Wealth of Whites is decreasing while Asians increasing

What does it mean for future of White children?
Is this the IQ based correction in wealth happening?
Since Asians have higher IQ then Europeans (except Jews)
What will the equilibrium state be?


For 2017.
US (1st, USD 64,584 billion)
China (2nd USD 24,803 billion)
Japan (3rd USD 19,522 billion)
United Kingdom (4th, USD 9,919 billion),
Germany (5th, USD 9,660 billion),
India (6th, USD 8,230 billion)
France (7th, USD 6,649 billion),
Canada (8th, USD 6,393 billion),
Australia (9th, USD 6,142 billion)
Italy (10th, USD 4,276 billion).

The fastest wealth growth from 2016 to 2017 was in India at 25% followed by China at 22%.

Rather than the wealth of whites decresing it's more that white countries are increasingly less white.

That might be the reason but the actual total net wealth of population in these countries has decreased.

Socialism + brazilization = povetry
Simple mathematics

Huuuuuuuummmm. If IQ determines wealth than it makes sense that Asian countries will have more wealth then white countries. I think this is just the natural correction that will take place no matter what.

The cannabis industry is putting billions of dollars into leftists pockets. We must capture some of this revenue.

What about Russia. What's going on with your wealth?

Asian massage parlors.

Who would have though that buying shit cheap from poor countries will eventually destroy our own companies and lead to wealth decrease.
I mean how much IQ do need to come up with such shit.

It's because Americans didn't listen to McArthur when they should've done it.

>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your agreement...

People buy things for the lowest price they can as long as the quality is reasonable. That's how markets work. Shutting yourself down is no way forward.

Not true, Australia and New zealand are rolling in money. Both for the wealthy and commoners alike.
Its not that immigration causes the wealthy to flee (which is strange, since the wealthy reaps the benefit of cheap labour).
Its unrestrained immigration, bringing the poor, the criminal and their family members, that cause the wealthy to panic and flee.
Australia, New Zealand, and Canada select for the smartest, richest chinks and poos, so they obvious get a share of the economic boom in China and India. Furthermore, without niggers and Mudslimes, security is not a concern at all, which makes HNW individuals much more willing to immigrate.
Australia has the highest net-inflow of HNW individuals for the past few years, a direct result of importing the smarts while blocking shitskins.

anybody got a toonie? Gas lights on

Its true that China owes much of its wealth to the West opening up. But its also true that China is not hostile to the west as the Soviet Union was.
Europe also received the Marshall funds, which is far more than whatever aid China received, do Americans complain about ungrateful Europeans the same way?

And that's how their pennies flow to China. China doesn't buy too much shit from US so your money won't go back to you. They have own, strong market, they got companies producing everything human can possibly want.
Your own companies have fallen because they couldn't produce as cheap as China. That's how short sighted consumerism works. You got temporary satissfaction over cheap product but in the end it's China who wins.

Its possible to outcompete China in trade, Australia has a massive trade surplus with China.
On one hand we sell coal and iron ore, earning the easy money while leaving the heavily polluting processing to China.
On the other hand, we earn massive money from providing services in tourism and education. Turns out commie-controlled universities are pretty bad, so the Chinese are willing to pay massive amounts of money to study here. Also, tourist spots in China are greedy, overcrowded, and polluted, so they have to go overseas.

Even with that I believe you still have enormous amount of australian companies delivering you even basic products, ain't that right ?

You understimate how bad is the demographic situation in Europe. Germany for example started losing population in 1970 and a huge % of native germans are retired.
Another very important factor is that most asian countries were dirt poor so it's very easy for them to improve, if there was data for Japan you'd see they're worse off now that a few years ago.

Australia and NZ have younger populations compared to Europe and the immigrants are different too.

Based Russia

White countries adopt millions of Africans to take care of for some reason. Asian countries do not.

Asians are smarter than Jews

asians will inherit the earth along with a few other undesirables

Jews have higher IQ.

Asians are sneaky and not to be trusted outside Europe's social circle

I really don't understand Hitler's love for chinks

russians are more direct and blunt (masculinity and the vodka). chinese are sneaky like all asians (poker face) so they play everyone like some naive fools.

the white is gullible to think that china is not hostile.

china is hostile but not in a direct and blunt masculine way. china is hostile in the feminine way, where a hooker lets you fuck her until she took all your money and then strangles you to death with your head between her thighs licking her clit.

chinese hostility fits the chinese massage parlor analogy

the marshall fund was an official program. the transfer of wealth to asia is a stealthb globalist scheme and of much greater magnitude than any marshall fund.

the aggregate of the transfer can include the western transfer of wealth and building the industries of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong... and then tacking the bigger China with more wealth transfer

the treacherous globalists would never come clean and tell the public that they impoverished the west while enriching the east with the stolen funds and industry of whites

Where does the IQ fit into it if at all. The higher Asian IQ has to count for something.

its not about IQ. western globalists feel industrialization leads to shift from agrarian population booms to authoritarian/corporate control of population to initiate a collapse. white people being much more compliant to authority and very docile have all but submitted to Rockefellerian population control schemes- wealth transfer from whites to asia being a part of it.

the transfer of wealth is supposedly to control the population of locusts (china/india etc..). its really a dumb and naive plan, since the chinese and indians will swallow the west and then continue on shitting out more turds. the craty asians are exploiting the dumb goy globalist policies of rockefeller to their advantage

the stealth mode illegal and treacherous transfer of western private wealth to china was planned by Rockefeller.

marshall plan was an Eisenhower thing and was publicly open. Eisenhower warned about the MilitaryIndustrialComplex (Rockefeller mafia) and their globalist stealth policies

Asia seems pretty based, would they allow white piggus in to bleach their genetics and introduce western culture? I could get them into white rappers like vanilla ice and post malone. Get them into rocking bling and driving muscle cars with hydraulics.

Probably not. That would their countries less homogenous. We don't really want that.

well damn, so much for my dream of a brazil like country of HAPAs.


Hi mae

Race is a social construct. It doesn't mean people don't have different physical appearances, it just means that the idea of categorizing people by those features was made up and didn't really have any real reason to be made other than for white people to justify slavery.