Universal Basic Income contingent on sterilization?

How would you guys feel about a UBI system where beneficiaries are required to undergo sterilization, or at the very least not to have children?

Would this be a feasible method of phasing-out niggers from the human genome without actively killing billions?

Shoo shoo luciferian jew

Isn't the proposal largely in contrast to the current gameplan of global Jewry wherein reproduction is encouraged among the unfit/unproductive in order to milk their subpar production for the benefit of a comparatively small ruling elite?

No, the mixing is merely to genetically handicap the underclass and make it into a uniform and fungible source of human resources. Eliminating reproduction in the wild is a parallel thrust for transhumanism, and mass population cull will be increasingly necessary as transhumanism reduces the need for human resources.

I wasn't referring to racemixing when I said "reproduction is encouraged." It happens but it is barely consequential compared to the already massive reduction in value of a human body/life that we're facing by the end of this century. Wouldn't electable sterilization in exchange for a lifetime of worry-free hedonism be a decent utilitarian tradeoff in contrast to a century of bitter conflict accomplishing the same end?

No, it just encourages people along to involuntary mass sterilization thinking they're going to be doing something good for the world and themselves. Carrot and stick to help build the luciferian new world order.

It's satan worship.

Do you see free-range humanity surviving past 21c with a similar level of comfort to what we experience today? Is population reduction necessarily "Luciferian" in your view?

Entrancing the population into desiring death is fundamentally luciferian, yes, as is the overriding goal of overthrowing reality and creating a new one so that those at the top can ascend to godhood.

Notice: if we wanted to create a next century with an even better level of comfort, we might target that; instead, what's being targeted is destruction that the few at the top might enjoy the fruits of the destruction they wrought.

It's a quick way of making your nation dependent on mass immigration.

The problem with it is that you can't opt out of it. Once you're sterilized, you're done for.


Depends how you go about it. Vasectomies are typically reversible, although that's still a gamble.

I always found it funny a few years back when Poland offered gibs of some sort to the homeless if they would get sterilized. lel. Nothing to see here, folks! IIRC they also used the homeless for human experimentation to see what the effects of the H1N1 vaccine would be.

Isn't the alternative being overrun by unwashed brown hordes? What will happen after that?

not like western countries are not already dependent on mass imigration.

False choice. There is no need to import the brown hordes. Always fix the root problem rather than falling for the Hegelian Dialectic.

I don't have the same faith that the white genome can hold out in the presence of global materialism and democratization of media. We can't understate the inadequacy of women in this regard. White women will slowly whittle down the white genome until our genetic gold is pissed away into an ocean of liquid shit

That's why it's important to marry and start a family early, the way it used to be. Destruction of the family unit has been a key goal, and great progress has been made over the past century.

The numbers do not work out the way you hope they will. The human genome is in decline because of population dynamics and a return to "the way it used to be," while desirable, will not be nearly enough to stem the changing tide.

So instead you propose luciferian jewish communism (UBI) and encouragement to not have children? Doesn't sound helpful to me unless you desire what you predict.

I might be able to get on board as long as it could be reversed for the ones who took the initiative to become productive members of society. If you are born dirt poor the road to success is more difficult, so anyone who manages to fight their way up out of the ghetto, and into the middle class are obviously genetically superior to the rest and should be allowed to breed.

>…not to have children…
UBI strongly disincentives children because then poor people have to pay for their own kids out of their own benefits (and won't so they can spend on themselves).

UBI is contingent upon AI or near-AI levels of automation that make most forms of labor, especially the low-skilled variety, unnecessary. Before then it's just a scheme to collapse economies and force revolution.

>Larping from an 80s movie about rollerbladers

Did you not read the first post? UBI + sterilization contingency = unproductive people willingly stop existing without needing to be bloodily culled in widespread wars or cascading Holocaust.

This is true only providing that the basic income is not adjusted for families, which is not a generally clearly established in discussions of UBI.

Do you think that level of automation won't be achieved in the future? Don't underestimate the nigger's capacity to be economically worthless. Robots will outstrip humanity eventually, starting with niggers, and we can be done with their genetic contagion on the genome within a generation without staining history with genocidal bloodshed using the carrot that is UBI.

>This is true only providing that the basic income is not adjusted for families, which is not a generally clearly established in discussions of UBI.
Sure it is. Even in the more generous versions, the point is you get what you get and make do with that. The best ideas are negative income tax based, applicable to individuals over 18 or 21 or whatever. But even in the situations where its a flat rate per household, or per household plus per individual, the the math of it creates an incentive for a low or no income to not have children so they have the most money possible for themselves.

Naturally there would be friction for any large scale real world implementation. Kids born in the next year (or more, unfortunately) would be grandfathered under the old welfare rules. And any functional UBI system would require an (almost) complete elimination of other forms of welfare, which is tenable in the face of offering everyone UBI. But it cares for the all the individuals who are welfare cases today, while minimizing the number of births of future individuals who cannot support themselves.

The correct response is to tell these social Darwinists where to shove their UBI.

No strings attached.

Why are you even on pol?