Is Puma Tiger Scorpion the best worst name of all time?
Is Puma Tiger Scorpion the best worst name of all time?
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It surpassed my wildest dreams and the wildest fanfictions, sasuga YOI
It's the best name.
Cutest name.
>Makkachin is derived from Mattachine and reflects Bald's pledge to be an ethical homosexual
>Vicchan is named after the source of Pig's lust
>Puma Tiger Scorpion symbolizes that Fairy doesn't live by the rules and doesn't settle for less
What does it say under their names?
Why are the Russians such sluts?
Kek it has the glass walls bathroom. I bet Bald never used the curtain.
>Gook and Witch
I want the Fairy doll!
JJ has the same weakness as Victor supposedly
Why is he so fucking best?
Why can't he spin though
Except tall.
Do NOT bully
5/5 manliness is an understatement, Beka's jawline alone is already 6/5 manly.
This user gets it
Think you posted the wrong one
All this talk but no show.
5/5 eros will come user
What a cute little girl (boy)!
That poor teddy bear. Chink will bite his head off.
>I was interviewed on the official guide book and fun book.These are not my illustrations.Both books are so hot
So did Kubo confirm it was indeed just a hug?
Where did you get that from that comment? She had an interview. She didn't write every blurb under ever picture.
Nigga do you know what an interview is?
But they had to get an okay from one of the creators to write that.
That little teddy bear is really cute, nice detail.
Fujos BTFO. It wasn't a kiss hahahaha.
I'm already slave of the piglust and never saw his bare butt. His power is strong.
So close
We're gonna get an actual kiss anyway. I always thought it was just a hug too.
Even better, they're pure and first kiss will be on the movie.
HD Tongue
Either you're blind or retarded to think that was a hug
Except the Kubo practically confirmed by giving them the okay on that blurb. No matter what you say, it's a hug. Deal with it.
Or.... I know how to have fun and ignore bait.
Try it sometime user.
Attempting to have on topic conversations is considered "bait now?
no, they didn't
>Kubo who spends all day googling herself and shitposting on twitter and struggling to get anything finished
>reading over multiple books from front to cover instead of just giving them an interview and character facts
Nigga she ain't the editor. That's not how books are made.
Trying to stir shit is always considered bait for me.
Going "BTFO fujos, no kiss lololololol" is pretty baity to me
That wasn't even me
Actually discussing hug or kiss when it's obvious is stupid and just shits up everything. Besides Kubo has already said you can think whatever, so there is no need to argue about it.
Then I wasn't talking about you user.
I was referring to the user whom I first quoted.
The sounds like a fucking Kamen Rider OOO's belt combination
She said that out of exasperation. Her tweets used to be so much more fun before she felt pressured to be the face for the series.
Pure as in virginal. Bald is getting off on corrupting the subtle young inexperienced Pig.
I mean it looks like a kiss the way it's set up but we all know how retarded nips get when it comes to things. So a kiss could actually be a hug, all just to save face.
By now I'm feeling like Kubo.
most nips think it's a kiss, everyone else thinks it's a kiss, the audience reactions say it's a kiss, kubo has implied it's a kiss. if you want to think otherwise, who gives a shit
Yeah because people who've seen them hug and hold the other already would be sent into speechlessness upon seeing another hug.
KingPri had a full lewd kiss and it's a franchise for little girls, if MAPPA waste the movie's opportunity for lewds then they're small fry and will never do it properly.
wonder if he appeals to purityfags
TacoChina is so comfy ;_;
I'm so happy they're getting more attention
movies are usually gayer than their tv series, so I expect good shit
So much dooming and glooming wears.
We found out that the cat's name is Puma Tiger Scorpion. It's a day to party, goshdangit.
The Witch speaks truth. We also know for sure the leaf is a virgin fuccboi so all the more to bully with.
I want Fairy in a sentai suit!
fairy growth spurt when
I legit lost my shit at that tweet. Confirming my wildest dreams about Fairy's cat name. Pyocha was cute on it's own, but I was a little dissapointed but now it's both cute sounding and kuso yabai full name as well. Best of both worlds.
In one of the guide books the director apparently mentions how they were able to keep the last scene of episode 7 (kiss) even though there was external pressure to remove it...but sure, it's "bait"
>Puma Tiger Scorpion
The sparkles and the font is fucking killing me. With that cute fluff ball face right beside it too.
>best of both worlds
Like fairy
You know what they say, pets reflect their owners!
>external pressure to remove it..
Not even surprised. Bless Sayo for going through with it
Movie will start with Piggy jerking off to Bald's tiddies as a homage to Anno
Do you know the reasons why it's hard for Yoi to have one censored kiss while series like No 6 got explicit kiss?
>jerking off on Bald's titties
>removing a barely there kiss
>mfw I have no face
I'M glad Sayo pulled through.
What is up with Japan though? This and then the rings.
Probably due to labels and the fact that No. 6 had source material. People knew what they were getting into when watching it. They didn't want YOI to be labeled BL because it's going to limit the audience, which Otsuka sort of implied before.
No 6 is an adaption from a ln. Original series have a lot more hurdles to leap over when there isn't the expection from an already existing fanbase. Besides, no 6's kiss scene felt so lifeless.
No. 6 is an adaption so it's advertising source material which already had a kiss, maybe they're more cautious about original works. It probably varies between companies and staff members anyway, some higher ups are gonna be bigger homophobes than others.
Because No6 was phenomenal shit, and without gay stuff no one would ever watch that. They had nothing to lose.
Real homos are bad. Fujobait shit gets tons more gay promo than YOI ever will. You can also have fanservice or joke homo kisses without them meaning anything as well.
>>Makkachin is derived from Mattachine and reflects Bald's pledge to be an ethical homosexual
Uh no, that's not what is written.
Thanks anons!
I just want there to be a saliva string just after they part lips if the BaldFat kiss becomes
a thing
Because he would whack people with his massive dick.
that's lewd
I want them to mention Yuuri's Eros is not longer untainted and pure.
I'm be happy with a cute quick kiss on the lips. Before a routine or one of them leaving the house. Domestic BaldFat is best.
Newfag spotted
It means 'flying hug', the kiss isn't even mentioned because it's obvious.
Not that user, but you're giving Kubo way too much credit. That's not in her power.
Everyone stop being retarded. No, no one is going to say it's a kiss because the official stance has always, from the beginning, been "think as you like." Denialfags will always have their deniability. That said, believing it was a hug takes Olympic level mental gymnastics because it was so obviously a kiss that everyone hints at but skirts at acknowledging.
And the same Kubo said that there was no disputing if it was a kiss or not. Kubo who is a fujo, remember?
>most nips think it's a kiss, everyone else thinks it's a kiss, the audience reactions say it's a kiss, kubo has implied it's a kiss. if you want to think otherwise, who gives a shit
Plus, kiss or not these two are a couple and will be together in the movie too and that's all that counts.
I wonder SayoKubo traveleed around the world and attended a lot of places, rignt? How come no one still asked either of them pluntly in the face - is baldfat a real homo deal or not?
they literally said it was a kiss?
And troll spotted.
Sayo and Kubo are two fujos and YOI is their baby but people still try to non-homo this show?
God, just how badly butthurt must you people be.
Why would anyone need to ask them that? It's real gay bro. Medo-chan wouldn't always be sticking to Kubo if they weren't.
No surprise if that's true. Why do people keep forgetting that it's not actually easy for SayoKubo to get the gay on despite what they want? They got s1 made and it was a success, great. Publishers still exert pressure to remove the rings after all that.
It's not ever going to be easy. Sayo is thankfully stubborn as fuck but that external pressure will never go away and that will have an effect, including aspects of the franchise SayoKubo have no control over.
Just to get rid of people who still insist it's a bait
>massive dick