How do you like your evil women?
How do you like your evil women?
Flat chested, immortal vampires
Brainwashed by option menu apparently.
Strong and dominant, but with a soft spot.
Nice taste.
Wearing latex/leather.
Not obnoxious like in OP.
I'm sorry, what?
Everybody I've talked to that agreed that Albedo was obnoxious and the worst part about OverLord. So definitely not like her.
Actually fucking evil
As housewives
Also this.
Cute and mocking
Charming and delightful.
With at least one painful and humiliating rape scene, which they overcome and continue being evil.
This, with sides of crazy and corrupting
Coated in semen.
Dead. I stand for justice.
They either convert or they die, mama warned us about girls like her. Also they can fuck shit up for everyone so there's that. Evil women like Albedo are a parasite on the world and a obsticle for the potential of humanity.
Originally pure and innocent, but corrupted into selfish and dominant.
Where is this from, by the way?
It's from LILITH-IZM07, sequel story to Tokumu Sousakan Rei & Fuko/Fuuko. It's also the title that gave me a fetish for seeing characters I like get raped.
This man is correct.
Women are inherently evil.
Said soft spot has earns them the "turn the tables" ending every time. Is it worth that?
>not knowing Kenkou Cross
OUT, newfag!
If Ainz turned into an angel/paladin, would he hurt her with every dicking? Would she still do it? What if Ainz tried to use a healing potion as lube with Shalltear?
As shown in Vol 1, Ainz already has a passive skill that can hurt her on touch. When he first grabbed her, she flinched because of it and he had to actively disable it mentally. It would probably be the same situation if he were a good outsider of any kind; he'd likely just need to disable the passive that would hurt her.
What if he couldn't turn it off during sex, would she still do it? If he came inside of her and then released a death aura would she still get pregnant?
>would she still do it
You bet
She'd turn into a huge masochist in time
>"turn the tables" ending
Not enough Benten in this thread
Also we need to make a difference between girls who just act like dominatrix with a "soft spot" and actually evil characters like pic related.
What's that heart-shaped hole for?
Powerful, smart, body of a goddess and dressed sexy.
Should I play this game?
If you like suffering
Slender, pale and not too showy with skin, just a little unhinged but not full blown psycho and some sympathetic points.
What's up with that outfit, I thought she was a comfort woman.
I like them blind and cute.
nazi mecha pilot during alien invasion threatening the very existence of humanity
she's the top dog
She's actually a mech pilot in the East German Army.
She's not actually a Nazi.
Although she does execute people like one.
Raped until they can't even walk and still keep their stuck up evil persona.
Then why the fuck is she pole dancing instead of fighting ayylmaos? I thought she was a sex slave like the Japanese teaches us to use women in the army.
I have found a comrade.
Who hurt you?
Because it's fan art user.
I didn't think that would be such a difficult concept to understand.
She looks the part but isn't really evil.
This thread is for evil only
It doesn't matter. They just have to love me.
shit taste confirmed
technically qualifies
Devoted to your suffering
No one, but I hate mindbreak more than anything. What's the point of rape if they start enjoying it? I want them to keep hating it, and glare at me with a killing intent while I'm pleasuring myself with their bodies.
But is she a good girl, I want to know before I spend my neet bucks.
She once was a really sweet girl.
Then some terrible shit happens and now she enjoys executions.
Now that you mention it, Albedo covers most of my fetishes.
Big hips and tits, tall, horns, craves for my cock, and brainwashed.
How can other girls even compete?
>psychopathic bitch with a fetish for chopping people up who murdered without even asking her "love" whether to do so
Jason was right to leave her.
Well done.
>gets MC'd by goddess to obsess with Jason
>kills her brother because MC
>leaves her country because MC
>literally only has Jason left
>Jason utilizes her to attempt to become king
>saves his life
>plan fails, forced to flee
>Jason decides to abandon her for some princess because "i just cant wait to be king"
he got what he deserved
Can make clones of herself
I'm more of a fan of Shadow bloodline Sorcs. There's just something enticing about having spells like Shadow Conjuration/Evocation that are incredibly versatile. Although all the quasi-real illusion rules stop it from being too powerful.
ps nerf psions
>shirou/caster NEVER
the sad thing is it could have worked, shirou is exactly the moralfag to help her deal with her issues, and the dynamic could have been fun
Fuck, I want it now.
What would have happened to saber?
Rin Saber super team
You know strangely Shirou/Caster is the only pair of which I have never seen art for from the original series.
But then what happens to the red man?
Because only a handful like the used goods old evil witch. All things she could do are already done better by a different girl.
Remilia or Flandre?
>What would have happened to saber?
shirou/medea could still sumon her - but she would be more limited due to lack of mana/bound to the house like sasaki
because she is the only girl to not be a heroine/ally - she is always antagonistic to shirou because she has kuzuki
>All things she could do are already done better by a different girl.
but thats wrong faggot
>she actually is a commie
With a clock eye
With a large chest and lipstick please.
Instead they paired her up with the retard Kuzuki. Honestly I rather would've had a caster route over HF/Sakura.
I can see why it wasn't done though. Caster isn't nearly as """cute""" as Saber or Rin and I imagine most typemoonfags in nippon don't want old waifus like Medea; of course Saber is also old but since she looks young its fine n dandy. Such a shame.
Alternatively, what if they had worked a true caster route into the storyline of F/HA?
>retard Kuzuki
that also fits, they are both people with dark pasts who would rather put that behind them
shes an elf, its basically impossible to tell
>what if they had worked a true caster route into the storyline of F/HA?
that wouldnt make sense, in HA she has "won" since her win condition is just to live a normal life
>Big hips and tits, tall, horns, craves for my cock, and brainwashed.