>After 2 decades of riding the cock carousel, I’m finally ready to marry Mr. Right! It’s your DUTY as a TRADITIONAL male to make an honest woman out of me user!
What’s your response, Sup Forums?
>After 2 decades of riding the cock carousel, I’m finally ready to marry Mr. Right! It’s your DUTY as a TRADITIONAL male to make an honest woman out of me user!
What’s your response, Sup Forums?
Fuck off roastie I'm busy sucking dicks.
let me think about it.
>implying she will be standing there for long when her giant pussy flaps catch wind
What kind of monster is that?
I didn't know OP had a second computer.
>disgusting aged 3DPD
Thanks, but I’m more interested in your daughter
who the fuck are you?
Sure, I'm a necrophiliac.
Fucking based Magyar
Nice leather.
The jacket is nice, too.
Did she approach me in line at the grocery store and say this? How does this skank even know me?
I'd hit it if it cooks.
>I'd hit it if it
hypnotic stream of i's
Even her face got roasted... Jesus...
Looks > traditional gender roles > race loyalty.
Prove me wrong, pol.
Uhh why are you lying to me wench? You've definitely spent 4 decades, not 2. And used liquid meth as lube, by the looks of your face.
Go the fuck back to the kitchen and work on your personality and quit distracting us from shit that really matters.
Still nothing but a sandwich maker
Get the fuck out of my line of site you whore. Damn roastie scum
sheeeit aight
>What’s your response, Sup Forums?
Thank you mr skeltal
anyone have that gif where girl at the bar grabs mans inner thigh and he knocks her out with a swift elbow?
>even letting a 3D whore get close to you
big kek
I am 45 and you are WAY to old for me.
Do you seriously expect me to take care of you when you fall and bust your hip?
I meen maybe if you had a younger daughter.
This is why I’m strictly no hymen no diamond. Imagine how cucked you’d have to be to marry a girl who isn’t a virgin. You have to buy a ring, a house and just generally support someone that Chad already fucked during his prime in High School for free
It’s finally my turn
Sure babe but its also my duty to spread my seed so i will be fucking numerous other women sometimes even infront of you.
My duty and all so if you want my financial security better be ok with that.
>tfw this is the true future of Sup Forumsacks
I've eaten old beef jerky more appetizing than her. I'm not eataing THAT. Crazy old cat lady, AWAY!
i see the jizz has burned some of your face off...
Thats quite a lot of jizz you got through isnt it?
wew lad
This type of shit really happens. I'm watching it play out IRL lol.
Robowaifu, please take out the trash
yeah mk
Hymens break on their own or the gyno does it for you
>T. Fugly old virgin who doesn’t know what a penis feels like and will die alone
what the fuck is this what women think? bitch you should build character before you suck dicks.
which episode is that?
Fuck off; you look like a burn victim.
It's a German pornstar, please don't make fun of me guys....
10/10 would wife.
Who is this perfect angel?
post timestamped virgin pussy
Looking for love in all the wrong places...
Are you a pre-war ghoul?
neck ya'self yoo kaaaaaaaaan't
Already taken and by a woman who was willing to keep her virginity. Fuck off.
>Wanting to marry a barren, dried up husk, with a permanent gaping AIDSy vagoo and cornhole from all the double vag/ass pens
you fail the dick stacking test, your vag has no useable parts left: youtu.be
Post pics pls