What are your thoughts on Teppu, I just recently finished it and am left wanting more...

What are your thoughts on Teppu, I just recently finished it and am left wanting more, I get why it wasn't too successful considering how long it took to make 33 chapters.

>sports manga
>fat audience

This and All Rounder are two of my favorite manga. I'm biased though because I'm a huge mma fan that trains in it. The series did a good job of capturing the "gym feel" of a mma gym.

Ditto. And also best girl is a tomboy.

Everyone in Teppu is a tomboy to some degree. Except for Natsuo's friend.

I fucking love Natsuo. It's not often that you get such an asshole as MC, in any other manga she'd be the antagonist.

Rip author.

I hope her brother accepts her eventually, even if that really was a dream.

She really grows on you over the course of the series. Although her struggles aren't relatable they still feel real.

>MC is an asshole
>series ends and she loses, but still didn't learned anything, she's still an asshole
Natsuo is fucking 10/10. I wish there more MCs like her.

>didn't learn

She got the confidence to try to reconnect with her brother, and found something she was actually interested in. She might not have stopped being an asshole, but she still developed

I like how it's implied that their whole family dynamic is kind of fucked up, with the mom being mostly absent and enabling the brother's (neet?) lifestyle and cold attitude towards his sister.

Did the author die?

He ended it because he was sick off and on.

that was a dream sequence user.

Is she a brocon or something?

So he got better then?

When I think of asshole MCs, this one comes to mind first for me. What I like about him, though, is that he's extremely intelligent.

It's left ambiguous. When the brother comes out of his room and talks to the mom it's implied that something good happened.

It is one of my favourite manga.
I do jiu-jitsu and loved that it used it realistically. Sad it finished so early but rather that then it going nowhere and hitting hiatus hell.
Would love more in the future.

Natsuo is a fairly believable asshole I think, and her resentfulness and arrogance are just one facet of her personality. She behaves like any other girl when she's with her best friend, she really wants to be liked and popular (as seen in the tournament dream sequence) and wants her brother to succeed. She's not in smug mode all the time and seems to be impressed by little things like the ringside ladies (the women who introduce the fighters? not sure what they're called)

It's also interesting that early on she appears somewhat unaware of how arrogant she comes off to other people, yet she's aware that everyone sees her as a bad guy. She's a pretty nuanced character, without being purely sympathetic - I think this is what sets her apart from any other "anti-hero" or arrogant character.

i loved teppu. mc was so fucking cool and interesting. it's pretty hard to find non generic female mc's in manga nowadays. when i finished the manga i spent days looking for manga that were similar but i couldnt find anything sadly.

or something

Haven't read it, but this reminds me (at least a bit) of RRR, which mixed the boxing matches with the characters' stories. Personally, I'm not moved by the stories, and will often like a manga/anime more based on how satisfactory is the decision making from the characters, which RRR managed to deliver. Everything else from it felt like a break between matches for me, not the opposite (matches being a break between the emotional stories and stuff).

>I get why it wasn't too successful

It was getting significantly popular with every new chapter release, but sadly the author got sick, so it got delayed for months.
Eventually author was forced to end the manga early so he could focus on his health and to finally satiate the demand of readers. Sad really

To make myself a bit more clear, I like to read/watch character stories so long as they become somehow relevant for said character's playstyle; the information baggage about the characters has (for me) to be relevant for the matches' possibilities (so that I can find it more entertaining to guess what the characters may do next, before they act); RRR (for example) had only few backstories that are somewhat related to the characters' styles.

>like bro
>bro mad because he aint got no confidence and was shown up by his little sister
>bro never progress
>lil sis gets better and better at EVERYTHING
>bro gives up on life
>sister idolizes bro
>ebin trauma from bro reacting badly to her
thats about it in a nutshell. She wants him to like her and he wants her to go away.

>which mixed the boxing matches with the characters' stories

It's a pretty common trope in sports manga, Hajime no Ippo is like the archetypical example of this.

Absolutely love Teppu and Natsuo, consider it to be a masterpiece and Natsuo to be the most well-written character I know of from anime and manga.
>I get why it wasn't too successful
It seems it actually was once successful, judging from this interview (pic related) in which it's written that the mangaka had an "amazing impact".

The only bad relationship in the family was between Natsuo and her brother. Her mother was somewhat strict and didn't want to spoil Natsuo, but one could see that they had a good relationship through the notes she left for Natsuo, as well as how that one time Natsuo won the judo bear she ran home in ecstasy to talk to her mother about it (and her experience in the tournament and the gym most likely as well).
As for the relationship between her brother and mother, she was there supporting him and waited for him for the time when he was ready to receive help, rather than pushing him as he was already in a corner. She also had to consider his pride and the stubbornness which could (and did) come from it. If she was cold to him I don't believe she'd put much effort into the food she made him and wouldn't suggest to cut his hair for him in the last chapter.

I noticed right after I posted that I misread some parts of your post, my bad.