Jordan Peterson is immunized against all questions: one may ask him about room-cleaning, Marxism, SJWs, post-modernism...

>Jordan Peterson is immunized against all questions: one may ask him about room-cleaning, Marxism, SJWs, post-modernism, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But ask him about the Jewish Question and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how shocked he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I can't do it.”


What are white people?

The new face of Jordan the fraud

Talking about Jews in public is a declaration of war. If you don't have a standing army ready, then you better not do it.

The Jewish Question undermines his whole narrative that identity politics is bullshit. He thinks tribalism is bad EXCEPT when it comes to the kikes.

Fuck Peterson. Guy has been drugging his daughter since she was 12.

In America we don't give a fuck anymore. We will be the 110th country.

Him refusing to answer will have more antisemitic impact then most probably anything you could ever do. AFL.
By the way: I know you are biting.

This so much.

i think he recognizes caucasoids as a race because i've heard him mention it and he refers to the middle east and north africa as part of western civilization


Looks like man who was just caught on

So what if Jews are running a show on us? Pointing at them and saying they're Jews gets us nowhere. We gotta grow the hell up and take over. Western people who fall for Jewish tricks are the real problem. Blaming someone or something else for your own problems is for ignorant and stupid people. Clean your room.

Be an individual good goy. Your disorder is shameful

Drop the meme flag faggot. I want to laugh at you

Yes play the Monopoly game against a collective of jews who have all the money and properties and they cheat........ok why aren't you playing?

Yes goy don't worry about the Jews, just clean your room and pet a cat! also pls donate to my patreon thx :)

Oy vey goyim, you forgot to mention my $10 woman's magazine personality test. Be sure to take that so you know who you are.

His individualism thinly veiled as personal accountability will guarantee you will lose against jews who act as a collective

>asked a question about jews
>freeze up
>i can't do it

doesn't this make some people wonder why you can't even mention jews without praising them? doesn't this just look weird to people?

Clean your room
Learn how to use a fire arm
Grow your own food
Install solar panels
Buy gold
Quit giving money to Hollyweird

The solution isn't that hard, people just need to toughen up and do it.

Get your shit together, how are you going to organize an invasion of Poland if you can't even clean your own room?

Jordan Peterson is probably the best chance the west has to revert back to pagan roots while maintaining the moral and logical framework that was developed under the relatively liberal nature of christianity.

I think this, if nothing else, is proof positive that Storm Front / Murdoch Murdoch and others in this area are CIA owned.

It's over 300, you absolute retard.

6 million?

How old is that picture? It looks like he aged terribly these last years

If you stare at this mesmerizing carpet you wont notice the chaos outside your artistically clean bedroom

not answering the question was an answer

if he wanted to defend the jews, he would have. but a nonanswer is saying he cant guarantee that jews wont misuse their power

what did you expect him to say

Escapism only works until the jews come for the stragglers.....and they will come

To be honest I don't expect much form a man that only care about money

Homosexuality is a hell of a drug.

So we need to gas them.

Goddamn, how much are you guys paid to try to character assassinate people


Will you be my daddy? Everything is fucking insane.....what do i do?
>>Dont mention jews.

Jordan "serve the jews but polish your shoes" Peterson.
I think we can find a better role model surrogate daddy Canada.


Because attacking the Jews while already fighting on so many fronts would be an idiotic strategy. Like if the germans just up and decided to attack the Swiss in 1944.

Then recognize the jew is the only reason we are fighting so many fronts.