How many years has it been? Watch it again faggots

How many years has it been? Watch it again faggots.

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Did anyone else download DAOKO's entire discography after watching this for the first time? Her voice gets me hard as fuck.

>tfw you will never BE her

16 years and it's still boring

And yet I'm still as big of an otaku as I was when I first watched this.

Yeah, it's not very exciting.

I absolutely loathe this short.

It was exactly like watching 3DPD but in 2D. Even calling it 2D is a disgrace to anime. I honestly felt like I was at work and someone got their filthy normalfag smartphone out and started watching MTV, with loads of other apes crowing around it and hollering; which is basically what happened with its threads on Sup Forums.

If you like this you are basically everything wrong with modern Sup Forums: You accept 2D acting like disgusting pigs, you have shit taste in music, you like ugly and sickeningly disgusting girl and you shitpost and spam it all on Sup Forums. Everyone who liked this piece of shit needs to go back to facebook and discussing 'celebrities' or whatever normalniggers with disgusting millennial culture do, just never come back here.

I hate each and every one of you in ways you do not fully comprehend.


>Linking to streaming
Disgusting. The full quality version is like, 200MB.

I understand, user; I really do. I personally don't like the message it's sending; nor did I enjoy the fact that normalshits clung onto it. Still, you're awfully angry right now.

>wasting your bandwidth on this crap

It's pure kino, much like a lot of the Animator Expo series.

She did some some with I think teddyloid that's pretty good.

It was fun to see everyone losing their shit trying to interpret the video.

The sequel is better in everyway

I liked Girl more.

That was fun, it was even more fun when the next one came out and we tried to tie the two together.

An essential to watch when I drop acid

It's just a video m8, calm down.

I still love it. I don't know what the creator intended but it was pretty cool to me. Everything about it was right up my alley. The animation, the completely decadent hedonism, the music, it was all very aesthetically pleasing. I guess normalfags thought it was supposed to be some warning about being an otaku or some shit but it just made it look cool to me.

I hate 3DPD because they're ugly and uninteresting, not because I'm some idealistic moralfag.

stop fapping to cartoon girls

Good memories.


Shutup and get back to work.

Freaking drug trip mixed with an possession

hideaki anno is so deep

showing fappable material and telling you not to fap to it

i call this anime "don't fap to cartoon girls"

oh wait, i forgot

I prefer the second short, music and visually.

Does Daria ever stop being a grumpy, sarcastic bitch?

does Sup Forums ever stop being that way? that should answer your question

You're that one of those retarded tumbrl whales that keep being TOLD by everyone, aren't you?

No but she does get told the hard facts of life alot.

wrong boogeyman kiddo

i absolutely love that sort of whispery voice. here's something similar.

Was not the point of that short series to allow animators to do some out-of-bounds stuff? To think outside the box?

I like the short for dare to think out of the box. I recently discovered and watched'em all, I would say tht as a whole is not on the same level of, lets say, genius party, but I welcome this "semi-experimental" stuff more than your mainstream moeshit.

Yes, it has many things aimed to the current mainstream, but I liked how it all is assembled and the long lost "only in japan" feeling.

>You accept 2D acting like disgusting pigs
Illiminate us on how should a fictional character should act sempai, There are tons of old material with some grade of innuendo
>you have shit taste in music,
Purely subjective
>you like ugly and sickeningly disgusting girl
Havent saw the full lyrics to the song to elaborate on that
>and you shitpost and spam it all on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums spam? tell me something new gramps
>Everyone who liked this piece of shit needs to go back to facebook
If you mean by this that is to normalfag for your tastes, you already stated your point. So much repetition about it only reflects how butthurt you are
Whoa there chump! arent you in turbobutthurt creative mode?

sounds like you only watched the first minute and then were "disgusted by the sex appeal" and shut it off, without realizing that further down the video actually calls out the cheap sex appeal and otaku lifestyle and even has a depressing romance story behind it.

>those niggas that STILL obsess over this fucking short
how fucking pathetic can you be

>projecting THIS hard

I never thought I would say this about this video, but it seems that it was too deep for you.

>tfw no-one really understands the meaning behind the video except me
fucking idiots
this guy especially

Not sure why, but this had me losing my shit.



what a lewd girl

here is your (you)


Paul Joseph Watson get the fuck out.

i still don't get if it's cum or vomit.

I hate how normalfags ruined this short.

she vomits cum
So both

Go back.

Did you make the original too?

I always thought it was saliva.

Cum. That part was supposed to present cumswapping


Was a clean version of this ever released anywhere?


Watched if yesterday

>user is too poor for uncapped


No, I hate that fucking slut.

Ironically, this video is what pushed me to start fapping to hentai. Shit is just too fucking hot.

Like, censored?

>late to the party/didn't give a fuck when it was released

what happened? normalfags got into this video?

>retard spurgs out
>everyone fucking calls her out on it
here's your (You)

crossboarder shit

>implying their circlejerking was worse than Sup Forums's


Yeah. Millions of them.
And as you'd expect from those prude idiot, they were fast to turn this creative and lewd video into some sort of anti-anime propaganda, arguing this was made to criticize anime (despite this being part of a 50 anime short series financed to celebrate anime as a medium in the first FUCKING place) and otaku and blahblahblahblah, when in fact the creator and director of the 2 videos (he did Girls as well) was mostly thinking about asses while working on it.

It was infuriating.

I'm talking about a version without the watermark in the top right hand corner.

Should i never, you fucking hack.

>real women are ugly and uninteresting
Opinions are opinions.

dumb annoposter


Wish I knew jack shit about Japanese music so I could find more comfy artists like her.

Just watched it for the first time. I don't get it, nor the hype.

>watermarks put me off my stroke and kill muh bonar

Wait until you see a hentai with poo in it you fucking ponce