PSA: if you make $25,000 a year or LESS under the new tax plan in the US

PSA: if you make $25,000 a year or LESS under the new tax plan in the US
>$13.02/hr at 40 hours a week or lower
You will no longer owe any federal income tax. This means on average you will gain an additional $200-250 a month to your take home pay, with the highest amount of $300 going to those who straddle the $25,000 line.

Why is Drumpf doing this?

Is he an idiot?

When does this go into effect? It's nice but it still doesn't solve the issue that people can't survive on these wages.

So, I make $14.20/hr, and if you're telling the truth, someone making $13/hr brings home roughly $20 more a week than I do, which is basically an extra $2,000 anually.

What about waitresses, my GF makes like $4/he, relies on tips. I only make like $35k a year. Would like to repopulate the whites soon but need MOAR MAHNEE

it doesn't go away as soon as you make over 25k silly. income after that gets taxed

>PSA: if you make $25,000 a year or LESS under the new tax plan in the US
Wasn't that for married couples?

The tax starts once you make a dollar more than the tax line. Your first 25k isn't taxed

Okay, that's fine.

>poor people aren't gutted to pay for slightly poorer people
>trump is bad


>Your first 25k isn't taxed
So you can make 25k. Then you make 1 dollar but since the first 25k is tax free you only pay like a few pennies on that dollar over 25k based on the tax rate percentage for that bracket

Child tax credit doubled, babies are now worth $2000 each

Sup Forums is for those over 17 kid

Worry about your own country vicarious spectator, shoo

I believe it went into effect as of 2018.

>people can't survive on these wages.

If you can't figure out a way to "get by" with 500$ a week another 1000$ won't help you. You're just shit with money.

Born in '94, boi.

Good News - This
Bad News - This doesn't start until *next* year.

The baby shitting spics must be really happy about that. The amount of money these giant brown families get from taxes is sickening, more than some peoples entire annual salary.

So have more white babies then.

Tax credits for children only apply up to 3 children

First 25k taxfree? Thats pretty awesome. So all the negativity around this bill is just (((them)))?

Geez not to go all Boomer on you
You may want to consider the economic benefits of working 8hrs a week more.
That's about extra $500.00 month
Spend that 8 hrs shit posting on pol/, video gaming ,spending money you don't have = negative cash flow.
Just saying

>doesn't solve the issue that people can't survive on these wages.
what are you talking about? people are surviving just fine you commie faggot.

Fix white women first. I'm not going to have children with a cunt just for the sake of tax gibs. That's a spigger thing.

Fuck meanwhile the faggot here is giving away billions to ISIS terrorists while taxes go up up up Trump plz annex this shithole

>this nigger thinks spics pay income taxes

Secures vote. $200 a month per poorfag is nothing if it secures the votes for Trump's reelection, wherein he can implement the serious shit. Into chess, brainlet.

Worse than that. Child tax credit is small gibs. EITC is the big one. I saw a spic the other day get a $5300 refund for shitting out one spiclet. EITC should be repealed.

>Worse than that. Child tax credit is small gibs. EITC is the big one. I saw a spic the other day get a $5300 refund for shitting out one spiclet. EITC should be repealed
this. spics don't make enough for the child tax credit to matter.

>married only
Damn. Whelp... not worth it.

fucking disgusts me to no ends. we're paying these brown savages thousands to help replace us.

Empty your bank account and limit your income to $8 per hour. I want to see how many hours you can survive cucked cappie faggot.

wouldn't someone with that income get free insurance, food stamps, etc.?

In Oklahoma I was making 8/hr no tax as a mechanic at an ATV shop, 450-500/week 1750-2k every month and lived easy

>yank hasn't got a clue about tax brackets
colour me surprised

Maybe if you work part time.

Food stamps covers 125 dollars per month. That's nothing.
You were also probably digging out of trash bins. That's no way to live. How much was your rent?

Tax credits is not the same thing as tax deductible. If you don’t earn enough to be taxed and have tax credits the government will pay you that money. For instance I got married and had a child this year but was still working a shitty job until may so I only made 24k last year. I owe nothing in federal taxes, but because of the child, when I did a rough tax estimator last night I’m set to get 5k back as a refund. I only paid in roughly 1000 as taxes over the last year. Our system really does favor poor people.

Sounds great and all if you can get a job in the first place

my mom gets $200 a month nigga

If people "can't survive" on these wages they would be dead already.

no shit, that's the difference between deductibles and credits. and no, it doesn't favor poor people, it favors poor parents. why do you think single moms have it made?

this i own a house and it's rougly $1500 a month including groceries and fuel and everything else. if you can't get buy on ~$2000 a month and pay your property tax you're doing it wrong or car poor

He was laughing saying spics don’t pay income tax so why would a tax credit help them and I was explaining that it would in fact benefit them

Where are you getting $500/wk from?

His post said empty your bank account and live on 8/hr. I just proved it is possible.

>implying anyone making 10-14$ take home that much

They don't, thousands of people die from starvation, hypothermia, hyperthermia, and treatable illnesses. Those that don't die live horrible impoverished lives. Something you wont understand because mommy takes care of you.

I already am seeing an extra 150 a month. this is awesome.

>you were probably digging out of trash bins
Nigger I lived in California on $9/hr and was comfortable, never hungry. Yes it was lean times but some people are too fucking dumb to cut the fat.

>become wagie 9 months ago
>try real hard
>get raises to 14.50/hr
>get tax break
This is better than the time Obama gave me $4500 toward my new car

Then your ignorance of tax brackets is even sadder.

Cool but I'm a single guy so do I still get taxed for not wanting leeches in my life?

>be me
>completely financially responsible for my mom while she sits getting juggled in the disability system for 3 years now while having way more things wrong with her than most people i see on disability, including reoccurring cancer
>she worked a straight 50 years and paid taxes, ended up with nothing because of medical shit
>claiming her as a dependent was worth $0 to me at tax time

>be dumb poor spic
>have turd baby
>get thousands back in taxes, paying none of course
>get free healthcare
>get free food
>possibly free shelter
>contribute nothing to society
>send that money back to mexico

why haven't we started hanging the people responsible for this utter garbage?

No I wasn't digging out of trash bins. I was spending 25% at least on just my weed. And I didn't pay rent, I moved into my gf's house and paid her phone bill for her as rent.
>Inb4 lazy
I wanted to get my own place as I was making enough to get a small apartment, but she wanted me to stay close to her. That bitch was crazy

yeah, and i ignored his dumbass for a reason. thanks for clarifying though

imagine being so ashamed of your own country that you post under the flag of a non-existent one

do you know what multi generational homes are? Don't have enough resources on your own? Pool them you faggot.
t. rural poorfag in multigene home

Democrats are truly fucked. How are they going to convince Shartquanda this is a bad thing

>tfw used to date a single mom and she got a 11k tax refund every year

multigen. fuck. someone post mutt meme plz.

my friends daughter has a boyfriend and a child. she doesn't get married because the benefits are so high. free college and thousands back from taxes. it's really ridiculous. but yeah, women have it so hard right.

I used to live on SSI disability at $11,000/yr and i still made it.
I also invested nearly all my money into crypto a few years ago and now i'm a millionaire.

Lol, I make like $400 a week and have $5000 in my checking account. Poorfaggots can't into potatoes and cast iron, apparently.

I make $10.50 an hour collecting trash for five hours and sitting on my phone for three hours a night.
I had a liberal coworker that does the exact same thing actually complain that the new tax law "doesn't do enough." There's no helping these people.

and your parents pay your rent and bills


I make 80k a year before taxes. My checks are usually 1,800 before taxes and 1,000 after. Am I going to stop getting fucked in the ass or what?

>You will no longer owe any federal income tax.
This should be the status quo because the income tax is basically illegal in the first place. All income tax is the federal reserve stealing peoples hard earned money to pay off loans they give to the government that hold no intrinsic vale. i.e. fiat currency


No, you'll pay more for healthcare now and state taxes will increase.

You're going to see more next year. This year's increase is SOLELY because of the government taking less of your money. Next year the real tax cuts come in.

My union covers healthcare, so I hope im ok there. I'm already getting 40% of my check taken, any more and I might pull a Timothy McVeigh

>getting paid weekly for a semi-high salary job
>paying above the highest tax bracket on all your income
On which alternate timeline do you live?

This is so much bullshit. A minimum is needed for rent, utilities and food.
t.rasing a family for 16 years on less than $30,000/year in SF Bay Area.

>SF Bay Area
good choice retard

I live in California on Radio Shack wages in the mid 2000s for 3 years..
Rent was $900 a month, and I bought about $300-$350 a month in food.
I made $8.75 an hour + commission.
My commission was usually between $200 and $300 every 2 weeks, with an occasional $100 bonus for selling cell phone plans once every 3-4 months.

My biggest take home pay of the year was before Christmas, where I'd regularly get $600 in commission, but this would be offset by January returns season where I would make less than $200.

Regardless, I had enough money to live comfortably, buy a simple cell phone, buy a computer, and put a sizable down payment on a car.

Live within your means.

It goes into affect on February 1, 2018. That's the new tax year.

Those of us not living in Commiefornia won't see increases in state taxes.

True. While welfare applies to all.

>Rent was $900 a month, and I bought about $300-$350 a month in food.

Damn dude. what did you pay 900 a month on? I take it you ate out a lot too?

> He thinks the jew is going to sit by and not raise prices on rent and goods

Economics 101. It’s the same fucking argument you niggers use for minimum wage hikes. Welcome to cuckalism. Enjoy staying poor.

Even at $14.35/hr, I was slowly losing money because bossman was too cheap to give me more than 30 hours a week (four days) and I had an unexpected medical problem that wouldn't go away. Without my savings, I would have gone under. Then, someone quit and because bossman was too cheap to replace them, I got an extra day a week (7.5 hrs) and only now do I not have to worry about money.

Some people just like to oversimplify things.

Today's paycheck was my last one on Obama's higher tax rates. Feels good man.

>living in a state tax state

I can send a pic.

Fuck drumpf for not making me pay taxes.

I make 18.50/hour at 40 hours a week

Am i fucked?

Our gamily has been here for 7 generations. Heritage matters.
My son walks the same route to school his grandfather did.

I guess I won't be paying jackshit then. I am a bike mechanic. Love it, even do free hours as a volunteer, but not exactly in the same pay bracket that I used to be in. Good thing my only expensive toys are bikes.

>what are utilities and healthcare

I have one that's 2,100 before and 1,180 after laying around somewhere.

Yeah, if you make that much I hear Trump comes to your house and beats you up in your driveway.

This. Texas is full of truck owning rednecks who can't drive, but I love not paying state taxes.

So if I make 26k-30k a year I'm going to get income tax raped to the point where I'll end up making less than those making 25k. Great tax plan.

here's what you take home with a 25k$ income in Germany
17.8k$ left after all taxes and (totally not taxes, we swear!) mandatory health, care, old age insurance

enjoy the taste of freedom, Americlaps.

Wouldn’t mind that desu. he is MY president ;)

That's just deductions, which could include stuff like IRA contributions. Give me the actual tax details.

How much does it cost to start a shell company?

>paying the Kirchensteuer unironically voluntarily


his grandfather lived in a white neighborhood in a white majority city, retard. your son is probably gonna get kidnapped and raped soon enough