Who are the Nazis? The Marleyans or the Eldians?

Who are the Nazis? The Marleyans or the Eldians?

The Israelis are Marley, Palestinans are Eldians

that would imply the palestinans ruled over the jews

The Eldians were the Nazis which is pretty clear with all the "devils blood" guilting and brainwashing that actually occurs in modern day Germany.

slow down there, since when is eugenics a bad thing

since ever you fucking nazi

The Marleyans for being so racist

>they believed in eugenics
Just like Marley?

It's questionable because it requires forbidding certain people, doesn't matter which, from having sex. Doesn't matter if it's for the greater good. People will riot.

Eldians are Europeans who suffer from extreme levels of white guilt.

you do know the eldians lost the war right?

It's pseudoscience

Eugenics was started in California
Read up on your history

The Eldians. Marley are the Jews with all that "Remember thousand years of ethnic cleansing, you should feel bad about it".

Both. Eldians began being Nazis to the Marleyans and then the Marleyans turned the tables and showed them the pain of being put through genocide.

Eldians are Jewnazis.
Marleyans are Nazijews.

The Eldians used to be the Nazis but then the Marleyans got sick of being Jews and became the new Nazis and turned the Eldians into Jews.

What's this manga's name? Seems cool

That's attack on titan, user.

Eldians are a combination of jews and post ww-2 germans.

They're in concentration camps with armbands and all,but they are also shamed and made to hate themselves because of sins of their past.

>stop retards from having children
>they won't breed
>stop jews from breeding jews
>end of jews

That's assuming you trust Marleys story about Eldians ethnically cleansing other races is actually true and not just bullshit propaganda.