A cute movie and a cute couple
A cute movie and a cute couple
I'm waiting for that Kumiko Love Story movie now
Why does KyoAni make their guys cute?
Yurifags BTFO
Cute guys are hip.
I didn't really care for the romance side of TM but after watching KnK I feel obliged to watch this now.
Watch it faggot
I felt disappointed with the romance in Tamako Market but its much better in Love Story. Im glad I marathoned it than watching it while it was airing or I would be pissed.
Is the romance in this worth checking out?
There is no romance
This is what yurifags like you want to believe
When will they quite -literally- learn?
You just know she masturbated thinking about Shuuichi that night
No, the directors explicitly didn't put romance in the series.
Wait there is hetero in Hibike? All those constant threads and yuriposting made me think otherwise.
>shoefags this desperate
Its 99% yuribait shit
It's yuri. Ignore shitposter kun.
But that's not Kumiko x Reina.
I already preordered tears from the 2nd movie.
>thinking hetshit will happen
Ultimatemegax already shit wont happen. It's like shooting yourself on the foot. Majority of the audience are yurifans anyway.
I'm still pissed that love story ungayed tamako.
She was never gay.
it was pretty kino
Tamako is cute but he should have gone for the Manko
> She was never gay.
I thought we were talking about Tamako
The romance is still boring in the movie. Kanna is the best part as usual
are all kannafags cancerous or is it just one guy?
Gotta relate somehow.
They didn't even have sex in the movie.
Never forget.
/u/ is the cancer of Sup Forums and should be removed
Its not. It is just yuribaiting and yurifags fall for it
Why do yurifags though this would end with these two? Main girl was not gay
i wonder how stupid people from /u/ are?
Sure that girl was gay but not tamako
Is Hibike really worth getting into? It seems like a series there is a chance I would like, but I've been avoiding it because I used to play the euphonium for a number of years before I hated the thing.
She is still best girl with her fuwa fuwa ness
Everybody is Tamakosexual, even Shiori. Especially Shiori
It's worth a try, especially as a euphonium player. Just drop it if you don't like it
they know their audience