Kemono Jihen

The omake for Kemono Jihen just got translated. It's pretty funny and cute. I really love this series, so I hope this storytime draws in new readers.

For those of you who don't know, chapter 3 was translated yesterday. There's a storytime of it in the archive.








For clarification, they're playing shiritori.






Thanks for dumping, OP. I remember reading this a while ago. Will search for the other chapters.




And done! Hope you all enjoyed.

So still no news on what the blue kid is? Besides a full kemono, of course.

Spoilers: according to the chapter 6 raws, he's a yuki-onna (male) and can control ice. He's very scared of his powers though, so he rarely uses them.

I see. Makes sense with the girly attitude and all.
Thanks for the spoilers, it was really bothering me that they are introducing two new characters while one of the main characters was still a mystery.

Kabane's autism is so cute.

Shiki was really cuter, what a pity