What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
Living the Chad life that he hates
If he hates it so much why does he keep hanging around other Chads and sluts? It looked like another "woe is me" angsty teen, moreso than 8man who accepted his condition.
I want to kill this fucking cunt
He wishes he wasn't as constrained as 8man. And also wishes he could talk to whats her face.
Because Chads and Sluts can be nice people too
Best boy
Do you think he fucked Yui at the camp?
He cannot into best girl.
jealous of hachimans bithces
But he canonically fucked Yukino, if that's what you mean, since best girl is clealy Yui.
>he canonically fucked Yukino
what did he mean by this?
Him, Tobe and those other Chads.
>what did he mean by this
>hi I'm yuipollfag
I honestly think that Hayato and Hachiman would be a good couple.
Hachiman is for Saika only.
Being a Chad ain't all that's cracked up to be. And I can imagine. Must be a fucking job to have to keep up a sense of normalcy. No wonder Normalfags want to kill themselves inside.
That's nonsense, they keep spouting to be themselves all the time, then shit on people who actually listen to them and become themselves, such as 8man.
>Hurr i hate how you do things
>Even though i was the one that asked you to stop Tobe from spilling his shit.
Ever wonder how people don't practice what they preach and just talk shit to look cool? That's Hayama to a T.
Typical "Chadbro" who pretends he cares about losers when in reality he only does this so that others can think he's a good person and it'll further boost his ego.
Met plenty of fucks like him. They're popular with everyone but once you see their true personality,they're rotten egocentric assholes.
Family image > everything else
He maintains his image of being the nice, popular guy, even if it means throwing other people under the bus
He'll manipulate people and events in a way such that it looks like he's not in the wrong
He uses Miura as a shield from other sluts but will not hesitate to toss her aside because in reality, he wants Yukinon
He couldn't get the 8man dick.
The usual tea-time.
Though all of it is just casual talk
I remember everything that you said
I wasn't able to be honest
Because I kept pushing all my feelings away
Those really are treasures to me.
How many times have I seen the same photo?
Breaking out into a natural smile
Here's a crescendo to you right now
Bringing out all those feelings that I could no longer hide
Let's go to the future that I desire
In that instant when our eyes met
This chest is overflowing. That gentle scenery
Gently wrapped by the dusk
Probably, I am enchanted by you
(Know that) I am right here (waiting for you)
That time when I pulled at your sleeve
I poured my wish into those words, �gSomeday�c�h
Something is beginning to change
Lapsing into silence unexpectedly
The thoughts that gradually approaches me
That sort of scene is right here too
I don't know, that's why I want to know
Let's search for what you're looking for
A high pitched pizzicato
My heart is clamoring from these unusual expectations
I hugged the stuffed toy tightly
Once I overcome these countless sleepless nights,
I wonder if that means I can go and welcome the future with the new us.
I see you right now
and I feel as though you are right beside me
Here's a crescendo to you right now
Bringing out all those feelings that I could no longer hide
Let's go to the future that I desire
In that instant when our eyes met
This chest is overflowing. That gentle scene
I will never forget it
I want to be right next to you
Once these feelings get to you, I wonder what will happen
I want to be just a little closer to you
In the usual place, I pour my feelings into a new cup
So that you will notice me someday
Indeed, I am enchanted by you
This is about Hayama and not Hachiman.
You do know that this delay is because WW wants a HayamaxYukino end right?
And the Illuminati won't let him, yes I've heard this joke before. Go take your pills, sweetie.
Stop being in denial. This delay spells out for you there will be no Yukino end.