Couldn't see a thread, so I'll just dump it here.
Distribute it as you see fit.
Couldn't see a thread, so I'll just dump it here
Charles Gomez
Jace Bell
Grayson Evans
Camden Ramirez
Zachary Hill
Brody Flores
Liam Baker
Kevin Allen
Dylan Jackson
Kayden Hernandez
Jace Bailey
Go on
Jaxon King
>next volume is listed as last one
Is that the power of Kyoani?
Adam Harris
Josiah Myers
Joseph Wood
Wow, she is such a bitch in the manga
Colton Reyes
Grayson Anderson
Owen Bennett
James Cooper
Aaron Sullivan
Upload faster plz, its 3am
Lincoln Thomas
James Sanchez
Muri desu yoo
Kayden Garcia
It takes a second to upload, what fucks me up is the timer and captchas.
Also, fin.
Logan Reyes
Adam Lewis
Thank you, now i can go to sleep
Austin Adams
I talked to cirno9baka and he said he would be able to come back soon
So hopefully he can do some more chapters
Jason Price
Thx friend
Julian Gomez
no-not wearing maid clothing?
Ryder Lopez
Thanks OP!
It's great to hear we might be getting some more chapters too.