Is she right Sup Forums?


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Simpleton chump

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This nigger best shut her mouth before she gets a package sent to her house. If you know what I mean.

Crack is wack.

>all good things
>all from an era when america was unstoppable
whats the problem again?

Marxism is ugly

That's the whole idea of making America great again. Liberals wrecked the country. Now we're going to put it back in order. Blacks don't like that. They like noise, trash, disorder, chaos, and violence. She's mocking us for not liking those things.

She's a nigger, so she is inherently wrong.


>Not the 1930s

Normalization of Trump? That fucking stupid. Trump is doing what normally should be done after being left with an obamaeconomy a shitty stock market, a fucked up health care law that forced you to pay a fuckload of money, low wages, no christmas bonus and SJW golden years are over. That shit's not normal any more. Let's not stand for normal. Let's MAGA bitch.

She can't even aim a camera right.

>right-wing rhetoric from a right-wing politician
What a shocker, more news at 11. Did somebody expect LGBT/BLM/feminism speech from him?

Black chicks need some White dick bad.

Yes, all those things have been dismantled over the years. It's time to bring back blood and soil.

Shitlibs mad because they don't want to live in a country with these things

The 50's sounds pretty comfy. War with Karea now!


I fucking wish

>MUH 1950s!!!!!!!

Any liberal that actually preaches and says this shit is a fucking brainlet and a half

Democrats openly hate God, religion, traditional families, the police, the military and the working class

>what is having a religious and supportive family
>what is having law, order, and protection
>what is identity for unity
They treat these things as mutually exclusive from muh progressive values.

I don't know who she's targeting as her audience. How many people out there hate Church, family, police, military and the national anthem?

Like I can kinda get the church thing though I'm for it but what is actually wrong with the other 4? Fucking niggers man

who is this marxist agitator?

does she have a phat booty?

>Bitch about how 1950s are bad
>Not realizing that Dems are the one making it bad


The 50s were in many ways the peak of American society, and the greatest America was as a nation while still holding itself to be an extension of Europe racially, historically, and culturally

She's kind of right, probably not on police, though. As far as I can tell, America is quite anti-authoritarian. Large police states aren't idealised, nor were they ever idealised. More so is the Romantic appeal of the untamed Wild West.


Your 56% is showing.

"God made Black men and God made White men, but the Devil made half-castes" - Charles Darwin, in concordance, quoting Livingstone.

Based. Any cucks still doubting Trump?


It's called "a nice country". Few niggers have experienced it, because they destroy what they touch.

you tell them, dems r da real racists

No, she's just looking for a way to spin things. She's an idealist and that's what they do. We are the same way but much better at it. 10 years ago the far right was on the absolute fringes in the states and nationalism was a bad word. Now, nationalism is making a come back and the left is in panic mode. Don't let their fake confidence fool you, the left is fighting off it's back foot right now.

this nigger chimp is so full oh hate

Everything she mentioned in that tweet sounds good to me.

Literally what the fuck is the illiterate bitch trying to say?


somebody make a picture that has Trump saying "Church, Family, Police, Military, National Pride" and shaking hands with a congressman and then Feinstein autistic screeching

You made the same fuckin thread a few hours ago with no input, ANYONE WHO REPLIES AFTER THIS POST IS A FAGGOT

>not the 1830’s

Why can't Blacks accept an idyllic 1950s America WITH civil rights?