
I've been getting really tired of the jewish culture in America. I've been reading a little bit about Russia, and wanted to know what you guys know about living there as an American expat. I am multilingual, and would be willing to spend a year or two learning Russian before a potential move. I understand the economy is not as strong as it is in America, but money is not as important to me as culture. Any thoughts or considerations? Note that while in America I've lived in an outer suburb in Minnesota, and an ex-rural area in Wisconsin.

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shameless self-bump for information

You will be fine in Moscow or St. Petersburg. But don't expect much, people in Russia aren't as free as in the US. Be prepared to face a shitload of injustice from the government.

Unless you have marketable skills, Russians don't want you.
Even if you do, its a tough call.
Also, living conditions outside of StPeters or Moscow are not the best.
With that said, your best bet is to get a degree in a Russian school using federal loans (masters and above is better) and try to get a job and a work visa afterwards (difficult, but doable).

go away

I am almost finished with degrees in Marketing and Psychology. Are the suburbs outside of those cities okay? I really am not huge fan of living directly in large urban areas.

Also, I am a fascist so I don't mind the state as long as its not pro-gay or anything.

>I am a fascist
I changed my mind, come here and I will beat you

>Antifascist Russian

woah, you sure arent ready for moving to Russia

God you're so so so stupid if you want to live in Russia. Imagine a whole country like upstate New York or rural Ohio and there you have it

>t. worked in russia off and on for several years

1) you need a visa with a sponsor (hotels can provide this, but a job would be better)
2) if staying longer than 90 days, you need an HIV test, etc
3) You can always teach english...which is pretty much the only thing you can do if you don't know russian
Also, really think about it. Russians are stern, almost never smile, have tight-knit family circles, etc etc. You might find yourself living a lonely, miserable life.
Final point: Stop fucking around on a chinese manufacturing forum, and go to the nearest Russian embassy/consulate to ask your questions. If you are just gonna diddle your dick on a computer, then you may not be ready for life in Russia.
These people have lived through communism, they give no shits about you, or any other foreigner (unless they are cool/have money...but even then they may make fun of you if you look even a little bit foreign)
Russians are good people, and the country is pretty (at least the big cities), but don't think of it as a traditionalist utopia.
>TLDR: get off you ass and make moves if you're gonna go

that sounds good

boriqua, you forgot to mention that russians are mongols and therefore stern, never smile, cold, sadistic asiatic sociopaths

Its part of their charm, I just wouldn't want to live too long in that environment.

Fascism is a touchy issue in Russia. Some people hate it, others love it. There is hardly anybody in the middle.

fascists tried to destroy russia in ww2, if you go to russia don't ever identify yourself as fascist

I know american guy who moved to Moscow to his girlfriend and he super happy about it.
Probably mostly because he have girlfriend.
Also he huge russophile and he use to study russian back in US, so I think this helps too.
I unironically recommend you to go to Poland. They will worship you only because you are american.

having spent time with the easterners (germans/russians/ukrainians/balts/romanians) their character is overwhelmingly bitter, snobbish, and miserable.

its like they have a phobia of humans and create this impenetrable facade of being higher than thou to compensate for their autistic weaknesses.

southern slavs are even aware of these differences with the northerners and claim to not fit the slavic mold, and instead exhibit to loud, relaxed, and social Mediterranean character

That sounds fantastic.

Ok, so what would be a more proper identification of anti-jew, anti-gay, anti-bank, pro-nationalist ideology?

"i support putin" is good enough

though "i support Kaputin" will get you by as well

Go to Ukraine, they have a fascist government but be prepared for discrimination because they are really nationalistic... Which i dont understand because they're basically Russian but okay they are free to celebrate delusions...

>they have a fascist government

>Kiev’s round table on problems of migrants in Ukraine discussed a new social project prepared by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine and aimed at promoting tolerant public attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers.

>The project’s main goal is to turn Ukraine into an inviting place for migrants and humanize Ukrainian society.

>According to President Poroshenko, Ukraine, as a future member of the European Union, is not going to withdraw from its commitments to accept refugees; it will strive to increase their number.

krokodil and shit stalagmites don't count as culture

>hurr what is fascism

retard, playing nice to the EU overlords doesnt stop you from being fascist

Get a teaching cert.

Teach English to well-off Russians.

Easy money, but the bureaucratic ineptitude here can be mind-boggling.

i understand you russians have a very broad definition of "fascism", but he was implying ukraine is uncucked, it isn't

It isn't, nobody gives a shit.

Unless you are a politician, it will never come up.

Russians are annoyingly arrogant and opinionated, but not very sensitive to stuff.

My definition of fascism isnt mine, it is one of Dimitrov, the only true one

Why would you want to go to a literal frozen shithole? Russia sucks balls.

yes, who could possibly want to get away from this?

How long do you think Russia will stand alone as 'lone wolf'?

If even China has already a trans celeb and a TV show hosted by her... the close-minded greedy communist Chinese got to that point, just imagine the rest.

Я бы нe cкaзaл. B oбщecтвe этo, кaк пpaвилo, cвoeoбpaзнoe тaбy. Moлoдeжь пpoщe oтнocитcя, нo люди пocтapшe нe вceгдa пoймyт.

It doesn't if you're a foreigner.

That's the funny part. Being foreign here is actually an easy life, being Russian here is hard.

beat your chest some more your life is hard faggot
chukotka for chukchi asshole
>russian soul
the ultimate victim mentality

You can walk up to a person and loudly declare love for hitler, the probable reaction would be "Hy и мyдaк."

People tend to be a lot more sensitive to liberals and gays than "fascists".

Also.. Russians don't like Russians far more than they don't like western foreigners in practice.

I am the foreigner aspect... I am not Russian. I teach English here, life is pretty easy.

It's debatable as to whether Russia is a first world country.You will be much happier in Czech Republic, Poland, Estonia, ect.

>Psychology Degree
Sorry pal nobody wants you.

Good luck, you will never integrate fully no matter how hard you try. You will always be known as pindo or "the American" to every friend you make. Don't talk domestic politics to any of them, that is a big no-no for foreigners and especially Americans. Also you will never ever master the language as much as a fluent speaker no matter how hard you try, and people will always tell right away you're a foreigner even if you studied it for all your life.

Expect non-stop government attention, too. Russian police will stop you just from passing by and hearing you talk and you will be subject to searches and ID checks all the time. You already said you're a bootlicking cuck here so it shouldn't be a problem for you, some people are masochists and enjoy this sort of thing.

And by the way, most Russian women (except whores in St. Petersburg) will think you are a homo or a libshit if they hear you are American. If you can convince them you're not you will get easy pussy.

I'll have on in Marketing too.

>bootlicking cuck
Thank you.

Russia already owns American cucks.

Sounds like a bunch of drunken savage steppe people to me.

Everything this user said. The same is for Serbia

I'd be fine with being 'The American'. That's who I am.

Wtf are you talking about
>t. South slav

>another faggot that thinks russia is a based white nationalist utopia