This is Kobeni

This is Kobeni

Prove it.

What are her 3 sizes?



How dare you insult my future sister-in-law

Is this the thread where we post things that made you pick up a show?

Wait a minute. I don't remember this. What episode?

I like Kobeni.

Kobeni is a weak version of her sister and everyone knows it.

>10/10 design
>ruins it with glasses
every time

Glasses are unappealing on a societal and biological basis

Because your body wants to reproduce with the best genes possible, glasses show defective sight so your mind interprets it as the person being genetically inferior by default.

True, but wrong thread?

>hates glasses
the fuck is wrong with you people

Season 2 never ever?

Always bet on Dogakobo

Benio literally ruined the show. She needed to have her face shoved into an oven by like the second episode.

The series would have been so much better with just Kobeni, Mashiro, and Hakuya.

I keep thinking Kobeni's name was a play on konbini

It's literally just 小紅, weeb.

Benio haters should go into the oven. Benio is the closest to what Sup Forumsnons want to be.

>Benio is the closest to what Sup Forumsnons want to be.

So basically, shit

I want to be hugged by Benio

I don't get it, glasses on women are cute and glasses on men are, disarming?

Glasses are fucking disgusting and should be a reason to kill someone if paired with braids. God I fucking hate glasses and braids

Who the hell has braids in this day and age?

>glasses on men are, disarming?
Hardly. Some of the most sadistic fucks in shoujo are megane-kun. To women, glasses on men signify refinement and intelligence.

why is Mashiro so fuckable?

You're a man of taste, senpai.

Kobeni's fat kobenis

This is Kobini

Are you sick in the head or something?

That's a bit rude

She looks like a perfectly normal high schooler to me

what a sloot

I'm sensing some serious size difference here.


I finally got around to watching the first episode of this, and I gotta say it's pretty fucking cute. it's also nice seeing a series where the male MC is kinda just a prop, instead of being a generic self insert dude

Benio & Mashiro pulled up this show. On the other hand the romance parts are boring.

true dat

Have a better view



Mashiro likes a women with a nice ass.

Mashiro is meant to be a daughterfu and a daughterfu only

Benio March

are you implying daughters can't be fuckable?

That should be a given



I want to die by suffocation under Kobeni's fat ass.

I woyld bust a nut in her rear end so hard that it shuffles me off this mortal coil

Kobeni's butt was made for milking dicks.

Dog dicks.

That's hot.



Benio was the annoying cockblocking obligatory /u/shit character
No wonder you faggots like her

Quads confirm.


Does kobeni need to go on a diet? How does all of the fat manage to miss her stomach and go straight to her lower half?

Hey now, quite a lot of it is evenly spread under her skin and at least 20% is in her breasts.

Those are some shit proportions.

/y/ is that way ->

Not that, idiot. The artist is fucking horrendous.

Kobeni is a goddess and not for lewding.

Not enough doujins

Wrong, kobeni is a lewd goddess


Kobeni wants to cook for you. What would you like to eat?

>hates glasses
>likes benio
If I could hate someone to death, it would be you

No one likes Benio while the show was airing.
Some people started liking her directly after it when they would watch the seasonal releases they never got around to.
The further away from release you get the more benio filth you attract.

What is Mashiro's true form? Is she a dog like her brother?

her ass

Scat is not on the menu. Only milk, with a 7-8 month delivery time.

They are all dogs

I watched it while it was airing and I like Benio. Of course, I like Mashiro and Kobeni more, so take from that what you will.

Sure, I don't totally hate her. Thing is Benio fags were rare. Like there were one or two posters who would crop up during airing the rest were Kobeni and Mashiro (and the bg charfags who liked Nikon and the blonde yokai)


Yeah, that's all true. Most posts were of Mashiro from what I remember.

I'd rather take a bath. With Mashiro.



her true form is a semen demon






child bearing hips

Mashiro is a bitch!

She's a cute little pupper

Mashiro is a lewd seductress!

Is Mashiro perma-loli like her mom?

Better start with the artist who created such a purely sexual being

>Kobeni's ass is canonically thick as fuck

Left or right? Choose wisely.

And her husbando is an ass man, so its perfect.

Maybe her grand mother was a stacked bitch, you never know.

why did this show not have any doujins?

Never not pick Kobeni.