
>fate/extra adaption with male hakuno and Sabeh clone duo

Wow so original. Never have I seen that before. Astounding such creativity. Oh rins also there? Maginficent

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>Oh rins also there? Maginficent
What does this have to do with the rest of your complaint?
Male Hakuno and Nero were stupid choices but Rin is always there

fem hakuno will be a NPC with Archer, so I'm fine

>TYPE MOON and SHAFT passing up a chance to self-insert otaku with a Saberface for easy shekels

welcome to business 101. To be fair you can't go wrong with extra. All characters are highly engineered waifu products

I don't have any problem with rin. I actually like her. But my point its how this adaption has the same template as others

That's not how breasts work. Was this drawn by a fourteen year old boy?

>fem hakuno will be a NPC with Archer, so I'm fine
Damn, Type-moon will never allow a yuri pairing in anime won't they?
The best combo would be male MC with Archer and femMC with Nero.

Prisma Illya exist

Shit taste. Best combo is fem mc/Gilgamesh and male mc/foxlady

And isn't there yuri in the loli one?

Yeah but its just unless they completely changed the story, which would not make it Fate/Extra anymore, Rin would always be there. Its not like she's shoehorned in because fanservice, she is there in the original game

Pray for the adaption of ccc. But relaistally if it happens they'll probably do male hakuno/tamamo

youtube.com/watch?v=FdU3YSZLFnl All I want is a good version of Nero's theme

How would they even do ccc?

I agree, everyone should be gay. Check your privilege.

Absolutely fucking disgusting. Go be gay somewhere else.

There's a reason fate/prototype never got a full anime. Men can't self insert as little girls. And male Otakus are the ones who buy the most merchandise after fujoshits

You should come to my country. We know how to take care of your kind

These are the subhumans who cry about male MCs


Gilgamesh friendzones you and caring about Tamamo cuck mae wewlad shit taste

Your post being? There interactions are top tier. Not every master/servant has to be fucking

>after fujoshits

That's the only reason I'm surprised it's gonna be MaleMC/Saber. MaleMC/Archer route is the gayest thing since gay came to gaytown.

This is the worst thing to happen to me in my live

I'd rather we get the shitty generic male Mc then yuri.

I like Extra because barring the tournament aspect it's a more 'standard' HGW than the others (No Manjew, Gil, 7v7s). Literally all you'd have to do to make it more 'standard' is to pluck out Ronnie/Gatou and give the MC a Lancer/Berserker.

The tournament is one of the cool things about Extra though. It was interesting to see the number of other masters in the halls decrease slowly as they took each other out over time. At the start you are just another face in the crowd and by the end you feel like a survivor.
It would be interesting to have another Fate RPG not set in the Extra setting with different playable servants.

Fate franchise is for retards


>Oh rins also there?
She's not the original Rin, she's her niece Rin

She's still pretty much Rin

I thought male otaku buy the most merc but its spread out over more series? Isn't that why male oriented anime is more common?

That mau hae been true in the past but these days it's female Fujoshits who seem to buy a lot of merchandise. That's why we're seeing a lot of fujobait anime

>Whore of Babylon

Do I have to get Lancelot to kill Leo in front of you to get this to stop?

Your king is a fucktoy for two Japanese teenagers

Lancelot is confirmed weaker than Gawain and Tristan and they're are stronger than him

So? Masters are tissue before him, and Berserkalot has very limited capacity to say no to orders given a proper master.

At least its Hakuno and not F/GO's MC.

Gawain pls

> it's a more 'standard' HGW than the others
Really? Even if you reject tournament aspect for some reason there is this two faggots who appear out of nowhere.
And even with all this at F/E is boring as shit in comparison with other Fate projects.

Why do we have to have that one retard in every thread who's always shitiing on other fate properties