Daily reminder that Trump inherited a booming economy from this man

Daily reminder that Trump inherited a booming economy from this man.

There are actual Drumpf supporters who believe the effect of his policies all starting showing in just one year since he took office. Republicans always inherit great economies, take the credit for it, destroy it and leave it to the Democrats to fix up the mess. Republishits are literally the biggest threat to this country.
And btw, Obama brought black unemployment down from around 16% to 7.8%, and Trump took credit for bringing it down 1% to 6.8% and claiming the lowest in recorded history.

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He's shit and he fucked everyone up. Stay mad you kikebot.

Daily reminder that an increase in part time jobs doesn't mean shit if the number of full time jobs lowers

Bullshit! That muslim baboon only destroyed this country for 8 years.

Except you can't explain the GDP doubling in a year.


lol u retards are just making shit up now

Obama was great for his 1%er masters.....they made record profits as he worked to destroy the white middle class

daily reminder that 95% of OBama job creation was full time according to the actual data.

facts don't give a shit about your feelings

Get educated you nigger


You're wrong tho.








Fuck off


Oh hi Obamaleaf still on disability and unemployed?


just kidding, he was a nigger.


Sage on ALL fields


Even if it were true (it isn't) I didn't get a ten % raise and a massive bonus within two weeks of him not passing a massive cut in our growth destroying corporate tax rate like I did with his successor so I don't give a fuck.

>>#*Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part time, or contract! By Investing on Dec 21, 2016

>>*" A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions."*
>>*"The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields."*

>>*"Female workers suffered most heavily in this economy, as work in traditionally feminine fields, like education and medicine, declined during the era."*

>>*"The research by economists Lawrence Katz of Harvard University and Alan Krueger at Princeton University shows that the proportion of workers throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%."*

* archive.is/5nZqq

>Trump inherited a stable economy.

There, I fixed it for you.

lol no. someone didn't study economics in college....

Holy crap somebody used by edit. This is the best day of my life.

So It took Obungo 8 years to get the economy rolling


>as work in traditionally feminine fields, like education and medicine, declined during the era."
This is what's incredible to me: how do you fuck up the economy so badly that even the medical industry cuts back on hiring despite there being 20 million new people with insurance from niggercare and at the same time the boomers, the largest generation in our country, heads into retirement and old age? Obongo was worse than incompetent, he didn't even give a fuck about this country.

>Daily reminder TRUMP IS your President and the nigger is irrelevant!


Your retarded childish communist ideas do not make good economies. Go back to plebbit with the rest of the morons.

daily reminder that Obama was corrupt to the core and politicised the various departments, and that trump will take all that apart

obama as president: the economy will never grow more than 3% again
obama no longer president: the economy growing 4% is due to my policies

democrats are fucking brain dead

Trump should do the same thing shit that Obongo did and have the IRS go after every leftist kike in Washington and Hollywood.

lol you're a retard who fell for fake news

the healthcare industry boomed under Obama

Tons of new doctors and nurses

'Job-killing' Obamacare actually created 240,000 well-paying healthcare jobs

>This attack on the ACA never was based on facts. But a new report from the Altarum Institute, a nonprofit healthcare think tank in Ann Arbor, Mich., adds evidence that, in fact, the law is a job-creator. From 2014 through 2016, the researchers found, the law triggered the creation of 240,000 jobs in the healthcare field alone. The main reason is that increased insurance enrollments spurred more demand for healthcare services.

whatever it is.
The economic policy always occurs slowly
get a life..

"Those jobs aren't coming back" ... Trump brought them back so go fuck yourself. Obama was one of the weakest president's America ever had to suffer through. Obama's legacy is corruption and freeloading.

Obama had 5% growth actually. > the economy growing 4% is due to my policies

the economy isn't growing 4% now. r u fucking retarded or something?

What policies did Obama do to help the economy? All I remember is that he wanted to raise taxes and increase regulation. Trump inherited a booming economy from the Republican congress who fought tooth and nail against this traitor.

Obama inherited a booming economy from bush. See how this works? They all inherited a booming economy from the founding fathers.

500,000 jobs added to health-care sector under Obamacare, Goldman Sachs estimates

He is responsible for the worst racial divide in recent US history. He's trash.

What a kike

Republicans called it the Obama economy.

>Obama inherited a booming economy from bush.

no he didn't

lol r u 5 years old?

Bush crashed the economy in 2008.

Lol u retards are so fucking stupid holy shit

The upward trend in economic growth actually slowed down in Trump's first term.

I'm far-right, but I don't want to see #MAGA levels of ignoring facts on Sup Forums. We support Trump but we're not fanboys, at l;east we shouldn't be.

Please stop being a stereotype leaf

yep trump promised me 5% growth. wtf

U.S. Economy Grew at 2.6% Rate in Fourth Quarter

The presidents inherited a booming economy from the people.


christ, the obama moron is obviously in this thread

I look forward to more cherry picked and skewed statistics coming out of your ass. because that's all you have.


1. Obama already started repairing the Bush damage

2. Democrats controlled the Senate.

3. Republicans called it the Obama economy

Obama had 5% growth actually. (You)

> the economy growing 4% is due to my policies

Where the fuck did u get the economy is growing 4% currently from? You seem retarded.

So a bunch of niggers got a fulltime job working as cooks in the service industry, woopee

>calling white people the n word



if you have 2 part times, that means more jobs surely. Mutt logic.

If someone worked more than 30 hours, the employer had to pay a penalty for Obamacare, so hundreds of thousands of people could no longer work 40 hours

But if they worked over 20 hours, they were considered "full time" (with no benefits)

Thanks Obama




Obama spent more than all previous presidents combined... and he barely created any jobs.