What would you do with a captured JC?

What would you do with a captured JC?

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Rescue for quest XP.

Introduce her to the islam, that skirt is haram.

Well since no one else wants to say it. Make her do lewd things with me

Show him to the Jews and destroy the 1% once and for all.

Catch and release is more humane.

Sing to her.

Use her as a dakimakura

Forcibly inseminate her.

Offer her a bowl of eggs.

When did Sup Forums start using these letter combinations to refer to schoolgirls? Did some popular animu use them?

*Teleports behind your back*
That would be rather hard to do, with a knife piercing your neck

Sell and buy a JS

It's code from Hentai sites, calling them sexy 12-year-olds just comes off worse sounding than sexy JC's.

Elementary, junior high, high school.

It's a real acronym japanese people use

When you forgot to lurk more

Because there are different tiers for schoolgirls.
JK is an old bitch like the ones who used to bully you in highschool. JC is an innocent prepubescent girl, although some can be oppai lolis because early puberty is also a phenomenon that can happen during the JC age.

It's almost like real Japanese people use hentai sites.

Exhentai has started using jc to more easily differentiate?

No I mean absolutely normal japanese people.

Porn is the biggest legal industry in the world.

Fuck her like in that real JC video i saw the other day.

Sell to underground sex rings for cash on the dark internetz.

Shh, your government may be vanning you.

Let her go

Add her to my adventuring party.

Post her on Sup Forums.

These have been in use in Japan since forever.

Rape her, kill her, then rape her again.

I didn't asked when Japan started using them.

Interrogate for information.

Newfags from plebbit don't like saying they are attracted to 2D children or lolis as some people from the bad parts of the internets call them, so they try and mask it with abbreviations. It also gives them a boost to their nu-weeb power level by claiming Japan did it first before they go back to ironically playing Neptunia.


If she has rich parents, hold her for ransom. If not, let go.

Force her to lead me to her JS friends or little sisters.

>ironically playing Neptunia.
So, dubfags

>What would you do with a captured JC?


Use a forbidden scroll to swap bodies with her.

>not a sword that powers up from killing.


teach her algebra

Tell her to go back to /jp/.

Sell her on ebay.

Get him to turn a fuckload of water into wine for me and start a business.


I wish. Being able to tell between lolis would be great. For now the best I can do is -oppai