German ex Muslim has warning for European leftist politicians on Islam

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Watch this vid lads

Bump, FFS

>if you [gruene] stand up for Islam, then you support a prophet, a pedophile.

This exactly why the GrĂ¼ne support them.

wow bump


Bumping a Muslim on pol
What a day

I'm continue to be baffled how these things aren't common knowledge.

Bump because I want Europe to remain European

exactly my sentiments

ITT europeans wanting to fight the same battle and with the same issues as americans, knowing damn well that they have it good where they are
>remeber america invaded europe

And there's literally nothing we can do about it. Here in the UK, the next party which has huge potential of winning has
members that are linked to muslim rape gangs and extremist sympathizers. We're so fucked. Once Germany is completely
consumed, France will be halfway split and we in the UK will have our ass hanging up high ready for more muslim cock while
eating the EU's crumbs. Literally this is the end of the white race. What a fucking way to go.

disliked just because I want to see the european caliphate of germanistan get glassed

pay denbts

think thonk

Mind if we pay in refugees?

This I want to see Europe burn and descend into civil war in my lifetime.

Just think of the money we'll make from mercenary service

Don't let it happen.
Something has to spark off.
While we are 85% or 90% in our own countries still. While the people who still remember a time when our countries were our cultures and our people and that was normal and nothing else was ever thought of are still young enough to fight.
People 30+, because without that memory, everything is weakened, the past will be erased as it is being now.
Something has to spark it off.
Any suicidals on Sup Forums, if there are any should - BBC news quote of the month "do something about it". Whatever it is. Write an essay, spend all their money on advertising, running a site showing what is happening.
Pay for ads on television which bypass any censorship laws but still put the message across.
If nothing else, they could assassinate merkel and the rest, it'd be a start.
End of BBC quote.

if you want that you can just look at your own country
that's how europe would be if it was more advanced in the process of degeneration

ya fucking burger


>civic nationalism
>not cucked by definition

Most people are followers, 95% or more.
There is something called the bystander effect, where people just stand watching while no one helps someone being beaten up or run over or trapped in a lift door or who has fallen onto the train tracks.
They wait, frozen.
The 5% remaining will jump in to help the person, do something about it with almost no hesitation, and immediately after that, the rest of the 95% followers jump in to copy whatever the 5% man is doing.
It happens on a person to person level, it also happens in a larger societal level.
If there are enough people doing something, and it only need be a small proportion of the whole, then the others will begin to follow.
Starting with another 10-20%, the braver of the followers, then a further 20-25%, then the remnants join in when they see that 80-90% of all the people are doing something about it.
Keep that in mind, and whenever you see a situation, be the first, be one of the 5%, not the followers.
You'll see, some others will follow you in general, the longer you do something and the more you do it, the more people will follow and copy.
What needs to be done is another matter, I don't know what that is.
I know that if guy fawkes came back and blew up all the crusty demented puppets in the houses of parliaments, things would take a better direction.


my fucking ass

white guilt

It's that penguin flag again.
Be you penguin or be you mortal man?

even the fucking shitskins are nazis in germany, FUCK DRUMPFFFF


still good though

She is a traitor to Germany and should be imprisoned for high treason.

>criticizing Islam
What a fucking Nazi. Lock him up.

It's not white guilt, this is jew programming that has come over from the US.
In school during the 80s and 90s, history lessons involved kings and queens, the history of england, the empire, a general history of the world and major happenings.
The main focus though was on the history of England and the various invasions and battles.

By the 2000s, it suddenly became red indians being killed off, slavery, the holocaust, and that was it.
Anyone in secondary school from 2000 onwards will have been dosed with that from the age of 11 right the way into university if they continued with those kind of subjects.
That's all american history, and all designed to brainwash people with guilt.
Maybe that is what you were saying.
England was still fairly sane until the mid 90s, then it all started to become absolute cancer.

>absolute cancer
Civic nationalism is cancer that is meant to do exactly this in long run.

reminder that Germany pays muslim migrants ~700 per child to re-populate the country and displace the native europeans

I don't think we will, we're castrated enough that if one of us tries to step up, our life will be over and if a bunch of
us get together, we're see as another alt right extremist group. Just like how white people will move out quietly when
their neighborhood gets blacked in America, so will the high class whites move to Australia or even to America quietly.

Even our statistics is wrong, since most of these immigrants come in unsolicited. There's so many of them where I am,
it's unbelievable, and how they've infiltrated our politics so quickly. Soon there will be giant riots in London because of Trump, which
is totally unnecessary, but as you see, the stupidity for our own kind has increased exponentially. We want to die. We're the
problem, well not exactly you, but you get what I mean. Even as Hitler has said, if the youth is hijacked, then you've won. It's
the same shit.

The only real way we could win is very unrealistic, the most realistic scenario is everything crashes, these freeloaders won't last and
we will return to our original tribes. Other than that, the queen still has power over parliament, but she's a Jew herself and isn't for us,
never has been. We can't rely on our politicians either, Corbyn will be the quick death and May is the slow painful death and there's no one
else to step up with such popularity. But fortunely or maybe unfortunely because of our choices, now is the perfect time because we're in the
uncertain Brexit phase, we still have some ground but if we do, of course we will have a huge crash, but within 10 years it will all be too late, as
the muslim population will be buried completely. It's a sinking ship, no point staying on much longer, I'm gonna end it anyway.

just migrate

If I was some great person and useful to the majority of the world then maybe, but I'm not, and if I migrate I'm part of the problem
elsewhere because more of my kind will follow. Even if this country crashes hard, I'll stay and live poor if that's the case,
if we're at war with Russia, I won't join the army because I know who I'll protect, the fucking immigrant cunts, awful thought
is when the majority of white men are fighting for them, those mudslimes will be having our women even more. But if there is
a civil war to thwart these inbred cunts I'll step up to that.

become a mercenary then