The reason why Dragon Ball will never be the best manga/anime is because they're too fucking soft, Toriyama doesn't take any risk, everything is always obvious.
For exemple, just put Goten as Black in the Zamasu arc and you have a shit tons of parameters that would make this arc a hundred times better. Instead of that they give us a fucking bodyswap of Goku, damn man. Just grow some balls and do something original and takes some risks.
Samuel Hernandez
I honestly thought it was related to the timeline that they still haven't explained back when there were only four.
Jonathan Sanders
>expecting a battle shounen to be anywhere close to "best manga/anime"
Eli Johnson
In his category, at least
Landon Jackson
Who cares about your opinion? Dragon Ball was one of the most popular manga in the world. It has been concluded by long time and Toriyama is absurdly rich. By now, It does not matter whether it's the best manga ever or shit, becaue It's part of today's culture.
Brayden Perry
My young faggot, yes it does matter to say it's not the best manga since a lot of people are saying it is, just because it was the one they grew up with
Jonathan Russell
I liked the idea of Future Goten vs Future Trunks, two men who didn't grow up as friends, no past history. It makes Goten relevant too, especially since Goku Black is rocking the long sleeved Gi.
But Ningen hater is fine too.
Landon Bailey
>DBS is shit because Toriyama didn't make my headcannon canon.
David Russell
Dude that was just an exemple, it's not that deep bro. I literally said DB was too soft and takes no risk. That goes for DBZ and DB as well
Logan Russell
And you, angry faggot, why are you so butthurt? You're just a little ass who writes from his bedroom and tries to give himself a tone while criticizing a manga that, for good or for bad, has made history. I do not think you will change people's opinion with a thread on Sup Forums, and, anyways, You're out of time. Dragon Ball has already made its money.