Polish Auschwitz prisoner tells the truth about Jews and Auschwitz


A Polish prisoner from Auschwitz tells the truth about it:
>Auschwitz was built for Poles and Christians in June 1940
>Until 2nd half of 1942 no Jews were in Auschwitz. And when they were transported there, they were immediately moved to Birkenau
>Any Jews that were in Auschwitz were capos or other high ranks, because the German politics was to turn Poles against Jews and vice versa.
>In Birkenau there were 5 crematoriums for Jews, and in Auschwitz just 1 and only for Poles.
>Every Camp Jew and their families in USA gets monthly payment of 5000$ while Poles from the concentration camps got 5000$ once.

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Nobody speaks polish

Needing a full translation please.

I basically translated it for you, you mongs. He just goes on longer about the jews being moved into Birkenau, and the Jews getting privilege and money they don't deserve.

But user, here he is talking in English and he says completely different things:

None of this is news. All of this was documented from the 1940's

none of it in any way changes the events at Auschwitz Birkenau - the gas chambers adn the crematoria

although it is false to say there were no jews in the first camp - the first arrivals included some jews. And that the crematorium was only for poles - it was used for all prisoners, including many murdered soviet POWs

jews are based!
poolan is based moar

They know. Jews tricked both Hitler and Poland.

polish death camps
>polish death camps

He's talking about a labor camp that's near Auschwitz, Flossenbürg. He was only in Auschwitz for a short period, mostly in the infirmary, and was then sent to Flossenbürg where he did different types of work (stone-breaking, carpentry)

>They know. Jews tricked both Hitler and Poland.
I heard it was Bandera Brits and ruskis

>Flossenbürg where he did different types of work (stone-breaking, carpentry)
his bosses where polish, not German- right?

Neat poster. What does it say?

I already forgot. Just listen to the recording. He starts talking about Auschwitz at around 50 minutes, and a couple minutes later he talks about Flossenbürg (which isn't near Auschwitz, my mistake, it's all the way across the Czech republic)

>Auschwitz was built for Poles and Christians in June 1940
That's why we call them Polish concentration camps, but you guys still don't like the terminology

So, polan stronk,
Polan death camps- settled nau

Evil spirits above your house

>Say polish concentration camps
>Get money from soros
>Say jewish concentration camps
>Get sued for antisemitism

Have a full translation for future use.


"le 56% face"