Are you guys actually Nazis?

Are you guys actually Nazis?

Sup Forums is a board of peace desu


We are idealists.

You forgot to remove your meme flag, faggot.

Also, yes. Anyone that tells you otherwise is a newfag the_cuckold user.

Why the fuck would I want to wear leather pants?

everyone is not Nazi here but everything is okay to spit on multiculturalism
Also why hitler who is not blond is a Nazi?

Part 1

Frogs are so stupid I wish Hitler would have gassed the French.

Does anyone here believe in socialism? Sage

Part 2

I am.

American white nationalist 14 1790.

Sure muttbro but you are the next on the list.

Nah its just satire, you have to stay here long enough to get it

The funny part is French people are bigger mutts than white americans. You have been raped every army that ever passed through Europe.

well, what exactly constitutes a "Nazi"?


That’s not how evolution works

only larping bro


If Dr. Peterson is a "Nazi" because he speaks the truth about the JQ then so am I.

This is true.
"White" Frenchmen were considered more African than those in the middle east.

I wish. The only people in WWII who did nothing wrong (except lose).

>bigger mutts
How, seriously? we are 80% white like the majority of Europe. It's not you who are 56%, you're not a minority in your schools now?

Im not. I just don't see them as the ultimate evil our (((schools))) make them out to be. At worst they where the lesser of two evils, the other being Communism which killed more people than any other ideology, yes even Facism

i am

Indian NSDAP here



yes. a lot of us unironically believe in national socialism.



Would you like to try that again, Francois?



>autistic An-Cap







This is what Jewish subversiveness looks like

This ancap is scared because his political beliefs lie in fallacy where natsoc politics have already been tried and have worked effectively until they were undermined by the rest of the world. Any political belief that starts with “anarchist” is fucking retarded and should be gassed

>mfw the swede anti-JBP shill thinks Sup Forums doesn't recognize his faggotry
kys famalam


That's the dumbest thing ever. There are incredible differences between an agrarian slave-state, fundamentalist murder-state and a social-fascist state. Just because they all got demolished by the USA doesn't mean they are the same.

Going to post any of your sourceless infographs dumb nazis?


some are, some are fascists, some are libertarians, some are Reactionary right. most of these political views are far right, but labeling Sup Forums with one ideology is dumb, and should not be done.


Sort yourself out, bucko

nah, we are white brother now, hans.

Get gassed, crypto-commie.

Ancap brainlet cant differentiate Marxist socialism ((ie communism)) from national socialism they only read there little reddit fag meet ups where as natsoc have active revolutionary parties organizing across the world who get out on the streets and fight from the shadows against the subversions and perversions of jewish liberalism. Most natsoc members have gone through a lifetime of alienation, blackmail and being antagonized and still have the integrity to persist in the face of overwhelming odds. Ancap are faggy little boys who believe you can have your cake and eat it too

>muh satire
Go back.

>National Socialism is socialism XD
How retarded can someone be?

no. dipshit.

>Are you guys actually Nazis?
You seem like a nice guy.
Steer clear of Poland tomorrow.

Its all LARP and circle jerk. Sure the thought of National Socialism in some ways can be neat, but in public you come out as delusional.

They're just like the commie left LARPers.

No I am NatCap

National Socialism would inevitably lead to a world controlled by an inhuman government bureaucracy

>Its all LARP and circle jerk.
Only for newfags. Which I can gladly tell them to fuck off, such as yourself.

>Get gassed
Woah there what about the NAP, stop violating my individual rights you collectivist

go back to plebbit.

>This stupid image again

>National SOCIALISM isn't socialism
Here we go with the contractions.


The national alliance has been growing and seeming more and more sane these days. Someone has been watching Saving private Ryan (((Saving schlomo shekels))) to much and has a false perception of reality.

They lost.
How can you even like losers?


You inherently with you're authoritarian ideology.

you what's wrong with your mother?

>Are you guys actually Nazis?
Unironically no.

No one cares about your spelling here fag you have to go back


Yes. You didn't manage tp fully destroy us in WW2.


Also for that matter no-one one here is, at-least I don't think there are any German anons in there 90's in this tread

You to the satire too far retard. Go to stormfront where everyone is serious.


There are certain posters where I think they are mentally ill and actually require professional help. Like, not in a good way. They are clearly psychologically damaged.

>muh satire
>ancap can't into education
This is why no one will take you seriously as an ideology.

>historical revisionism
I bet you think Sup Forums was the first of it's kind here, huh?

This. NordFront is doing well.

Basically. There is technically not Nazis today, but National Socialist, there are.

Death to Israel and every single last Jew.
We must eradicate them or they will attempt this again in two generations.
And in the future there may not be a Sup Forums to stop them.

No the Jews must all be killed or sterilized with very few exceptions if at all.


yeah no shit, these An-Cap buckos need some serious room cleaning to do

Look at this thread. Hell, look at real life. Your ideology is the most hated in the world

>Are you guys actually Nazis?
*National Socialists.

Yes, we are.

Equating Bernie sanders (((an international socialist who believes in an international world order ruled by the (((proletariat))) brought about by class warfare and alienation, to Adolf Hitler a national socialist who believed in a racially homogenous nation thats social policies protected the volk through class unity. Another delusional ancap bites the dust.

Also while I am at it: I sometimes bait the retards by making up wild claims. I once triggered an user from Switzerland by calling his nazi waifu ugly. Forgive me father.

>National Socialist

Sure thing. And that hate much like the hate directed at the kike can be used to our advantage.
Also full Sup Forums is entirely National socialist.

We are National Socialists

When will his voice start dropping though? Was he kicked in the nuts as a youngin?

>Socialism isn't left wing

Sup Forums is a board full of niggers and Jews pretending to be white National Socialists.

How do you feel about the fact that Capitalism is just as Jewish and anti-White as Communism is?

sadly most these Nazi larpers know no difference from fascism and National socialism, and will identify as both at the same time.

No it's not. Sup Forums is satire in terms of nazism.

actually bernie sanders is a nazi you guys.

They're all enemies of America. Does anything else matter?
