Are Okasans going to be the new imoutos?
Are Okasans going to be the new imoutos?
>your mother will never get attacked by a slime, dissolving all her clothes except for her brand new thong, making her slippery all over, causing her to fall on you
Left or right?
I know the son wants to fuck the mom on the left, but what about the right?
the mom wants to fuck the son in that case
i know that right isn't a manga, but what about the one on the left? source please
Isekai where the guy's extremely attached mother travels with him. She ends up getting a stupidly powerful skill instead of a regular attack.
Reading a bit of the LN it seems quite funny. The world they travel in is an RPG that's full of bugs. They meet up with a powerful mage who instantly gets her magic sealed by monsters in every fight.
Seems to be selling pretty well and the author said he's in talks for it to get an anime.
not blood related apparently
Man, if you're going to go that far to pander to momcons, why not go the whole way?
Ookumo-chan Flashback. Guy experiences flashbacks to his mother in his high school when his dad was dating them. He also experiences all the emotions his dad felt and starts falling in love with her.
Ch.1 only, no translations yet. It's by the MGX author so the probability of getting blue balled is high.
Guessing you can get it stocked in more places if you don't quite go all the way.
>the MGX author so the probability of getting blue balled is high.
i will give him the benefit of the doubt for 30 chapters
laws against fully incestual manga/anime that's why
That's the most likely thing since it applies to a lot of things.
It is definitely the thingiest thing you can do for a thing.
Yeah that's usually the thing with these things. Can't do a thing about it.
Will the age of nee-sans ever come?
No thanks.
>Going from incest to even worse incest
Women that are all 3 are the best
That doesn't even work, you'd have to give birth to yourself to be both someone's sister and mother.
I thought it was the other way around with him doing that stupid generic shit of denying it and being a fag?
Or we could end up with pic related.
That Okasan looks EXACTLY like Asuna, only as a MILF. They have the same hair part, the same weird braid thing, hair color etc.
Jesus fucking christ stop spamming this image already.
God I hope.
It's already been translated in spanish, just in case you know the language.
What a time to be alive.
>wanting used goods
Twin sister and stepmother
Can some Spanish speak translate the spanish scan?
> Calling your own mother used goods
Holy shit, get help.
All mothers are categorically used goods.
I'm sure birthing is equivalent to a copious amount of dickings.
I'm white as fuck and have no trouble making out what this says.
Pt here, post it and ill give it a try.
this HAS to stop
On phone right now so it will take a while, also tell me if i should TL all or just the speech bubbles
N-name of the manga please?
someone did it already it's in the archives
Is this the one where the mom wants to fuck the kid or the other way around? Is it the one with the blue balling author? I actually know moon and can translate properly so we can skip the shitty ESL translations, but I'm not touching it if it's shitty teasing with no payoff.
Blue balling one
give him like 10 chapters
Then he can eat a bag of dicks. Fuck blue balling authors who don't deliver on the only reason people read their works.
Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari is the worst in this regards. Non-fucking-stop blueballing and even though MC has multiple wives and his own power is dependent on fucking them he STILL cops out for reasons like "i wanna do it in japan".
And then when the main girl and MC were about to bang, in japan, he gets cockblocked AGAIN. There was a shitstorm a few weeks ago when this happened.
I dropped it like three chapters in when I realized it was haremshit. I'm also good friends with the original translator who dropped it for being haremshit. It's a shame, because Tasogare was phenomenal.
I want fuck Mamako
>reading Doujin
>"This is my sister/mother..."
>"My father re-married when..."
Yeah I really like Maybe's art, but I just can't stand the nonstop will-they-wont-they that Maybe does.
What's the point of having your MC get powerups from banging his wives if he never bangs them? It's fucking retarded but I guess Nip readers like this sort of cocktease? I dunno.
When will the mother show up and cuck the daughter and all her team mates?
>inb4 parent shows up and we find out one of them was adopted so it's not real incest
I also get really frustrated when MC's from Earth bring 'our' ethics and morals into a fantasy world. Of course they also selectively cherry pick when they do this and when they won't.
Y'know, those guys who have a harem drooling over them and they act like banging them is a crime and they decide to be an honorabu Earf man and wait till marriage to consummate.
But wait, now I picked up a slave? That horrible archaic institution that makes political marriages look like a field of roses? Shit, it can't be helped! I'll be a very nice goshujin-sama so there's nothing wrong with it, right? And of course there's always a VERY convenient excuse why he can't just free the slaves.
>oh they'd be discriminated against if MC freed them - especially common with the stereotypical beastgirl slave - are we seriously supposed to believe that being a non-human slave is better than being a freed non-human?
>or maybe they won't be discriminated against, but the slave contract has some ~special magic~ that makes it unbreakable (even to the mega OP MC)
>MC doesn't trust those damn ningens but slaves aren't ningens so its ok! thanks to ~special magic~ the slave can never ever ever betray or rebel against you (logically speaking if this shit was true the whole world would be enslaved or very close to it)
>even if NONE of those are a problem the slave will invariably say some shit like "oh i dont mind being your slave you are so kind and warm and good to me im the happiest slave in the world!"
All this despite massive evidence that slaves constantly and consistently performed worse at combat/farming/etc than freed people.
I guess I've read one too many isekai that abuse this trope and all the MC says is "it can't be helped" or "as expected of the new world!". This cherry picking REALLY pisses me off because those same phrases could be used to justify MC banging his harem but fuck that we can't have that! We need more sexual tension!
sry for the wall of text
I've yet to meet a Japanese person who likes the kind of stuff that gets shit on here regularly. Based on 2ch I think it's less them enjoying it (like the ESLfags in LNshit threads pretending their favorite battle harem is totally different and good) and more them just liking to fap to cute girls regardless of how shit the story is.
Well, freedom is an iffy concept. If it were a case where someone were to be kidnapped by traders from their family or society, then yeah, they should be freed. On the other hand, being born into slavery or having their village destroyed means that they likely have little to no possessions, and sending them off immediately would mean they'd have to fend for themselves, which would also potentially lead to more slave traders. I'd imagine it'd be safer to stay with someone who's going to feed you and protect you, though those owners vary tremendously.
Of course they rarely use this reasoning.
You make a good point, but just because you free a slave doesn't mean you have to send it away. The MC could try to draw up a contract to employ them, or ask them what it is that they want to do with their life.
Of course, that last question almost invariably tends to be "I want to be by your side/continue to serve you/etc" - but again, they could do those things without being a slave as well.
For example I'll admit that in Shield Hero's case he does have a valid reason for keeping slaves because his hero weapon powers them up via passive abilities. growth correction, etc. Most though don't have this excuse and simply use one of those excuses I wrote in my wall of text.
I guess it depends on how they use the term? They might as well adopt them at that rate. The slave title's more a formality at that point, but it doesn't have to be. Look at Rance, he certainly enjoys Sil's company to an extent that's more along the lines of a servant than a slave.
Maybe it is precisely because they are Japanese? Their isolation and the homogeneous population meant there was no easy 'other' to ostracize and enslave, the Japanese would have had to go to Korea or elsewhere. Maybe?
I'm not too keen on Nippon history but historically they have never had a large or sizeable domestic slave population, right? Not counting the period between Russo-Japanese War and WW2.
I suppose serfs could be considered slaves too, but again I'm not at all sure how serfs were treated in feudal Japan.
Thinking more about it, there were outside groups that could have been enslaved, like the Ainu or Okinawans. But neither of those groups were very big, so. Hmm.
Some English translator pick up Flashback PLEASE.
Box says "I, am in love with my mom"
Mom is just saying "Hm, what?"
could someone recomend maga about mother and son faling in love? i can only find hentai
>Mom/son incest hentai
>The mom has gargantuan tits and ass, a tiny head, and the same dumb facial expresion
Some memes really need to die.
>has gargantuan tits and ass
is the same shit in a lot of ss
Mothers belong to their sons. They are not used
>actually thinks dick permanently stretches vaginas
Virgin detected
Mothers belong to their husbands and sons. Used goods belong to nobody and everybody.
>Implying it doesn't
Look at the photos. I dare you.
I'm not surprised in the fucking slightest.
Child birth is the only thing that can permanently widen a vagina. Even that can be reversed with kegels and the like.
Would you date your mother if you were given a chance like being isekai'ed with her?
My dad left us so the idea seems feasible.
I feel retarded.
4u girls
Only if she looks and acts like in my cantonese cartoons
Paternal/Maternal incest are the worst
I think your keyboard is broken or you're having a stroke or something.
Considering japan'sdeclining birthrate,most otakus don't have a younger sister nowadays so fetishizing their mothers is the next natural step.
Your smarts.
>guy just wanna enjoy some sexy time in a fantasy world
>mom ruins everything like always
motherfucker... its in Mexicanese
So what's the next step? Selfcest?
I thought the same thing.
source? Goggol not helping
>left one background
Oh shit
>milfs in anime
this is the best timeline
I'll fight for that if it isn't already the case.
i hope so