Name a worse anime.
Protip: You can't.
Name a worse anime.
Protip: You can't.
Dragonball Super
Berserk 2016.
Concrete Revolutio
Sword Art Online
Digimon Triple
Mahou Sensou
Cross Ange
Guilty Crown used music really, really well. And there was that whole Hitler thing.
my man
> Sōdo Āto Onrain
Legend of galactic heroes
The lost village
Ghost Stories
ITT: contrarians. Pic unrelated
no user, guilty crown was absolute dog shit. can't believe I watched that entire series
>Implying cutting hair doesn't get you hard
Thread seems pretty legit so far
>love redjuice
>love egoist
>enjoy sawano OSTs
>cool concept
How did it turn out shit? It would have been at least a solid 8/10 if it wasn't for the garbage writing.
If you're referring to the dub, then you have shit taste.
The original
If you're referring to the dub, then you have shit taste.
Basically fucked over the reasonable premise and went full retard, they had no idea what they were doing with anyone.
I want to gouge Kirito's eyes out with a corkscrew and stuff fire ants into the sockets.
Is bad but isn't the worst series, a least have some good scenes or music, the worst are like this , that have shitty animation, story, and even the ending was shit
Guilty Crown is terrible but it's entertaining to watch like a trainwreck
Brain Powered?
It's bad but it has Dan Eagleman
Yume Tsukai
Only if you watched it with Sup Forums. I can't imagine how miserable those poor fags who completed it by themselves.
He needs his own show.
Watching a show with Sup Forums can make any show more watchable
Kill la Kill
>enjoy sawano OSTs
wow your taste is garbage
nice meme
Dragon Crisis
Psychic Wars
little shill academia
Kissdum engage planet. Does anyone even remember this production train wreck?