
Jun-kun you're on the right goddamn track

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Great chapter.

Right on time

>Caroline get the fuck away from me you freak

So it was the park. Alright then.

Last thread got unexpectedly long

So she just wants to make Tomo jealous. As long as it doesn't become more pointed and vindictive than this rather harmless stuff, that'll be fine. Plus, I love that Jun isn't having any of her bullshit.

>Jun and Carol have had more relationship moments in this arc than Jun and Tomo have had in this entire story

>it's literally all carol trying to get in his pants out of spite

This is all Senpai's fault, I hope Jun gives him another good beating soon.

There's something really cute about these two together. Probably that they're so different.

That Sup Forumsnon was pretty good at narrowing down potential date locations.

The biggest question is Love Hotel or Carol's house once the sun starts setting.

>Plus, I love that Jun isn't having any of her bullshit.

This is Jun we're talking about.

He can't tell that Carol is trying to hook up with him even if she shows him those big cotton candy tits.

Jun is a natural players.

Acts aloof to get Carol interested.

Puts her down by calling her Blondie.

Ignores her when she starts engaging in skin skip and pushes her away so she starts wanting more skin contact with him.

>He can't tell that Carol is trying to hook up with him
its because she wants to get revenge.

So, the next chapter is going to be Tomo watching them hugging and misunderstanding everything, right?

Jun can't resist Carol's Carols.

Carol just needs to ask Jun to hold her legs while she does sit ups or count how many jumping jacks she can do.

Yeah, but she's not trying to hook up with him; she's only trying to appear flirtatious so that Tomo will get jealous. Either way, it's not like Jun would ever actually do something with Carol. He's basically passively ignoring her so far.

Title: Used to play like this all the time
Panel 1
Jun: So what are we here at the park for?
Carol: To watch people play!
Jun: People?
Panel 2
Carol: For example, see those two people playing badminton over there?
Jun: Get off me.
Carol: What you do is, you pick one of those two...
Panel 3
Carol: ...and imagine you're the one playing!
Jun: What?
Girl: (Hah!)
Carol: (Take that!)
Carol: When you do that...
Panel 4
Carol: You feel like it's probably really fun!
Jun: You're sadder than I thought...
Carol: Meanie!

Jun is making her wet. What a player.

I can see a bit where they accidentally walk into a street of love hotels. Carol wondering what they are while Jun is having none of it and yanks her away. Probably dropping off Carol at her house soon after Carol settles down with her spite mentality. Although not sure what fumita has in mind.

The fuck

She's playing dumb again. What fearsome thing is she planning to do?

>So she just wants to make Tomo jealous.
It was obivous from the beginning. She needs to show her friendzoning friend that Tomo is as good as taken.

Jun's so perceptive. Him even sticking around is very contrived at this point, since it's obviously just leading to an imminent misunderstanding.

>When you do that...

I unironically don't get it

Did she come up with this game because all the girls use to ignore her growing up?

Remember when she told Tomo and Misuzu how she was alienated by her classmates when she was little?

Carol's a sad, strange fluffy being.

Shit, I thought for a second there that she would say "you imagine that it's you and Tomo".
Would've been the biggest fucking twist.

Damn, my boy Jun knows how to play The Game.

All those video games are helping Jun right now with the ladies.

He knows exactly what to say to rile Carol up.

Is there a department store that sells Carols? I would like one of my own.

Carol can't exercise so she imagines herself exercising.

Jun thinks its sad because Jun is /fit/ as fuck.

>What you do is, you pick one of those two...
> ...and imagine you're the one playing!
>When you do that...
>You feel like it's probably really fun!
I feel like this is subtext for something.

Anytime Carol says the word, "that" I get nervous that there are misunderstandings abound.

>Jun can't resist Carol's Carols.

He's afraid of them.

The size of Carol's Carols is just unnatural.

oh shit
carol's a hardcore cuck

Nah, Carol is jealous so she's trying to bring everything to the tipping point. She wants to get into shota-kun's pants

It's because she's not trying to hook up with him
>Why are you asking me to hang out

Jun will get Carol to exercise unwillingly.

Both him and her become all sweaty in the end.

Jun shows up to Carol's house along with Carol.

Seeing the sweat, Carol's mom's eye's start spinning 360 Degrees and yells It's Over before fainting.

Carol invites Jun to take a shower and a fresh change of clothes at her house.

>Get off me
>You're sadder than I thought

Girls wouldn't want guys they don't like to come in physical contact with themselves.

Jun probably feels very nice and hard since he's pretty muscular.

>Baby Carol didn't have friends so her way of having fun was watching others play and imagine she was in their place.
Fuck, I forgot about that, now this page is really sad. And then there's her mom who probably was fine with that because it tied baby Carol further in her nest.

Carol literally grabs onto everyone like that.

except it's a guy this time

Carol has flowing blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, along with heaving tits imported straight from Europe. How are Chingy and Chongy supposed to compete with the WWP (Wet White Pussy)?

>keeps getting turned down and jun doesn't give a fuck

she'll have to rape him if this continues

Jun will show Carol a whole new world just like how Tomo got Jun to give up his Nintendo DS in exchange to learn how to rock climb.

So Jun is gonna go to Carol's house and tell Carol's mom that I'm going to take your daughter away from home starting now, everyday, and show her the world and make her strong.

That's really irrelevant. In fact she's probably doing that because she knows Jun detests her and is telling her to get off.

Carol was only pretending to be friends with tomo. She was jelly since she saw how senpai looked at her with admiration. Now that she knows nothing is working she is stepping her game up to cuck tomo.

>breaking a sweat with some Caroline-level exercise

>Only pretending
Don't be a bigger faggot than Carol is right now.

>Caroline does a single push up
>Sweating balls
>I did it!
>Jun stares at her out of bewilderment and pity

all she's doing is getting even.
Senpai ----> Tomo, so now she wants
Jun -----> Carol
she won't get it, though, obviously

Even tomo dad knows she is somthing dark that must not be messed with. The clues were right there and nobody saw them.

> Jun is gonna go to Carol's house and tell Carol's mom that I'm going to take your daughter away from home starting now, everyday, and show her the world and make her strong.
Actually it would be kind of awesome and sweet if Jun realized her whole life Carol has been shunned by her peers and sheltered by her mother and thus decided to do exactly that. Kind of a pay-it-forward after Tomo did the same with him.
But even then, make no mistake, Jun's pants belong to the tomboy.

>show her the world and make her strong
I hope this entire "plan" backfires on Carol and instead this happens. Tomo and Jun adopt her as a daughter

>Tomo and Jun adopt her as a daughter
Best possible outcome of this.

I can think of one kind of exercise.

I hope teach carol to have fun. Looks like she really was a sheltered lonely girl

I see you're a man with foresight.
Incest route unlocked.

Carol is already dead inside.

It's not really that contrived. Jun is always there for when people need him. He is trying to become a reliable person like Tomo after all. If you can't keep someone company after they ask for it, then everything is for naught.

It would only strengthen Jun and Tomo's relationship. Now they have a pseudo daughter and Tomo starts to think about having a real one

Carol/Jun shippers gtfo AGAIN

>Carol: You feel like it's probably really fun!
>suddenly remember that Carol's mom doesn't want her to leave the nest
>secluded and recluded

So you telling this is a 500 chapter masterplan, with the weakening of the reckoned evil force known as Misuzu all planned up along the way just to beat Tomo as she said she'd train to do at the beginning?

It's official, Caroline should be Jun's daughter

>Want to hate Carol because she's pulling this bullshit
>Fumita throws in this absolutely pathetic and sad page

Indeed this is a heartbreaking page

Man, I don't know what I'd fucking do if I had a hot piece of ass like Caroline, same age as me, calling me daddy or something like that.

You fools, she's gonna use this chance to tell Jun about her past, which Jun will simpatize, and then pull all of the right strings on him.
This is all part of her game.

>pull all the right strings on him
She'll bike 50 miles with him?

Official Mint Condition Carol Song

They're cute together.

Is Jun gay? Why is he not fucking Carol right now.

I think is impresive. Never imagined a page like this in this arc. I hope he does not ruin it with a cliche like they are followed by tomo and misuzu. I hope jun takes carol to the arcade and teach her how to play for real

Official arc theme song

It's amazing how there's been complaints about how manipulative and awful she's been the last few pages and suddenly with this reveal now thread is all about having sympathy for her. Truly a master manipulator.

>implying tomo would want a slutty daughteru who tried to steal her man

>Truly a master manipulator
I can just imagine her thought process if she's actually consciously thinking about this
>Yes, I will now reveal how absolutely pathetic and sad my entire childhood and existence has been! I have had no friends my entire life, this will surely work now in my favor!

Rem will win. SHE. FUCKING. HAS. TO.

No, it's just misplaced malice
>guy I like likes my friend
>so imma cozy up to friend's guy
I don't think she wants to make Jun fall for her. Can you imagine if that actually happened? A Jun that isn't in denial is half a step from Chadhood. Carol would be finished. She'd stop thinking about senpai's boypussy within a week.

>I hope he does not ruin it with a cliche like they are followed by tomo and misuzu.
That's exactly what I expect.

seems like the recent arc has revived Tomo-chan threads


Leaked chapter 590

>>implying tomo would want a slutty daughteru who tried to steal her man
I don't think Tomo would mind a sluty daughteru, and she's not trying to steal Jun.

what layer of reality is carol playing chess on right now

or is she actually misunderstanding things for once

This should happen but not because they're dating but because of what said Jun starting to hang out with her as a friend to free her from Carolmoms claws.

three or four
it's a multi-level statement she's making


that's not very good, user.

Edits are edits, they're half the fun.

3 1/2 years since this masterpiece was created...

This and the sp mod songs always get me

Maybe she's just stupid but the narrative vortexes around her to make everything work out like she had a keikaku all along

Someone said, that there needs to be a CC x Jun version of the shortened version:


Let's hope. They could have a nice dynamic.

Am I the only whos enjoying the latest chapters? I think Jun, and Carol have a ton of chemistry .