Is he our last hope?

I feel as if humanity is in a very precarious situation at the moment, ideologically speaking, and our salvation literally lies in his hands. Britain is a bro but Europe failed. Canada is beyond redemption. Aussies are irrelevant and Slavs aren’t even white. If he loses in 2020, I feel as if all of our celebration will be for naught. Americans get a lot of hate, some of it justified admittedly, but we are the world’s last hope in my eyes, so show a little respect.

Other urls found in this thread:

You have no idea what's about to happen. This is it.

If everything you thought you knew, ended up being not true wouldn't that be considered a Revelation?

The word “apocalypse”means to unveil, not the end of the world.
The meaning of the apocalypse is the opposite of what most people think. It does not mean the end of the world; it means the revealing of hidden secrets and the beginning of a heaven on earth.

“You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

You seriously think this kike puppet is your last hope? If you want to make a difference for white race then vote nehlen, not zog puppets like trump.


show your flag or fuck off

relax dude

Abetting Israel for a decade while securing our borders and our demographics and reversing everything the Democrats and domestic Jews did to our country is far more important than cutting ties with actual Israle - I love getting even - always get even



He might be right side of politics but he's daughter and her husband are both rich spoiled brats and rich spoiled brats are always crazed leftists. And the people around him are all career politicians and wouldn't think twice about selling America out.
Sorry but western politics is ruined only revolution saves the west at from it now

>Neocon Zionist
>Last hope of US
Seems fitting

>I dont know how to realpolitik: The Post
A staggering amount of humanitys fate has rested on the shoulders of individuals at times. This is probably the biggest example of all. I honestly dont think its exaggerating at all to say he's the most important man in known human history all things considered

If Donald fucking Trump is "humanity's last hope" then we are already dead.

It's his endgame yes

We all know that

But securing an America that is )))great((( again is first order of business

i think this all the time
it's f*ckin' crazy howmuch rides on the success of this man.
I actually seriously pray for him every single night.

That means exposing Israel. What do you think the deep state is? The Jewish state. Mueller is about to drain the swamp.

He won't lose brother. If there's one thing I've learned about him it's that he doesn't fucking lose.

This is the time, the moment.
This is history.
He must succeed.

>he doesn't fucking lose.

*pic related*


Why are you guys obsess with Taylor swift? I keep seeing her on other threads

QAnon stop LARPing we know you’re full of shit

You and I know the truth

i feel like you and I are on the same page.... until you hit me with the Mueller turning heel meme

He's an Obama stooge to his core and is such until irrefutable proof otherwise

>He's an Obama stooge to his core and is such until irrefutable proof otherwise

The world's elite have been on autopilot heading for globalist, marxist hell for a long time.

Trump lets them know clearly that not everybody is on board with it. It's hugley important.

No matter what happens, I'll always have big respect for how he put his neck out there when the powerful were mercilessly mocking, attacking and ridiculing him. It really takes a unique temperament to push through it all... Keep in mind the guy is in New York. It really must have been unnerving at times.

Without exaggeration, Ifeel Trump has the potential to go down in history as a figure of world historic importance. (if he isn't killed)

>gen X and Y are embracing communism...capitalism is doomed.

If Trump loses in 2020 then everyone here deserves to fucking die for letting women vote.

Yes, he is!
