What the fuck did I just watch?

Asuka loved Shinji and hated herself for that, but why didn't Shinji truly loved anyone ever? even tho he had friends that cared for him

A post on Sup Forums.

The greatest shitfest known to man. Now go watch the Rebuilds so you can be disappointed like everyone else.

Shinji had lack of selfsteem, lack of will power to make a change into others lives, too coward to break his own cycle of hurting.

And im not sure if i could say asuka LOVED shinji. She had "strong emotions" about him, thats for sure.

This is just Shinji in a wig, right?

If you watched 2.2 or 3.3 they make it a lot more apparent that she actually likes him. She competes with Rei for his attention. At one point Shinjis talking about how Rei was hurt and her hands were bandaged, next time you see Asuka, her hands are also bandaged.

NGE, for all its animation quality, suffers horrendously from SameFace. Seriously, everyone is shinji with another hair cut.

Whoops, meant for

I strongly dont consider the rebuilds canon, a spin off sequel at best. But yeah, she does have feelings about him.


I hope you're ready to be butthurt then.


You see, my reasoning is, i strongly doubt the rebuilds were planned since day 1 like the rest of the series and EoE. Its an "after-thought" sequel, with plenty of flaws. A spin off sequel that should never have been.

pretty fucked version of groundhog day t b h

I still associate NGE and rebuilds as different entities though



>i strongly doubt the rebuilds were planned since day 1

Given the "preview" for 3.0 was nothing like the actual thing (and seemingly, the same is happening with the 4.0 preview), I'm pretty sure Anno has no idea what the fuck he's doing.

>A spin off sequel that should never have been.

The Rebuilds had some fucking fantastic action sequences compared to NGE and EoE.

This fucking baka right here destroyed everything.

Didn't he say he loved Kaworu?

What the hell are you talking about those are the right lyrics.


Yeah, but thats because kaworu was "perfect".
Misato, Rei, Asuka, all had serious flaws that scared him. Shinji wasnt strong enough to handle it, to try to help his friends overcome the problems, so he abandoned them.

Kaworu had no apparent problem, and yet showed full affection for shinji. 100% reward for 0% effort, exactly what shinji wanted. Of course he "loves" kaworu.

On the other hand, i remember some user saying once (not sure if his own opinion or if it had some proper source), but the very fact of not trying to "calm down kaworu, find out if his "fate/instinct" to destroy the world was or wasnt inevitable", was abandoning kaworu like he did to the others. Because he didnt had the fortitude to help anyone.

nice meme

>Action sequences
I mean, they were cool, but they arent, by a long shot, the real meat of the show.


Guys, guys, hey guys... we are all a little bit Shinji on the inside...

Whoops, my bad, senpai.
>love mean
Sounded so wrong. Carry on.

>This time, at least, I will make you happy
>only makes Shinji even more depressed
what did they mean by this?

Depression is the ultimate path to happiness. At some point you will be so depressed that you completely withdraw fom society and at that point, no one will make you suffer or depressed anymore because you don't interact with anyone anymore.

>Silly glasses Rei
Not sure how to react.

Kaworu isnt good at making plans. Too autistic.

Because 10 years of Shinji's life was a continuous demonstration that he wasn't wanted anywhere and nobody cared what he did or what happened to him. He improves over his 6 months in Tokyo-3, where all his good memories come from, but it doesn't flip his whole brain before that last act of the story where all his nice things are taken away.

It's pretty fucking obvious the Rebuilds are sequels: the children all learnt from their mistakes and their personalities shifted ever so slightly.

Compare Shinji crying for Asuka to save him in EoE, whereas in 3.33 he's trying to save everyone else.

I want to behead the author of that doujin and shove his blood-dripping head up your ass

You know it suits her.

Nigga, calm down, its just porn.

>everyone is shinji with another hair cut

So yeah, everyone is nadia with another hair.

Kaworu was the most suicidal cast member in the entire show
He was also miserable, but unlike the others he hid it behind a smile

Shipfaggotry begone.

Im not sure if the term "suicidal" is right, because i dont think he WANTS to die. He just thinks its the best alternative, the other being the destruction of humanity.

He was miserable, because he knew what he needed to do, but he also seemed to have accepted it. Your pic proves it. He smiling that scene isnt hiding it, its acceptance.

Too bad he had no idea how much he really was hurting shinji with that.

Best girl coming through

yeah this has way more reasons why it makes 0 sense at all and it's pretty obvious that they just changed how the second impact happened in rebuild
rebuild seems far more like a parallel reality just taking the same characters starting in the same situation and leading it in a different direction

Crazy dyke.

Love and relationship, specially the ones that dont work out, is a legit theme in Eva. Its more than clear that asuka had strong feelings for shinji around the middle of the series before it all went to shit.

Is this logical?

Not really, i think user is just rambling about kaworu fucking up.

What are some other tragic stories similar to Eva Sup Forums? Watched Revolutionary Girl Utena a while ago and am in the mood for more.

It's sound Kaworu-logic. Life includes pain, death does not, so convincing people to kill themselves is net-positive happiness.

I dont think eva is tragic. There is a lot of suffering, but it ends on a message that people can improve their own lives.

Nearly nothing that happened is irreversible, its all up for the characters to go ahead and try to be happy.

>it ends on a message that people can improve their own lives.

EoE is unironically a masterpiece.
Anno should just make 4.0 a remastered EoE and let it all to rest.

Yeah, it does? It doesnt say it will WORK, but the last talk between shinji and yui is about TRYING.

It is. The memes are twisting your perception of the actual show if you think EVA's ending is depressing. Both the show and EoE.

Why did EoE need an intermission?

Wait... It isn't going to be EoE HD edition? What is it then?

So you understand that it's happening at the same time of the two last episodes.

I never watched Rebirth. Wasnt it the entire first part?

EoE got released in 2 different parts, so theres an intermission.

Plus it goes along with the rest of the series. 26 episodes.

>ends with choking and insults
This is just a lazy explanation for lazy writing. Anno couldn't think of any decent resolution on Asuka and Shinji's dangerous and venomous relationship.

I think he is talking about the credits that roll when shinji and 01 finally leave nerf and see dead asuka. The TV episodes still havent happened at that moment.

Its because it was released in 2 parts.

Whatever you think of Asuka, her state is that dramatic for Shinji.

What would Asuka's panties smell like?

Probably like shit

But are they not better than the original? I like them.

or cinnamon and hazel with a hint of urine.

>Is afraid of even using the same bathroom of misato and shinji
>Lived 7 days starving herself in ruins in a rusty bathtub with blood and likely piss and shit.
When the depression kicks in, she probably dont have really good hygiene.

Then think l level-headed, not stupidly depressed Rebuild Asuka.

Chamomile and citrus. And too much lavender if Misato leaves her perfume sitting out.

While pretending to be normal, she probably has impeccable hygiene and is ready 100% of the time for either shinji or kaji jump her and start fucking.

Are you satisfied?

Dr. Pavel, I'm NERV

If Asuka "loved" Shinji so much why was she so mean to him?


W-where's this from? And w-why is she crying? I'm crying now too...

Because love hurts.



>Asuka, out of everyone, is using a choker

Asuka, for the first half of her presence in the series, is pretty much a straight forward "notice me" tsundere.
She teases him to get a reaction out of him

Prototype draft Kaworu was apparently a cutter, he had scars on his wrists. That's where the Kaworu is suicidal thing comes from.
It's not as evident in the final episode, but I think it's still there. That's why Kaworu has literally no self-worth.

Rebuild Kaworu is superior.

You're wrong.

>Manly piano playing Kaworu that wants to make people happy


>some guy who can never make a coherent plan and wants to kill himself

>Anything about kaworu

user, pls.

-more interesting
-more depth
-actually acts like how an ayy lmao would act
-no pupils
-suicidal, therefore waifuable and makes me want to protect him
-cute design pandering to shotacons like me

-whole character revolves around Shinji
-has pupils and is humanized
-shadow the edgehog hairstyle
-no flaws therefore not waifuable
7/10, still better than the Eva girls in Rebuild though

Rebuild Kaworu's entire point was to act as a guide for Shinji. That, and get played like a fiddle by best dad to get Shinji in the robot. He takes the role of Shinji's only real friend in the Rebuilds. Gendo is Gendo, Misato manipulates him for revenge, Rei is fucking dead, and Asuka is a cunt who punches bullet-proof glass instead of explaining the situation to him.

>Oh hey Shinji just woke up for a decade of sleeping
>let's not tell him what's going on, all while blaming him for something Misato and Gendo ultimately caused

Yeah, but that's the thing. Kaworu's entire character revolves around Shinji in Rebuild.
We don't know anything about him and that's boring.

At least in NGE, even with his one episode, we were still able to learn a bit about Kaworu as an individual. He had his own issues about humanity, music, and SEELE and shit that were all separate from Shinji.
In Rebuild all of that is gone.

I agree he's a lot more tolerable than the other characters in 3.0, though. He's just a chill dude who wants to play piano, that's cool.

Kaworu's head popping like a fucking watermelon will never not make me grin like a retard.

All the deaths in Eva make me laugh, they're so over the top

wrong, we see dead ritsuko and asuka in refuge in ep 25

End of Evangelion > Neon Genesis Evangelion > Evangelion: 3.0 > Evangelion: 2.0 > Evangelion: 1.0 > Evangelion: Death and Rebirth

What's cool is that in the Japanese laserdisk collections for the last two episodes they contained the TV episode as well as that half of EoE
25 came with 25 Air and 26 came with the second half

>top cunt
>capable of feeling love

>3.0 above literally anything
You were right on every other point, at least.

Damn, I'm not a big fan of Kaworu and usually hate Kaworufags but that is a damn cool shot

Uh that's a completely different character user

Death and Rebirth is good

Kowru in Rebuild has the knowledge of NGE Kowru

Its literally a recap episode the movie. Yeah theres some improved art, but still.

Jesus I just watched Rebuild 2.22 for the 1st time and it was so fucking good that I don't want to watch the 3rd one because I know I will be left waiting for the 3.0+1.0.
I was a bit dissapointed by 1.11 but 2.22 blew me out of the water.