There is literally nothing wrong with fascism. It would lead to a more constructive, stable...

There is literally nothing wrong with fascism. It would lead to a more constructive, stable, meaningful life for the majority of the populace. It would lift them out of the meaningless, atomisitic, cesspit of the modern world that reduces you to a hedonistic consumer and slave to capital. It would give meaning.


>nothing wrong
>modernist filth

National Socialists are barbarian offspring of romantic nihilism, an attempt at bruteforce creation of the future... which necessitates the destruction of both liberal democracy and monarchy and its society's vestigial feudalism. Some reactionary impulses underly the movement, but more as a matter of exploitation than of intellectual parity. There is very little that is traditional in Nazism... if anything it is the modern force of brute colonisation, industry, twin forces of rationality and irrationality blurred into a violent social magma... abortion-demon countryside... mass hominid slaughterhouse, bomb-rape of civilisation.

Pic related, fascist """stability"""


so nothing would change?

It's not extreme enough

I'm just glad you're constructing an actual argument rather than meme fueled misanthropic polemic

This fascists are barely iconoclasts. We need some hyper-Heidegger political system. He made Nazis look soft.

>We need some hyper-Heidegger political system
Such as?

Nice comeback, faggot.

Fuck off, bootlicker

If you need the state to give a meaning for you then you probably don't even deserve a meaningful life.
Also, fascism was a capitalist invention to fight communism, idiot.


No you

>fascism was a capitalist invention to fight communism
Pick up a fucking history book

>this is what communists believe
The state does need to give meaning, most people are incapable of finding it themselves that's why they slowly die on the sofa from eating too much while watching reality tv. The state needs to promote an ideology and a way of life.

This is a sadboy birthday boy thread now

T. American mutt

this is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever read on /lit/, and I participate in the socialism vs. capitalism debates



I really can't tell if that guy is asian or not.

>b-but your race!!!

Such a weak ideology


>The state does need to give meaning, most people are incapable of finding it themselves that's why they slowly die on the sofa from eating too much while watching reality tv. The state needs to promote an ideology and a way of life.
the fucking state of unrooted muttified modern """""right wingers"""""

You will never be white.

Im not even american, faggot.

Another one.
Probably from the Steppe somewhere. Most """Slavic"""" countries have that kind of face.


this is now a "dick the birthday boy thread"

This can be easily solved just by assuring everyone gets an acceptable level of education. You don't even need to brainwash them with shitty ideology then.

Last one. Please, anyone, feel free to post some of your own. I'm always looking for more to add to my cache.

How do you think our roots can be brought back without a system and mechanism created from above to reproduce it? The family is not coming back until the systems in place are reshaped to do so. Material reality is what shapes the mass of people.

what a stupid argument


Like Mein Kampf for example?

Saved. A bit off-topic, but I enjoyed it and laughed. Guffawed, even.

that guy's wearing a pedobear tshirt


But it was literally invented by an ex commie

What happens when they leave the education system and enter a world that contradicts it? It's no good teaching old fashioned values and ideals to kids only to leave them to be subverted by the media outside of school.

reminder that Hitler was a syphilitic degenerate

most people aren't as stupid as you, it seems

When I say "acceptable level" I mean when you can start thinking for yourself. What you advocate is a society of grown-up babies.

>most people are incapable of finding it themselves that's why they slowly die on the sofa from eating too much while watching reality tv.
Pure projection. Most people are content with their lives.

Yeah, user's analysis is DFW drivel. Put down IJ, mannnnn....

So? The Blackshirts bashing commies sure has nothing to do with the commies being against the interests of the Italian capitalist.

it was a communist invention to fight against itself lmao

You have a point.

They clearly are more stupid.
Divorce is the norm.
Obesity is the norm.
Nihilism is the norm.
Materialism is the norm.
Single mothers are the norm.
Crime is the norm.
People are already 'thinking' for themselves, hence the above. Most people can't think for themselves, they will reduce themselves to beasts of emotion. They need guidance from cradle to grave.

christ, you're dumb

Are you retarded? Mussolini WAS a socialist BEFORE becoming the leader of the fascists and going against them. Mussolini was funded by the capitalists to fight the enemies of capitalism.


hm, it's better than slaughtering millions based off the color of their skin, at least in MY opinion...

>Pic related, fascist """stability"""

So you're saying the nazis did Dresden? Okay faggot.

They caused it, yeah.

Fascism is an extremely materialistic and nihilistic ideology lad.
Also fascist Italy was corrupt as fuck, especially in the south.

>I have no arguments, uhm, I'll just call him dumb!
Only 14% of the population has an IQ in the 115 - 130 range. Only 2% in the 130 - 145. 0.1% in the 145+ range.
Effectively around 70% of the population does not have the faculties to ever truly think for themselves, meanwhile we pretend that they can and leave them to their own volition. And what have we been given in return since the 1960s? A society ruled by the mob, reduced to the lowest level. I'm advocating a society ruled by the elite, of which I am not part, but I know it would be better for me and everyone else.

talk shit, get hit.

We aren't obliged to the problems of others, and suggesting some sort of IQ based servility is disgusting.

Where am I advocating that?
Mussolini was never a biological racist, for one, and fascism doesn't necessarily need to be. Even if w were going down the ethnonationalist root, the idea that this would lead to killing non-whites is hyperbole. Incentivized repatriation works and has been done all over the world.

>start war
>lose war
>suffer consequences of losing war
really makes you think

Yeah and it failed in Italy, too. Spain doesn't seem to keen on it anymore either

If your state and the ideology that underlays it gets you into the largest war in world history and brings about immense damage to your nation, it hardly deserves point for stability.

All you've done is get emotional and sperg out. Go cry somewhere else baby.

>the idea that this would lead to killing non-whites is hyperbole
Yeah, it's not like 99% of fascists wants to.

I dont know what point you think you're making but youve majorly misunderstood what was meant by fascism is capitalism in decay.
And even that statement is debatable. Just read like a little bit of a history book, even just a chapter at a time, half if you have to.

yeah your cold calculated autistic logic sure it persuasive

It failed because of a war and because of the geopolitical situation. Italy under Mussolini was actually a great place, if you weren't a subversive commie kike.

>Spain doesn't seem to keen on it anymore either
It is, though. Spain is a shitty country anyway.

>Yeah, it's not like 99% of fascists wants to.
Maybe in the minds of lefties, who need evil boogeymen.

Yeah a war that was necessary to keep fascisim in power. Read a book, moran

Right because it's still fascist

ever read anything out of Italy at the time
it was a shithole
If Sup Forums is good at crudely diagnosing the discontents of our time that you're not allowed to speak out loud, it would have a field day with fascist Italy

>Yeah a war that was necessary to keep fascisim in power. Read a book, moran
Baseless assertion.

>Are you retarded? Mussolini WAS a socialist BEFORE becoming the leader of the fascists and going against them. Mussolini was funded by the capitalists to fight the enemies of capitalism.
also the king was ok with giving power to Mussolini because the political situation was a mess and union protests were getting out of hand

Representative democracy isn't mob rule lol.
Anyway the most powerful and successful nation in the world is a democracy.
>Inb4 the USA isn't a democracy

Fascists claim LIBERALISM is decadence, retard. As in the social aspect, but they're totally ok with the capitalists owning the means of production and this very same minority of the population being rich while the rest of the country lives in misery.


I don't want a boot pining me to the ground whether it be the boot of fascism, capitalism or marxist-leninism.

The USA inherited untouched land full of resources and expertise and ideology from Europe, while avoiding all of the disasters besetting the world. And it was built by white people. It's not surprising they've done so well in incredibly favourable geopolitical situations.
Yet in a mere 70 years of being an empire, it has already dug its own grave.

No, it was built by slave labour you racist fuck

This whole thread has been
>You're fucking wrong, faggot
>NO, you're fucking wrong, faggot

So? That doesn't mean fascism is some ideology only used by the le capitalist boogeyman. Mussolini simply saw the error of his ways, as did many others.

Fascism is gay

also beware that "fascism" is ideologically nebulous
mussolini's economic policy was inconsistent, he just did what he thought was best for him at the moment
if mussolini could have seized the means of production, he would have did that, but it would have been more harmful than useful to mantain power

"Subversive commies" were a good portion of the population back then. I agree it wasn't too bad (but I might be influenced by love for Fellini).
Still, ideological brainwashing isn't ideal. Even admitting that Mussolini had good intentions towards his nation, the moment he dies and power passes to someone else you can't be sure what the fuck the guy is going to do.

>OP starts with "there is literaly nothing wrong with fascism"
>60 posts later the thread has been a shit-fest
What a twist.

>Still, ideological brainwashing isn't ideal
but the italians weren't brainwashed by fascism
the church had more influence on the people than mussolini had

Oh really? Did slaves have knowledge of engineering, mathematics, politics, science, and all the other learning necessary to establish a great civilisation? No. In fact, nobody in Africa did.

Secondly, if you seriously think a relatively small amount of slaves (who primarily did agriculture) built the US, you're literally down syndrome retarded.

>Even admitting that Mussolini had good intentions towards his nation, the moment he dies and power passes to someone else you can't be sure what the fuck the guy is going to do.
That's why you create a system to transition power to the right people.

>That doesn't mean fascism is some ideology only used by the le capitalist boogeyman.
>the capitalists of our country are your friends because they are patriots
>the commies who oppose them are evil

>That's why you create a system to transition power to the right people.
yeah who? the same people who ditched mussolini once the shit hit the fan?

Draw on paper all you want, but you need to do work to get it done.

That's why you don't involve yourself in an existential mass war.

and don't forget the Chinese labor that went into the railroad

or the general oppressive working conditions that were present coming out of the Industrial revolution.

You're right, but remember that this board is full of brainwashed 20 somethings who have learned that being white is a crime and their "queer literature courses" has given them a warped view of the world.

>The Italians weren't brainwashed by fascism
They kinda where though. I have an old notebook from when my grandpa went to elementary school and he had to write pages full of "Viva il Duce!".

>but you need to do work to get it done.
Which the slaves didn't do, white Europeans did most of it. You're utterly deluded. Bet you think Africa would look like the black panther universe if le evil whitey didn't come.

And without the paper and mind to produce it, it doesn't come into existence in the first place.

>Which the slaves didn't do,

>my brainwashing is better than your brainwashing