Asuka or Rei?

Asuka or Rei?

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only viable option

2d girls are trash you fuckin weeb

Rei obviously.





she is cute, that is why she is called Rei chan.


I choose the girl who can actually cook.

Grown up Rei is the hottest.


Asuka and Rei faggots do not apply. kys yourself virgins

22 years now.
And we'll be doing this shit for another 22 years.

Shinji > Girl Shinji > Atlantis Shinji > Ritsuko > Yui > Kaworu > Ayanami = Asuka

There's going to be so much butthurt in this thread.
>Like both, but Rei more




But if you were Shinji and were doing threesome with Reisuka, you'd still have do decide which one you'd rather cum inside. The decision has to be made. There's no escape.

Which is the best fuck?

Rei is best girl, asukafags are masochists

For the millionth time, Misato.

Were it that I knew for certain.


But user, wouldn't it be easier to cum multiple times?


The one with an actual personality


>no replies refuting this post
>on Sup Forums
This is not the Sup Forums I know, and love.

Why give an obvious baitpost a reply?

>replying to obvious bait
This is not the Sup Forums I know, and love.

They're 14 you sick fucks.

They're also 2D, and not real.

>not real.
But don't you want them to be?

Even as a rei fag, I'd have to say Asuka


Are you retarded?

I'm going to marry Asuka-chan!


Misato you fucking mongoloids

teh Rei

does this answer your question



It's a big Asukabowl, for you.


>Not forcing them to fight for it.



It has to be Asuka first, even in consideration for Rei. Asuka's going to heckle if she's left watching.

Nothing stop them from sharing.
But i guess rei wouldnt mind to let asuka go first

You forgetting someone?

the day we stop this is the day anime will die, Asuka all day everyday

-Asuka is for basic bitches.

-Rei 2 is for normal people.

-Rei 3 is for contrarian snowflakes.

-Rei 1 is for lul so randumb retards.

-Kaworu is for babby first fujoshi.

-Shinji is for childish narcissistic assholes.

-Misato is for patricians and the true winners of this thread.

>-Rei 2 is for normal people.

>Girl with severely repressed emotions
>for normal people

At least praise the rei with a personality, Rei 3.

>liking a drunken slut

Watch NGE again.
Or at all.

>Forgetting about Yui the true winner of the whole series

I did. Rei 3 > Rei 2.

I agree with this post except for Misato

She's pretty much for basic bitches who are slightly more mature than asukafags tbbqh

that's why Asuka is superior, Rei is just wallmart discount Yui, while there is just one Asuka

Evangelion 3.0 Rei.


Kaworu and Toji!

both for me, fag shinji can fuck moonman

>Implying moonman wouldnt have a boner for pale white ayy mega Rei

Love her but she and Kaji were OTP.


He had 15 daddies and preferred to be killed by a boy than a girl.

Everyone would a mega rei