Was Code Geass ever actually good or was it just the phenomenon, the group experience watched it together that fooled us into thinking so?
Was Code Geass ever actually good or was it just the phenomenon...
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Do you really need to ask? You just look at that trainwrecks art and should know the answer. I honestly dont even get why normalfags rate it so highly.
It had its moments for me.
Overall the series was a wild ride, even if a bunch of it was "so bad it's good" kind of deals that just made it hilarious.
I guess an example where the material isn't necessarily 'good', but the resulting experience with it was entertaining enough to outweigh its shortcomings.
>You just look at that trainwrecks art and should know the answer.
I thought the art direction was one of the best things about the show, if anything. It was...interesting.
LOGH for kids
A better LotGH than LotGH
It was great regardless
Rewatched it a couple of months ago and it's still great.
this will never hapoen again as the jannies would just delete duplicate threads
the ending is the only thing I remember.
Something about the MC becoming a villain for the greater good.
It was and still is a big trainwreck.
The most enjoyable one.
I can't take anyone seriously who thinks Code Geass is better than Death Note
Death Note was a lot 'safer' than Geass though. It really didn't take any conventional risks and you always knew how it was going to end, it asked no meaningful questions of the viewer whatsoever.
Code Geass want bad but it wasnt great either. It was a good anime for its time but now its just mediocre.
It only has a cult following thanks to newfags who want to "fit in" and normalfags who think its a good anime to recommend. None of these make it great though.
Plot was shit and filled with asspulls, music was good and animation was great. Too bad the animation aged to shit so the only thing that made it good disappeared
pizza and table masturbation memes were alright, everything else was bad
I don't know but Suzaku was for sure the most obnoxious character I've seen in a long time
Code Geass is a masterpiece. I'm convinced everyone who thinks otherwise last watched it when they were 13 years old and therefore couldn't fully enjoy it.
It was ridiculous enough to enjoy. It was fun to watch it with Sup Forums back then.
>muh animation
>calls others normalfags
Also these days newfags try to fit in by calling it shit/trainwreck.
>Was Code Geass ever actually good
R2 was kind of meme, but its entertainment value cannot be denied
>Mao gets shot a hundred times by the police
>survives due to the miracle of Britannian medicine
>Euphey gets shot once by a ceramic needle gun
>gets the absolute best medical care on the planet
This bothers me to this day
Getting shot through the heart isn't the same as getting shot in some muscles.
>"Haha! No really, if I were to order you to, oh I dunno, 'kill all Japanese people', you'd have no choice but to do it!"
>Mfw her eyes shift
It was the most retarded twist but god damn if the following results weren't great.
Anyone have the chess screencap? I need it right now.
Except that's definitely not true.
Regardless I enjoyed CG for what it was even if everything about the 2nd half of R2 was a massive trainwreck outside of the ending
Went for Kallen
Stayed for C2
First season is great, second season is meh with a few highlights.
It's simply amazing
Code Geass was pretty good overall. The fact it also blew up in terms of memes was just a bonus.
I like CLAMP's artwork and noodle people in general (love One Piece's way of drawing women too).
Can't be one if the train doesn't crash. It did jump through the air before landing though.
Depends. Death Note was more realistic in its setting and mind games, if that's what you want to see, but I'd easily argue Lelouch was a better protagonist and his Geass made for more entertaining scenarios, even if they were removed from reality.
People consider Jojo great and half of that show/manga is also asspulls or people overly explaining stuff to try and not make things come across like asspulls after they happen, so this isn't uncommon.
I can't take anyone seriously who thinks Death Note is better than Code Geass. It's objectively better. Did Death Note get a sequel?
Most of the bullets never physically hit Mao. You can pause the video and check.
It's also not impossible for some people to survive multiple gunshots while others die in one hit. That happens in real life too. Just rarely. I imagine you haven't looked at stuff like this
One Bullet Can Kill, but Sometimes 20 Don’t, Survivors Show
>It's also not impossible for some people to survive multiple gunshots
In May 2000 50 Cent was shot nine times
Just finished it. Is the consensus here that Lelouch survived? Cause that final scene sure as hell implied it