R.I.P. Blue wave

Dems lead in the polls collapsed, 7 more years baby

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fuk drumpf :(

i mean its a pretty weak platform for the dems, will be interesting to see what will happen

how though

what did he do? was it the speech?

It was before the speech. Polls also show support for the tax plan going up and for the president's legislative success.
Basically retards who believed democratic bs about le end of the world tax bill realized they were keeping more money in their pockets

We should still be cautious with this years vote. DNC is already pushing the 'go out and vote!' shill on every normie platform.

They rely on useful young idiots who want to feel virtuous so they check (D) on the ballot. Lots of their voters literally do not follow politics at all. They get high turn outs from that, normie starbucks type girls love making it an 'event' where they go with their friends to vote. And you can be sure they'll check (D)

Yes, but they're also broke



Voter fraud


Not that the speech hasn't helped though

It did, next poll will show Dems losing

So this is the power of truth?

A weapon to surpass metal gear.

>Ultra right winger
>Lowest turnout in ages
Yeah, totally won.

Leftists opened their faggot mouths, and we slapped them shut. A broken jaw and a few months in traction is all that any leftist deserves.

>fuck Drumpf
>muh Russia
>muh Trannies
bold strategy, Dems


Trump didnt campaign for Moore, even he knew he would lose. he wanted good ol luther to run and he would have won. well get that seat back in 2018

White male Alabama voter here. Roy Moore btfo and this board couldn't handle it, many here still cling to conspiracy theories to help them cope with the election.

Everybody knows that the polls are rigged for the establishment. Face if Trumpcucks, you are establishment now.


If he knew he would lose, why did he endorse him? Is there a lot he stood to gain from siding with a child molester on a path to defeat instead of distancing himself or giving a typical nebulous stance?

>we'll get that seat back in 2018
Try 2020

illegals, trannys, fags, and niggers

Wonder why they're tanking?

yeh his speech was on the tier of FDR it was the greatest speech ever given in 100 years

If any one actually thought that this blue wave was going to happen, they are retarded and deserve a round through the skull.

Niggers won't show, they are pissed that Dems show more support for illegals instead of them.

The government shutdown really worked well for them.

the media says every election is going to be a democuck landslide; after obongo was elected the first time EVERY democuck swore up and down that the republican party was crushed and would never have a majority in either house much less the white house

they were never realistically going to do well in the midterms I don't care what polls say or said

Here comes the demoral shill post user.

Don't believe the polls, and make for damn sure you vote irrelevant of which idiot you vote for.

They were doing so well until they started talking.

It was fucking amazing. I still can't get over the chanting.

I doubt they would even do that in the UK.

Best part is, Google state of the union 2018. Every major headline shown says it was the worst one is history when it was clearly fantastic. The lies never fucking end with these people

Arguably they’re broke from advertising and coordinating exactly this.
That and some subversion of democracy, but also this.

>TFW: You dodge the first wave of a 4 year flood.

The public’s view was built on 24-7 media bullshit. That only lasted until people saw some results.

Yeah we're fucked, no need to vote anymore, trump has it handled for you okay?

Tactic to get reps not to come out and vote

They all went nuts when the poll showed a10 point democrat advantage.
Now that it's gone...well we won Alabama!
Jones has to run again in nov 2018 so that seat is back to R just in time for Trump's onslaught.


Alabama's senate seat isn't up until 2020.



The tax bill isn't even in effect yet.

>trusting polls

The House race will be interesting, Republicans did defend some races early on, despite Ossoff spending 30 million he still lost, but everyone is acting like the recent ever increasing Blue VA loss is a precursor for 2018, but we will see

This. the msm has adapted a bit, don't be lulled

He would have still won funny enough if half of the write ins actually voted for him instead of Luther

>he would have won if more people had voted for him