anyone else miss the saiyan shoulder pads?
Saiyan shoulder pads
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After frieza it all turned to shit.
Armor was so pointless in this series. It only tanks things that the wearer could already tank easily if he weren't wearing it. It was really more of a uniform than any sort of practical armor, really.
Still shock absorbent i reckon so it would help them take hits atleast.
And i doubt all the henchmen were super tough.
When does anyone need shock absorbent armor in this series. If you can tank it, you're fine. If you can't, it hurts. There's no middle ground.
the shoulderpads were awesome, especially King Vegeta's
who cares if they were pointless or not?
People generally don't enjoy pain.
If it can't break the armor, chances are it won't so much as tickle.
Yamcha could probably break the armor with a full power blast, but that doesn't mean that blast would do anything to Vegeta. Even if Vegeta weren't wearing any armor, an attack from Yamcha wouldn't do anything at all to him.
Everyone who put on the armor weren't invincible or had super high durability in base form.
If goku had on a saiyajin uniform then that laser wouldn't have hurt him in RoF.
Vegeta wouldn't be bothered by it sure.
But not every grunt was that strong.
They would probably benefit from wearing it.
Saiiyan Armor peaked during the Frieza fight
I thought the shoulder pads were the royal or dress uniform for the saiyans?
Man, where did it all go wrong? I guess the Namek saga was unironically the peak of the series.
But then why do Frieza/cooler/cold's grunts wear it?
You did well hahaha, you did well.
You only just realized that?
>Everybody is in a constant struggle.
>Powering up every few seconds just to keep alive a few more minutes.
>That unlikely ally.
>Freeza revealing he wasn't even trying.
>Goku not fighting because he is having fun but is honestly struggling and realizes everybody will be killed if he fails.
It was pretty much two seasons of non stop action and there was no break in between that and the Sayian saga, so really 3 seasons of non stop action. Then Cell hits, and they take time out to train etc, and it became more formulated. The only redeeming thing about the Cell Saga, was Day of Destiny playing during Gohans transformation.
Also Vegeta wasn't a fucking MUH PRIDE tard during the Namek saga. He was crafty and sneaky, often avoiding fights if he thought they wouldn't go well for him. Then Androids roll around and he's doing dumb shit like letting Cell absorb 18.
>"fuck you Goku, I'm a saiyan elite, you should be weaker than me!"
>Frieza tranforms into his final form
>"Is that all you got Frieza, we supa sayunz now"
He was always a muh pride fag. It just didn't show much earlier because he was too weak. Once he allied with Goku, he used it more because he could always count on Goku to save the day.
Bulma's gray armor she made for Vegeta in RoF looks imagine if it had shoulder pads
When people say modern anime isnt shit compared to 20 years ago I laugh so hard.
I don't even miss this anime at all.
Namek Vegeta was so good. Unironically one of the greatest antagonists
I miss the pre Mandela Effect Super Saiyan Goku with orange forward-swept hair and red eyes.
>5'11 vs 6'0
That Vegeta was the best thought.
>Constantly talking about his pride and how strong he is.
>Gets his shit fucking wrecked time and time again.
>He starts Zenkai boosting like an asshole.
>He thinks he finally reached the level he needed to gain revenge.
>His pride, his hopes, his life shattered.
>He just breaks down crying knowing how helpless he really is.
That wasn't the break down while dying either, he broke the fuck down. The whole Freeza event had him sneaking around, using tactics, and even willingly wanted the Dragon Balls destroyed to prevent Freeza from getting them. As much as he bragged he was scared shitless of him, and even in the end, he was still scared.
what are you talking about
Sometime between 1998-2001 Super Saiyan Goku had orange forward-swept hair which almost always covered one eye and red pupils... and all (or perhaps nearly all) instances of that in this reality were altered to look as he does now (longer yellow spiked hair and green pupils, which looks very similar to his Super Saiyan 2 form).
Bullshit. Unless I'm misunderstanding your description, that would be a fucking ugly design anyway.
I remember looked pretty badass, actually.
This sound scool, do you have a picture of it ? Not sure what you're talking about
Someone post that Gohan vs 2nd form Frieza webm.
best saiyan armor coming through.
Was this the best fight in the series?
>barelly protects
>small chest
>long legs
Armor was worthless by this point in the series anyway, Vegeta continued to wear it cause muh saiyan pride.
I have a few drawings of it but they don't seem exactly right to me and every once in a while I jog my memory and improve it slightly. I want to make it as accurate as possible before putting it out on the internet. Too bad my memory is based on limited experience from such a long time ago. Not sure what to do.
To be honest. It was up there. The Radditz and Saiyajin saga were pure shounen fighting goodness.
Goddamn the fight between goku vegeta gohan and krillian was fucking awesome.
>needing protection because your balls aren't already solid titanium
Spotted the low test.
Literally the Best suit ever.
Easily the Cell Saga because of the never ending bad decisions made by the heroes.
People like to hype up Gohan as the ultimate badass for killing Cell, but the poor kid was cleaning up a mess caused by Vegeta, Future Trunks, Krillin, and Piccolo.
Why does DBS Vegeta look like such a pud compared to this stud?
Toriyama's new art style make him and Goku look slimmer.
I like to imagine women wore DBZ armor underneath their clothing.
ahem, forgot image
Was that a mother fucking Final Flash?
Toriyama's designs are great. Great Apes, Namekians, and the space armor are all cool as fuck
I watched Toonami during that time fucker, this was never existed
>Sometime between 1998-2001 Super Saiyan Goku had orange forward-swept hair which almost always covered one eye and red pupils... and all (or perhaps nearly all) instances of that in this reality were altered to look as he does now (longer yellow spiked hair and green pupils, which looks very similar to his Super Saiyan 2 form).
Nonsense. The show aired from 1989 to 1996, I watched it while it was airing in moonrunes and there was never such a SSJ design
No, that was just a fully charged energy blast. Namek Saga Vegeta used to execute his enemies using fully charged energy blast. It's less refined than the way Piccolo did it in the movies, but still gets the job done.
I watched the raw unclean footage on the International Channel in 1998. The change must have happened before episode 94 (with its preview of it in the episode after).
Not nonsense. You just weren't "Mandela affected".
Literally no one remembers your retarded Super Saiyan design because it never existed. You being a retard does not mean that reality changed the design that everyone remembers.
Everytime someone punches through this armor i noticed the chunks coming out are really thick.
thick armor or lazy animation?
No, several others have recalled the same Super Saiyan Goku design.
this style was in old anime as well. i really like the "perm" style or whatever its called anime gals had back then.
>No, several others have recalled the same Super Saiyan Goku design.
No. You just had a TV with TINT & Contrast fucked up is all, ontop of having extra chromosomes.
SSJ had red eyes in Toriyama's original design, which he eventually turned to green. Toei began to animate Movie 5 (vs Cooler) with the original design and thus made his eyes red, which could still be seen on the posters and the trailers for the movie. That's the only thing I can assume you're thinking of, because I can't find anything online of people thinking it was red with forward hair
Outspoken Mandela Effect deniers are often hostile and condescending, I've noticed.
>Outspoken Mandela Effect deniers are often hostile and condescending, I've noticed.
The Mandela Effect is a load of crockshit for narcissists (usually Americans) who'd rather believe reality changed than the reality of them being wrong. No one in South Africa thinks Mandela died in prison. No one in Japan thinks they used to be where the Philippines are. No one in Australia or New Zealand thinks New Zealand was northeast of Australia. It has always been Looney TUNES and Merry MELODIES. Being ignorant and remembering things doesn't mean all of reality has changed.
I found this response to an old post of mine (in retrospect I may have witnessed it in 1998, I flubbed that part):
The people I personally know who remember it are my cousin and friend, who said he remembers there being some commotion regarding the change on some Japanese message board shortly after.
I can hear it. FUCK.