Japan should make stop making breast envy a thing

Japan should make stop making breast envy a thing.

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It is a thing though

Chestlets deserve suffering.

>Japan should never stop making breast envy a thing.
I agree.

U mad, jap girl?

it's a thing everywhere though

If anything there should be more. Gotta make sure those washboards know their place and keep them there.

It's hot though

I want to hug her and tell her it's alright.

The special place in my heart.

But it's cute
>you will never convince a cute plank that you love her the most despite her being flat
>you will never get a hug from her while she cries because she was worried about it all this time

Indecency at its finest.

Flat is justice!

It's stupid, but it makes girls that are 10/10 otherwise look vulnerable and approachable, which is moe, and moe is good for business.



It's cute.


But then what would the old fat but very rich whales comfort themselves with after they're done with their new plastic surgery?
That's right, the "big breasts are the best thing for a woman" is brainwash shit, it only started happening after women got into high positions everywhere, why do you think that is?


Okay, let's not turn this into a bully-thread

You can't remove something that's inside people's minds

Don't worry I got you senpai.


It's the best envy. And it works for both cowtits fans and DFC lovers.

>and DFC lovers
No, it doesn't. It used to work when just some flat chested girls had this going for them, but now that all fucking flat girls are ashamed and envious, and they also don't get lewd service like they used to, frankly it's just irritating and boring.

This, but also that would require the nips to come up with new material and that requires effort.

I agree. Every character should have a large bust to avoid this.

What's wrong with liking hamburgers?

Why is she so insecure?

Exactly, it just a bad habit for waifufg

girls should enjoy each other breats

I forgot how much Chiho was unf tier



It is 3DPD creation, and should be avoided at all costs.


the firstborn of any female is always the strongest
dfc means she's less likely to have been spoiled by another man's seed
"big girls" (fat bitches) usually have big tits, and body fat can be used to hide pregnancy so you run a higher risk of paying some other guy's kid if you date "big girls"
younger girls usually have smaller tits, and the younger a girl is, the quicker her body recovers after pregnancy and goes back to sexy
gentlemen of superior taste choose slim body shapes with small breasts

tl;dr deprogram yourself from that attraction to big tits. nothing good can come of it

It's good joke once or twice, but trying to make it a running gag always ends up stupid.

imagine if you had a small dick
you'd be insecure all the time too

For some reason I just realize the hamburger theme of that outfit.


She was the best girl.

Why? No one's ever going to see your dick

Not really, i know I'm never going to use it, so it isn't visible. If I was a manlet that would be another matter.

But everyone can always see she's flat.

It is a thing. Girls usuall get over it past 12-13 though.

Hambaaga-chan? Yes.

But breast envy is the best

We really shouldn't bully flatties; after all, they make more fortunate girls look even more attractive by comparison.

This is the insecure pose? I think it's cute.

>I think Chihaya's cute.


Yeah well she looks cute, the awkward kind of cute. I really need to watch Im@s.

Truly a carpenters dream.


Some people like flat-chested girls. Nobody likes small dicks.

i love boobs of all sizes as long as the nipples are cute, small, perky and preferably pinky


2D is a 3DPD creation

But flat is not boobs

mammary glands are still there

Saya-shi in the first panel always makes me laugh.

>Nobody likes small dicks.
I imagine fags would, particularly the ones that like traps.

and infertile women still have ovaries

trap dick is not dick, they dont get erected

Poor Saya

Sounds like you are a flat chest to me.

That's cruel!

There is literally nothing wrong with a girl acknowledging the superiority of another female.

I'm a guy you know.


Agreed, fatties should be removed from anime.


>make stop making

Was just about to post that.


You will turn fat Chihaya like your VA!


i need to rewatch that anime; it was unexpectedly good



Chihaya walks into a bar...

>should make stop making
Do you even English?


wait, isnt asai imai is nep's noire VA? what?


She is old.

Ah, but you are flat, yes?

old doesnt mean anything when she looks so fat, so she is noire's VA then?


They made a Sora no Woto sequel?

Lotta South Americans on this website.

Rio isn't flat though, and I doubt any amount of flat genes would kill those titty genes.
Give me S2 already, fuck.

And then they destroyed perfection with cow tits.

No. Flat girls deserve lots of LOVE!


>flat girls hold you closer to their heart
>big ass titties protect the heart from frontal assault
I can't decide Sup Forums

Let me help you.

You have trouble walking through a lumber yard, don't you?

Flat is only good for skipping on water.