You guys haven't forgotten Squid Girl, right? Always think about Squid Girl, de-geso!

You guys haven't forgotten Squid Girl, right? Always think about Squid Girl, de-geso!

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The art style is so cute. Too bad the manga already ended and the authors new work is fucking garbage.

I dont really care about the story as long as the squid keeps doing fun things.

It's cute, but some of the characters are are bit too one-note and/or mean-spirited for me to appreciate the humor.

Aiko is so cute. But her sister is cuter.

I'll never forget the squid.

Good man.



How did the manga end?? Did they cook the squid?

>How did the manga end?

You don't wanna know. Just watch the anime and don't even fucking read the manga, waste of time anyway.

no, they sold her to that old as a sex slave. good end.

If I think Aiko sensei is hot, does that make me a pedophilephile?

Do read the manga at your own pace. The adventures are really comfy and the comedy is quite good. If you rush on the ending or get spoiled on it, you'll feel extremely left out and disappointed.

Aiko-sensei is a caring teacher who wants to have fun with her students during the summer. Do not look down on her.

The first ED is better than the OP.

They had a tickling episode.

For that it has my respect.

She pays off her debt and then she breaks the restaurant to get another debt as a excuse so she can stay.

delicious squiddy girl

See This. Wat do?

I read it all and loved it, but I wish it would come out in my country so I could legitimately support it and have it in my collection.

And to people complaining about the ending: is this your first gag manga? It was never going to be conclusive, and it was made clear very early on that Ika would never actually conquer the Earth and that she'd just keep living with her friends. I'm sure you would've completely flipped your shit over Ranma's non-ending if you were around back then.

Engrish de-geso!




What chapter does the anime end at?

It's such a weird feeling seeing a manga that you spent hours and hours typesetting, get animated like 2 years later, and then watching it.
It's literally Mind=Blown.
That happened with the OVA about the message in the bottle.

And now it's all over, just as summer is starting with the inevitability that it'll fly through much faster than the manga's time. It's the most discouraging type of pleasantries.

>is this your first gag manga?

No, that's the part that bothers me the most. I've finished a bunch of comedy manga with even shittier endings, and Ika's ending STILL pisses me off. You can take justice out of the world but you can't take justice out of me. Wrongs must be righted, no matter how many there are.