He dislikes monogatari series for being "boring"

>he dislikes monogatari series for being "boring"
>he dislikes monogatari series for having too much dialogue
>he doesn't realize it is essentially an audiobook with nice visuals and is to be treated accordingly

I watched all of Bake and some of Nise. It was nice to look at and I like Araragi when he's yelling tsukkomi's but I hated having to pause every time there was a red/black screen.

I recently bought some of the novels and I'm enjoying them.

Does Senjogahara ever stop being a bitch? Every other girl I've seen so far is a better match for Araragi than her.

I loved the series and quite liked the style used to tell the story. I became a bat man after watching the series.

So what you're saying is you're reading a manga novel 1 frame at a time.

This show desperately need a dub, what kind of loser is going to spend 30 hours or whatever reading all that fucking sub text.

don't talk about her, the shitposters will hear it

my man

I mean, you don't have to pause.

Senjogahara does change. She is perfect for Araragi because she's crazy and addicted to him enough to deal with his shit.

Mr protagonist will fucking die and kill himself to save his buddies and treat himself like he is disposable for his friends. Senjogahara understands that he is this way and keeps him in check by telling him she'll murder him or other people if he does some stupid shit, which is just the right amount of drastic threatening for the type of shit araragi puts himself through.

She also knows he's a pervert but is ok with it.

The other girls would probably go crazy if actually in a relationship with muraragi-san.

It's gonna be hella fucking hard to adapt since based nisioisin has his signature japanese wordplay all over the place

Even harder than hyouka which theyre trying to dub right now

It has shit book and even worse execution for a book.

>Reading nip books
why? Asians cant write for shit

Because the stories are entertaining and braindead easy to read
See: Konosuba LNs

I don't read them for knowledge. I read them because they are pure entertainment. Shoot me

I dislike it because it's retarded.

>I read this trash for entertainment
Jesus christ. I would shoot you if I could

>Asians cant write for shit
more like
>shitty translations more often than not ruin a good manga/ln/etc

>The other girls would probably go crazy if actually in a relationship with muraragi-san.
I disagree, the only ones who wouldn't put up with his shit is Nadeko for obvious reasons and Hanekawa since she's not a coward like Gahara and is actually willing to call Araragi out on his shit (not how she is at the beginning of the series though, admittedly). No one actually takes Gahara threats of murder seriously, we've seen in-series examples of that already (first arc opens with Araragi getting physically attacked by the chick and then just ignoring it to help her even)

I don't dislike Gahara at all but even after reading the rest of Owari I've never felt that she was "perfect" for Araragi at any point, thought the whole point was that they both had to work to keep their shaky as shit relationship together. Most people seem to agree that Araragi has better banter with pretty much everyone else in the cast too which doesn't help (personally I feel that Gahara has better banter with everyone else she's ever interacted with too)

What series do you like user?

Shinobu is kind-of a happy medium. She picks her battles for what sort of shit she's going to call Araragi out on and then puts up with the rest.

>he read novel for manchidren
>complain about writing

Then how come it's not a visual novel?

Monogatari is a waste of anime production money because the lack of constant animation defeats the purpose of the medium.

Good thing she wins in the long term, then

More money to be made in the anime format. It would fit a VN better though.

An audio book, or a book for that matter, will be great at opening your mind to visuals and action. Read the Dresden by Jim butcher for an author that is great at visuals.

It doesn't mean that you have to be pure fuckin' dialogue.

Boring is boring mate and if you weren't a pleb you'd read real novels to scratch the literature itch instead of watching animated adaptations of pseudointellectual garbage

>It has shit book

I thought the series in general was pretty boring but I really enjoyed Kizu to the point where it redeemed Bake and helped put things into perspective. I don't understand why it's told purposefully out of order since it completely detracts from the story.

>forcing you own shitty taste on others
Faggots like you are true cancer that needs to be rooted out.

Kizu was originally planned to be animated after Bake but then got delayed for years (there are teasers from back then showing a pretty different visual style for it even), blame Shaft/Aniplex.

>"an AUDIObook"
>Majority of Sup Forums read subtitles
Trash point

i just can't understand why would someone think it's boring. it's so funny, stylish, mysterious and touching

Currently on 2nd season, Hanekawa/ neko arc was lame (kuro was a little better).

Loved Bake and Kizu . Nise was good.

About to start snail arc, I hope 2nd season picks up a bit.

Kaiki is literally best girl

>he posts his opinions on a board thats supposed to be for people 18 years of age or older

I dislike it because it is far too milked haremshit. Should have ended after 2 max

What order should one watch this series in? I've watched Bakemonogatari, and am currently watching Nekomonogatari.

Harem? he only has 1 girlfriend man

cant get past the 4th episode of bakemonogatari

its just not interesting, ive genuinely been trying to watch it for months

Bake, Nise, Neko, Season 2, Hana, Tsuki, Owari, Koyomi, Kizu, Owari 2

Watch Kizu after Neko. There's no reason not to but for Shaft fucking up the release schedule.

>make monogatari into a fan vn but charge people
>make mad cash

what's nise going to do sue me? lmao

I don't like it for being shallow and repetitive.

>Implying I read it
I just happen to know its shit, its a book from japan

This comment is proof you haven't watched it.

>This show desperately need a dub

It's hot and cold for me, some of the arcs are good and some are just painfully boring.

Season 2 is excellent throughout its entire run though.

Monogatari is literally candy for pretentious teenagers. Lets be honest and admit that an episode without dialogues are as meaningul as an episode full of it. In the end its just a bait.

I dislike Monogatari because it's shit.

>Lets be honest and admit that an episode without dialogues are as meaningul as an episode full of it.
No, because the dialogue makes up the entirety of the show (to a fault, even)? It's fine to think that the show is shit but you guys fucking suck at criticizing anything

Do all three movies have subs yet?

Koimonogatari is the best story arc. Prove me wrong.

This post is the most retarded thing I've read in a while. The irony is that you're calling out pretentiousness, while being a pretentious retard yourself. Good job.

Top 5 for sure, though I prefer the Sodachi stuff that makes up the first half of Owari (easier to just group it altogether), the Nadeko Medusa arc itself was more interesting than Hitagi End in my opinion (and I didn't feel like Hitagi End was a satisfying conclusion to it personally, even if it was good in it's own right), Suruga Monkey was probably the arc that sold me on this series at all and Koyomi Vamp is great too even if the movie adaptations does certain things about it weirdly.

Monogatari is haremshit for pretentious hipsters who think they are too cool to like haremshit

Most people here just seem to like the harem itself. You guys keep calling the fanbase pretentious hipsters but the threads about it aren't that different to the usual haremshit waifufag threads, maybe a bit more plot discussion occasionally but that's it. Maybe it's different on reddit or mal or whatever other places you people frequent.

Owarimonogatari 2 delayed

I dislike Monogatari because it's a continuous string of unfunny jokes and wordplay that translate badly with softcore porn spliced in between to keep you watching

Haha nogunz!

It's not really a happy medium. Let's look at the three big people in his heart atm, Gahara, Shinobu, and Hanekawa.

Shinobu is an oddity, unlike humans, she doesn't have to worry about a thing, her future or whatnot, and being with Araragi means she has sustenance, and can freely get intimate affection from him despite him having a girlfriend. Due to their longevity, she has all the time in the world. Ironically, she has the Hanekawa mentality, but the ability to wait as long as she needs for him to be free and available, and he let's her stay by him, getting affection all the time. This shows Araragi being a bit of a hypocrite during the rejection scene with Hanekawa, but explains his mentality with asking her to stay in his room right after. Guy wants his cake and getting to eat it too subconsciously, but won't freely admit it change that.

Hanekawa was rejected, but he tries to flirt regardless of the fact he is too chicken to commit. Which current Hanekawa shuts down every time he does so. Says she is fully behind Gahara/Araragi pairing, and reminds him about that every time she sees him slipping. Said flat out she wanted a serious relationship, to date with marriage in mind, Araragi knows subconsciously she wouldn't take cheating down lightly.

Gahara, as her character shows, tries to maintain a strong front. She doesn't like the situation she is in right now, and Araragi is terrible at communication in a relationship. But she is too afraid to rock the boat about Shinobu or his antics both because she likes his supposed altruism about helping others, and because she couldn't do anything about Shinobu because of Araragi's diehard feelings. She is also very much still wary of Hanekawa, despite her being an incredibly intimate friend and proving more than once she supports Hitagi's relationship with Araragi, despite her feelings.

So it's all a mess Nisio forces to maintain the status quo. Maybe Deathtopia will change things.

Nice guns

>Attempts to counter argument without posting anything to retort at all
>Completely miss the point of my post
hi summer kids xD

you would get killed after one week of relationship with senjogahara simply because you don't take her for real

Which is unfortunate, because I actually like the visual style from the Bake intro significantly more than what Kizu finally ended up with.

There's something infinitely more appealing to me about major scenes taking place in regular Japanese settings, rather than the excessive, exaggerated all-CG kind of shit they went with.

Is dialogue more interesting than good direction? There are so many youtube analysis channels analysing every shitty shot they make in a movie or anime, but there's almost no one talking about good dialogue. I like monogatari because, while it does have good art direction, it's mainly that dialogue that is the focus.

TBF *monogatari is a tiny bit pretentious.

Though that is probably intended to be a character lens through R-raragi's perspective.

It's not boring though.

I disliked the excessive amounts of fanservice. Just like how I dislike the fact that most quality VN's are ruined by sex scenes. It's what keeps it as chink pandering cartoons instead of being recognized as actual art.

>it's mainly that dialogue that is the focus.

90% of the show is literally just blatant exposition and explanations of what is happening in a character's mind, word for word.

The bantz every once in a while is alright if you're really into the whole Japanese wordplay thing, but this is really not a series you go to for well-addressed dialogue.

Why are guns so fucking sexy? I want to cum all over them.

>I disliked the excessive amounts of fanservice. Just like how I dislike the fact that most quality VN's are ruined by sex scenes. It's what keeps it as chink pandering cartoons instead of being recognized as actual art.
I fucking hate pretentious faggots like you. There's absolutely nothing wrong with sexualization and I'm being baited aren't I?

I don't dislike it, I just think Nisio is a hack.

watched Bake, dropped during ep 8 of Nise. Things got too retarded and the designs of Crab, Cat and Monkey got fucked by hair change

>n-no, don't peek down there, onii-chan


>trying to call people out on anything
>while tripfagging

If you actually want to have a discussion youn eed to be less vague about what the fuck "meaning" means,then maybe some people will listen,because if you don't explain something like that you'll just look like a fucking idiot.

>dude monogatari is pretensious lmao xD
What? Most people watch it for the cute girls. People who actually care about the plot read the LNs.

you act like the autistic waifu wars aren't the only reason monogatari is popular

I want to call you out on your autism but it took all my will to not just drop the whole series in the middle of the episode when Karen cut her hair without any real character development reason.

Also the sound track is pretty good.

>a girl cut her hair for no reason
Truly shocking.

I'm fine with exposition. LogH is great. Fine with lolis and fan service and such, moetan is my favorite series. Not a big fan of terrible writing and presentation that doesn't live up to what it's trying to achieve. That's why I can't enjoy monogatari.

the reason is that both nisio rrrfag like short hair,and have shit taste.
At least the other times ir was disguised as .
I'm pretty surprised no japs were in a riot over it,they're the kind of faggots who hate change,and would probably crucify the author for pulling this cheap stunt

i dislike it for terrible writing though.

>fine with exposition
>Not a big fan of terrible writing

also i have no idea what you think monogatari is trying to achieve,the aesthetic of the whole show just seems "read the scene take some drugs then render it it's fine",and the cinematography is usual shaft faggotry of overly detailed lips and the weird neck pose 8 times an episode.

Mayb its time 4 u to stop being denial? Everybody is saying the same thing i did but i guess only your pov is teh righful 1. Fyi i dont even turn subs when watching monogatari because they barely matter at all yet everything makes total sense. I tell u this anime is commercial bait

You aren't supposed to pause and no the author hates his readers so he made worst girl winner from the beginning

>exposition is terrible writing
No, just no.

>overly detailed lips and the weird neck pose 8 times an episode.
Yeah, isn't it amazing?

>liking anything Shaft puts out.
Just watch hentai if you want cute girls with bad dialogue.

>tfw short hair masterrace
Makes me laugh every time Sup Forums loses their shit when a girl cuts her hair.

>not loving the best anime series all time


t. faggot

Nah. It's just hair.