my thighs are thicker

Post penis.

Why anime girls put tennis ball in their pantsu??

Isn't it funny to stuff your pantsu?



